Chapter 63: Black Fangs VS Holy Church (2)

“J-Just wait a moment!”

As I was walking along, deep in thought about the video I was planning, a desperate voice stopped me in my tracks.

When I turned around, I saw the pale, stricken face of Miss Rubia.

“Y-You don’t mean… you’re declaring an all-out war against the Holy Church in the name of the Black Fangs?”

The situation was already weighing heavily on me.

I answered her question in the calmest tone possible, hoping to keep her from getting too worked up.

“Yes. I mentioned this before, didn’t I? If push comes to shove, we might have to erase the Holy Church from existence using the Black Fangs’ power.”

Of course, back then, I hadn’t really meant it that seriously.

There was still uncertainty about whether we could even secure the Black Fangs’ cooperation, and, more importantly, at the time, I was aiming to avoid conflict as much as possible.

That’s why I had decided to divert the Empire and the Holy Church’s attention with relief efforts.

“But after hearing what you said, Miss Rubia, it seems like avoiding a clash with the Holy Church is no longer an option.”

After reviewing the materials, it was clear that while we might succeed in diverting the Empire’s attention, the Holy Church would be a tougher challenge.

So… might as well bury them once and for all.

I’m thinking of drastically altering the previous plan and outright declaring an all-out war against the Holy Church in the name of the Black Fangs.

‘Of course, I haven’t actually asked the Black Fangs for their opinion.’

But honestly, that detail doesn’t matter much.

If I expose the Holy Church’s wrongdoings in the name of the Black Fangs, who are currently riding a wave of popularity as the saviors of humanity, they’ll become the center of everyone’s attention.

In such a situation, could the leader of the Black Fangs really say something like this?

‘That’s just an impostor speaking. We have no intention of going up against a massive power like the Holy Church.’

Could they really say something so ridiculous?

‘There’s no way that could happen.’

In any revolution, public support is an essential element.

The Black Fangs will have no choice but to confront the Holy Church, even if they do it reluctantly.

‘Not that I care if they’re a bit annoyed.’

If they didn’t like it, they should’ve at least treated a passionate supporter like me to a meal or something.

I’m practically the one who created the Black Fangs’ following. They took everything from me and then just wiped their mouths clean like nothing happened.

“I get what you’re saying, but… it’s the Holy Church, after all… Are you sure this is okay?”

Miss Rubia asked me, her voice full of concern.

I smiled warmly and reassured her.

“Don’t worry. The Black Fangs isn’t that easy to mess with.”

Besides, even if things go sideways and we fail to secure the Black Fangs’ cooperation, as long as we have Lien and Siel, we can prevent the worst from happening.

Though I wasn’t entirely sure if I could trust my instincts anymore.

Still, I had a feeling things were going to work out somehow.

With that in mind, I reassured Miss Rubia.

And then…


As soon as she heard my words, Miss Rubia broke down.

She started rambling incoherently about how she didn’t mean to insult the Black Fangs, how she knew full well how great the Black Fangs is, and so on.

After spouting all that nonsense, Miss Rubia promptly fainted.

Since I’d already experienced this a few times before, I skillfully caught her as she fell.

Feeling the soft sensation of two rounded masses.

Afterward, when I picked up Miss Rubia in a princess carry to escort her, the feeling of her thighs was unmistakable.

She had collapsed from overexertion while working for me. It was only natural that I shouldn’t focus on such things.

I fought against my instincts with all my might and carefully laid her down on the bed.

How should I put it?

In many ways, she was quite a handful.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t even told her about everything that’s happened to me.’

Like how I ended up temporarily taking charge of something resembling the Black Fangs’ army.

Or how I somehow became the one spreading the Black Fangs’ faith.

Or how I managed to plant three spies in the Imperial Army, almost by accident.

There’s so much news to share, but in her current state, there’s no way I could tell her anything.

‘Well, it’s not urgent.’

I decided to let her rest and focus on my own tasks.

With that thought in mind, I closed Miss Rubia’s door and headed toward Siel’s room.

The skill she showed when she distributed the video on the black market last time…

If it’s Siel, she can distribute the video flawlessly, leaving no trace of tracking.

