At that moment, in a place in Daejeon.

“We must find Duoexini first.”

“No, the priority is transporting the Zenroses from Daejeon to Busan.”

“How? By air? Didn’t you see the protesters spread all over near the roads? They’re demanding the immediate execution of all Zenroses.”

“Before we talk about execution, we need to give them vaccines….”

“Vaccines for those about to die! They’ll all be executed once they get to Busan anyway!”

“There could be exceptions!!”

Shouts filled the air.

In a meeting room full of heroes, such chaos unfolded, making one wonder about the situation among ordinary people.


Watching the noisy meeting from behind a glass wall, Baek Seol-hee listened to a late-night emergency debate on the news through her earphones.

The problems were too many.

Indescribably chaotic.

The situation felt like the eve of a superpower war between the USA and China, with communities nationwide - no, worldwide - filled with fear and confusion.

“We have to find Duoexini! We must find and kill him at any cost!”

“But how? Where is Duoexini even located?”

The biggest issue.

The whereabouts of Duoexini.

Even the Hero Association didn’t know where Duoexini had ‘disappeared’ to.

The last known location was Ulleungdo.

There had been sightings of Duoexini-like figures here and there afterward, but those were false alarms.

After appearing in Ulleungdo, Duoexini vanished without a trace.

Even that was a brief appearance, leaving the Hero Association chasing shadows.

“Is it true that Duoexini was driven away by Solar Platina?”

“Well, it’s confirmed that Solar Platina appeared in Ulleungdo. Nam Doo-chang and Gong Tae-beom there turned into Zenroses.”

“What about the testimonies of the students present?”

“According to the student president Yoon Iseon and Yu… Mir? They said Duoexini turned the two men into demons, but Solar Platina drove him away. Duoexini fled as soon as he met Solar Platina.”

“Can we really trust that testimony? Is there any video evidence?”

“None. But she’s the student president. Do you think she would lie?”

“A person’s status doesn’t guarantee their testimony is truthful. The claim that Solar Platina appeared relies solely on his act of freeing Ulleungdo from the Genroses…”

“Ah, enough. What we need to find isn’t Solar Platina but Duoexini. We must locate and kill that monster.”

The denunciation of Duoexini continued.

Since no one knew where or when he might turn superheroes into demons again, the heroes were desperate to find and eliminate Duoexini.

“Then what about the Goblin…”

“This is not the time to worry about the Goblin! At least this time, he acted well! He killed all the demons!”

“Not all, only those who had killed or eaten people.”

“What? Are you defending the Goblin?”

“I am. He eradicated all the demons and kept my hands clean.”


The room was a veritable cauldron of chaos.

In such confusion, any words from Baek Seol-hee would have been futile, so she quietly left and sipped her coffee.

She was solely focused on finding Duoexini.

At least the information from Ulleungdo confirmed that Duoexini was behind the disaster, and she was intent on finding and eliminating him immediately.



A message arrived.

Looking at her Taeguk Watch, it was from the person who was currently the talk of the hero community.

-Sister. Are you okay? Should I come there? I’m worried.

On the surface, it appeared to be a normal message of concern.

But Baek Seol-hee knew Yumir wasn’t the type to send such messages without a good reason.


Baek Seol-hee immediately made a call.

[Ah, sister!]

“Sorry. Be brief. What’s going on?”

[Um, well. How to say this… Ah.]

Yumir seemed to ponder before bringing the receiver closer.

[Caught. Him.]


The voice through the phone sounded slightly distorted as if laced with magical power.

“Caught? What have you caught?”


Baek Seol-hee couldn’t help but smile slightly as she realized Yumir’s intention. Anyone who listened to this conversation could easily deduce its meaning with a little thought.

“Understood. I get what you’re saying. Let’s meet the next time I visit Sejong Island. Take care of yourself.”

[Yes. Ah, but keep this a secret from the others. I’ll tell you more later. You rest, too.]

The call ended.

Baek Seol-hee sighed deeply in relief.

“This is uncomfortable.”

It was probably that issue.

She must have consulted with Do Ji-hwan.

She wanted to talk to Do Ji-hwan, too, but it was too late for a call or message.



The skill that allowed one to move between Daejeon and Ulleungdo was as elusive as a phantom.


Despite feeling envious, Baek Seol-hee did not harbor such thoughts.

‘We need to announce Duoexini’s death!’

She thought of revealing Duoexini’s demise to those passionately debating inside.

Yumir had asked her not to tell.

That decision must have been made after consulting with Do Ji-hwan.

