I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 11: The primitive people almost vomited

Yesterday night, the temperature suddenly dropped. Even though Shaman got up in the middle of the night and found an unknown animal skin to cover Han Cheng’s head, Han Cheng still felt cold.

In the morning, waking up to the adults’ words, the children’s cheers, and a few white snowballs thrown at the cave entrance, Han Cheng learned it had snowed.

With heavy snow falling and everything quiet, this weather was no longer suitable for hunting outside. Unlike people in later generations who could fully armor themselves, these people wrapped in simple animal skins couldn’t stay in the snow for a long time without getting frostbite.

Thinking that the Senior Brother, who had been collecting and storing food continuously with the tribe’s people during this time, would take a break on such days, Han Cheng was surprised to find that after breakfast, he once again called people to go out.

However, the difference was that they didn’t bring other weapons like stone tools this time. Instead, they carried tree sticks with sharpened tips. Having lived here for almost three months, Han Cheng knew these were the tribe’s fishing spears.

Senior Brother and the others were going fishing.

Because the small river wasn’t too far from the cave, Senior Brother and others allowed many children, often seen playing in the snow, to follow them.

As everyone was participating, their harvest was not small. By noon, they had brought back nearly twenty fish.

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Due to the extremely cold weather, Senior Brother and the others couldn’t stay in the icy world outside the cave for long. Therefore, the fishing activity was unlike previous hunting or gathering, where they could go on for the whole day. Instead, they worked for an hour or two, then stopped and returned to the cave.

After warming up by the fire, they would go out again for fishing.

Such rapid changes between hot and cold could easily lead to illness, but they seemed accustomed to it. Han Cheng just retained his thoughts on this.

Since the snowfall began, the diet in the cave, under the coordination of Senior Brother, had begun to change.

Originally, the main diet was meat, and they tried to avoid eating fruits. Now, it had shifted to fruits as the main course and meat as a supplement.

Han Cheng could understand this change. After all, in the past, it was easier to catch animals, and it didn’t keep well. The current situation was just the opposite.

After about three days of fishing, the fishing activity stopped completely.

Han Cheng could understand this as well. After all, it was too cold outside.

After they stopped fishing, the entrance of the cave was basically closed all day long.

The cave entrance would only open when someone needed to go out or during meal preparations.

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Every time this happened, the children, as if seeing the sun again, would become exceptionally excited.

Han Cheng had never lived here before and didn’t know how long winter would last. However, since the snowfall, people in the tribe had been eating snowballs directly, suggesting that winter might last for quite a while.

During winter, people staying in the cave mostly did one thing. Sleep. Firstly, other than sleep, they didn’t have much to do. Secondly, after being busy for so long, their bodies needed proper rest. Thirdly, the cave was dimly lit, creating an atmosphere conducive to sleep. Lastly, sleeping could save energy and reduce food consumption.

Time seemed to be sealed off by the ice and snow outside, repeating the same days, making it almost impossible to feel its passage.

Han Cheng’s condition improved, and his two arms could move to a great extent. The burnt skin on his body had also peeled off considerably.

As soon as he found out he could walk, Han Cheng insisted on going outside, ignoring Shaman’s attempts to stop him. It wasn’t about showing off his personality. he had an embarrassing problem.

He had been standing for the past few months, and he didn’t know how much waste he had accumulated in his body. He had to take this opportunity to deal with it. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing when the lower scab couldn’t hold it anymore.

Seeing a previously motionless “tree” suddenly moving, the tribe’s people were curious and gathered around, even waking up Second Brother, who was snoring loudly.

Looking at the crowd that refused to leave, Han Cheng felt helpless.

Damn it!

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I just want to take a dump!

Does the entire tribe need to come out to watch the excitement?

After a short standoff, when the crowd still refused to leave, Han Cheng, with determination, decided to let them watch.

Since you all don’t mind me doing things openly, as a transmigrator from the future, why should I be inferior to you?

Thinking like this, he reached out with his small hand to peel off the burnt skin from behind.

You didn’t read it wrong. Small hand. For some reason, after it was freed from the burnt skin, it turned out like this.

The two hands looked like those of a six or seven-year-old child.

At first, when he saw these hands, Han Cheng was quite scared. However, after confirming that the other parts had also shrunk proportionally and there was no disproportionate change, he felt relieved.

After all, he didn’t find it surprising with the occurrence of transmigration and now the appearance of rejuvenation.

In the end, he considered himself lucky. He gained an extra twenty years for free.

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“Damn, it stinks!”

The first time he peeled off the burnt skin from behind, Han Cheng couldn’t help but curse in his heart. At this moment, even he felt disgusted with himself.

He didn’t dare to look at the burnt skin, so he threw it away directly and summoned the courage to peel off the second piece.

At this moment, a chaotic noise erupted at the cave entrance.

Han Cheng, facing away from the entrance, mechanically turned his head and saw the people who had been enthusiastically watching him just now, all changing color. They covered their mouths and noses, rushing back into the cave.

Seeing this scene, Han Cheng felt delighted.

Damn, I asked you to watch my bare ass. Now you’ve been affected.

Haha, serves you right!


Han Cheng shivered, unable to resist a shiver. Damn, the feeling of wiping his butt with a snowball was truly refreshing.

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While drawing cold air, he cleaned his body with the snowball. Compared to the cold, he couldn’t stand his stench.

Finally, taking care of personal hygiene, Han Cheng, almost frozen and devoid of sensation, took slow and mechanical steps back into the cave.

When he appeared at the cave entrance, everyone covered their noses again, looking at him with panic.

It wasn’t until Shaman slapped a couple of people on the head that they cautiously loosened their noses.

Han Cheng sniffed. Damn, even the primitive people find me smelly. Is it that bad?

Am I smelly?

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