She could even use illusion magic to create a convincing fake Black Fangs leader.

So all I need to do is come up with the content for that video.

‘Simple enough.’

Of course, I don’t know much about the Holy Church. Even in the previous work, there were lots of hints but no real information.

But… does that really matter?

‘I can just make up whatever I want and slander them, right?’

A smile naturally crept onto my lips.

…It was time to spread some malicious rumors.


Stained glass, beautifully colored by the sunlight.

A grand statue and a vintage organ.

Despite the holy setting, the atmosphere of the people gathered in the cathedral was chaotic and noisy.

In a way, it was to be expected.

This was the Holy Church’s territory, a place no one dared to defy.

And yet, a strange disturbance had appeared right in the middle of it.

Many tried to eliminate it, but all failed. No, not just failed—they lost their minds and twisted their own necks.

And on those corpses… there was a distinct mark left behind.

A black Fangs mark, as if bitten by a wolf.

As the crowd murmured around the bodies, a man stepped forward.

His mere presence silenced the once-noisy cathedral. It was only natural.

The man who appeared was a cardinal of the Holy Church.

The Pope’s whereabouts had become mysteriously unknown, and now, the man most likely to succeed him—Caron—had appeared here.

No one dared to cause a disturbance in his presence. In that stifling silence, Caron reached out towards the disturbance.

It was the trigger for the video magic.

As soon as his hand touched it, the video began to play.

And the first thing that appeared was,

[I ask you this: For what purpose does the Holy Church exist if it does not fulfill the will of God?]

A mysterious man cloaked in a black hood appeared on the screen.

Caron could guess the identity of the man. It was almost inevitable.

After all, there was only one organization in the entire Empire that would dare to pull off such a bizarre act.

[The scriptures say that God loves all. That He cherishes and embraces every being equally.]

The leader of the Black Fangs continued, calmly citing the scriptures.

[But if that is true, then why does salvation come with a price? Does God favor only the wealthy?]

The screen displayed images of documents—the sale of indulgences, where one could pay a hefty sum to have their sins forgiven in the name of God.

The story of a dying pregnant woman who was turned away from the cathedral because she couldn’t afford the fee.

These images flashed on the screen.

In this situation, what the Black Fangs was attempting to do was clear.

They were launching an attack on the Holy Church.

This video, or one like it, was probably already spreading indiscriminately throughout the Empire.

[That can’t be true. God is fair to all. He cares for all of us, and He loves all of us.]

The propaganda was skillfully done.

One could tell by the way they did not deny the existence of God.

If they had, the video could have been dismissed as the ravings of a heretic.

Even the devout would have found the Black Fangs’s words repulsive.

But that cunning group had left no such gap.

[Yet if God is fair, why is salvation not fair? Why does the Holy Church’s salvation require a personal price?]

With those words, the screen was flooded with horrific images.

Starving children.

The sick and dying, unable to receive treatment.

Priests ignoring the desperate cries for help.

[The reason is simple. The Holy Church is a group of apostates who prioritize their own greed over the will of God.]

But that was just the beginning.

All manner of corruption.

The heinous acts committed by the Holy Church were laid bare on the screen.

One might think that these were illusions created by magic, but that seemed unlikely.

The images were too clear, too vivid.

It was no secret that patients’ conditions could suddenly worsen, leading them to hastily donate all their wealth to the Church. It was a common occurrence.

The same could be said for the other forms of corruption and malfeasance.

After exposing the Church’s misdeeds, the leader of the Black Fangs spoke again.

[I ask you once more: For what purpose does the Holy Church exist if it does not fulfill the will of God?]

Caron’s face twisted in anger.

He could already guess what the other viewers of this video were thinking. What answers they were coming to in their hearts.

Everything he had built—the support base, the reputation—was crumbling because of this one video.

But despite Caron’s demonic expression and the fear his murderous aura inspired in those around him, the man in the video continued to speak.

[I cannot comprehend this. Therefore, I will destroy it.]

In front of Caron’s very eyes, the leader of the Black Fangs made his final declaration.

[The name of the Holy Church will be erased from history by our hands.]

…He had declared the Holy Church’s downfall.

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