Telling her meant trusting her, and breaking that trust would be a betrayal of Do Ji-hwan.

“Sister? What are you doing outside the meeting room?”

“Just breathing.”

Cheok Jun-kyeong, looking tired, gestured towards the arguing people inside.

“Ah. We need to find Duoexini quickly. Where could Duoexini be now?”

“Buried somewhere.”

In hell or underground.


Baek Seol-hee sipped her coffee, silently apologizing to the people arguing fiercely.

At least.

Until she talked to Yumir on Sejong Island, she decided to keep silent about Duoexini’s death.

If that was what Yumir and Do Ji-hwan wanted.

Dawn, Ulleungdo student accommodation.

“You need to observe the situation a bit more before acting.”

In a room away from the others, Yumir and Yoon Iseon had a quiet conversation, just the two of them.

“It’s known that Solar Platina first appeared in Ulleungdo. Our testimonies led to the belief that ‘Solar Platina drove away Duoexini’, but soon they’ll realize the error in that.”


“It’s a complex and tangled situation. But the most important thing is that two Zenroses appeared only in Ulleungdo, not anywhere else, even before Daejeon.”

That was the situation.

“There were rumors that the Goblin rushed to Ulleungdo, but was he actually there? There’s no proof.”

That was as far as Yoon Iseon’s investigation had determined.

“In the end, Duoexini was deemed to have been driven away by Solar Platina, and Solar Platina’s last whereabouts became known.”


After dealing with Duoexini and returning…

Even though it was late at night, they conducted investigations with the Academy students. Yoon Iseon and Yumir corroborated the story.

The Goblin wasn’t involved.

“What will you do now?”

“…I need to consult and decide.”

“With whom?”

“With… the Goblin.”

“Do you have a way to contact the Goblin? The situation seems quite tangled; can the Goblin even resolve something like this?”


While they were deep in thought…


A new message arrived.

It appeared simultaneously on their Taeguk Watches, showing a link to a broadcast.

“This is….”


“Ah, no. It’s not phishing, it’s this address.”

Yoon Iseon opened the hyperlink that had arrived on her Taeguk Watch and pointed the watch at the TV.


As soon as the TV turned on, a dark silhouette emerged from the darkness.

A mysterious ‘girl’, wearing a mask and holding a black turtle, began stroking the turtle’s shell.

[Ah. I address all humanity. Speaking as myself.]

“The leader of Yi Maengmangnyang, the Chief…!”

[I am the leader of the world-conquering organization, Yi Maengmangnyang.]


As the girl who declared herself the Chief clapped her hands, light began to sparkle behind her.

Dunggi Dang Dang Dang.

Enigmatic traditional Korean music started playing, and the girl continued to stroke the turtle, then stretched out her finger forward.

[Rejoice, humanity! I have sent my most cherished person to deal with Duoexini.]

“What… did you say?”

Yoon Iseon was plunged into confusion.

“Is the Chief announcing that the Goblin killed Duoexini…?”

[Yes. My most powerful weapon, the Goblin, personally took care of Duoexini. Duoexini no longer exists in this world. So worry not, humanity.]

The girl extended her hand forward.

[Humanity! Our secret society does not consort with demons! If anyone turns humans into demons, whether they be a president or an S-class ability user, our society will not overlook it! Those who disrupt the world I, ‘Black Dragon’, will govern, will be punished in my name!!]


Rainbow-colored fireworks burst behind the Chief as the video ended.

“…What kind of recording is this?”

“It’s not a recording.”

Yoon Iseon switched to a news channel.

-Uh, breaking news just in… as you may have seen… The Chief of the secret society, Black Dragon, personally eliminated Duoexini…


Yumir’s face fell.

“Did I contact Seol-hee unnie unnecessarily….”

One person was dead.

Two claimed to have killed him.

“What if they interrogate me later about what happened….”

“Don’t think too complicatedly. Seol-hee unnie would know, right?”


“Then, think of it this way.”

Yoon Iseon took Yumir’s hand.

“Villains killed each other. We don’t know anything.”


The red-haired woman rose after watching the TV broadcast.

The toast she was about to eat fell to the floor, and sauce spilled out.

“It can’t be. It just can’t be…”


A slightly younger girl, resembling the woman, burst out of the room.

“Calm down! First, take a moment to…”

“How can I be calm?!”

The red-haired woman screamed, donning her coat.

“He can’t be dead…! Surely…! If he was killed, if he’s dead…!”

Her hair began to frantically rise like a ghost’s.

“Goblin or whatever, I’ll kill them all…!”

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