Chapter 74

Chapter 74

[My sisters been teasing me.]

[Hows she teasing you?]

[She keeps asking if I had a good time with Matsuda-kun... acting all mischievous when mom and dad arent around.]

[So what did you tell her?]

[I told her Id tell her later, so to keep quiet for now.]

[Youre going to tell her later?]

[Yeah. I will.]

Is she willing to acknowledge our relationship so easily?

Even considering shes family and its easier to talk, its still quite surprising considering Kanna seems convinced.

Impressive, Miyuki. Thats the way, becoming bolder step by step.

[Hows the temple?]

[Just dropped our luggage at the hotel, havent gone yet.]

[Staying in the same room as your sister?]


It would be perfect to barge in there in the middle of the night, I wanted to ask for a spot.

Im curious about what kind of conversation the two sisters would have... makes me want to plant a listening device.

[I have to go down for dinner now... Ill contact you later.]

[Have a good time.]


Seeing the heart emoji Miyuki sent made me snicker.

Its heartwarming. Seeing her opening up more and more.

-Um... Matsuda Hubae-nim!

A cute voice comes from outside the car window.

I put my phone away and looked towards the passenger side window.

There was Chinami, dressed in an oversized fleece sweatshirt and a short pleated skirt, her hand on her forehead, trying to peek inside the car.

She was showing off her cuteness in an outfit completely different from the slightly mature look I saw at the department store.

Even without trying too hard, she has a knack for dressing well.

-Is this Matsuda Hubae-nims car...? Hubae-nim...? Are you there...?

Why call when you can just show up out of the blue like this? I chuckled, pressing a button on the armrest.


With a short sound, the door unlocked.

Chinami looked as if she had seen a ghost.


She hadnt expected the sound, it seemed.

I clicked my tongue in mild annoyance, leaned out, and manually opened the passenger door.


Ah...! Hello, Hubae-nim!

Chinami, holding her crossbody bag strap tightly, bowed in greeting.

I smiled and waved.

Hello. Its my car, so get in.


Chinami carefully climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up.

I caught a glimpse of her white thighs and, without thinking, grabbed a blanket from the back seat and draped it over her.

It was like that last time too. Here, it will cover you up.

Thank you very much...!

As Chinami bowed her head, her hair cascading down her shoulders.

Was it because her hair had grown a bit longer, or was it the outfit?

Somehow, she looked unexpectedly sexy.

Reaching for the navigation, I asked.

Shall we go? Whats the name of that place?

Ill guide you. Just drive forward for now.

Youve memorized it?

Of course.

Chinami proudly lifted her nose.

I couldnt help but chuckle at her innocent look and took the wheel.

Following her friendly directions, I drove the car.



The door opened with a pleasant bell sound.

The clerk at the counter brightened upon seeing Chinami.

Hello! Youre back again?

Hehe... Hello.

Chinami, with a mischievously sly smile, approached the counter.

The clerk, familiar with her order, said.

Three Triple Pops with Yogurt Peach, right?



The clerk trailed off, glancing behind Chinami at me.

The curious look suggested it was unusual for Chinami to bring company here.

What would you like to have?

Oh, Ill have...

As I was examining the variety of ice creams at the counter, interested,


I noticed Chinami looking up at me with eyes full of expectation.

What could those round eyes mean?

Its clear shes suggesting I choose the same as her.

Yogurt Peach is a must, but what else should I pick to make Chinami happy?

The answer was obvious.

Please, just Yogurt Peach for me as well.

Chinamis smile softened.

She seemed pleased with my choice. Even if stuffing ourselves with nothing but peach-flavored Triple Pops might be overkill, theres no helping it.

Ill have to manage somehow.

Got it. Anything else youd like to add?

Two Ice Peach Macarons and two Ice Peach Mochis, please.

Chinami cheerfully added desserts to the order, her love for peaches bordering on fanaticism.

Could she be a peach zealot?

I suppose its up to me to corrupt her tastes with a variety of desserts.

Your orders ready. Two cups of Yogurt Peach Triple Pop, two each of Ice Peach Macarons and Mochis... thatll be 1860 yen, please.

Chinami pulled out her wallet from her crossbody bag as she saw the amount on the register.

The wallet, adorned with a peach character button and overall pink design, was unmistakably Chinamis style.

After paying, she led me to a corner seat with a beaming face. As she settled down, I placed my phone on the table and asked her,

Do you prefer firm peaches or the soft ones?

I love both. I cant really choose between them. How about you, Hubae-nim? Do you have a preference?

Im not picky... I eat them all.

Thats good to hear. I have some firm peaches left at home; Ill bring some next week. Lets eat them together.

Firm peaches, huh?

There are other hard things in my body too.

I think it would be perfect to put them inside your soft inside.

As we chatted, our ice cream, macarons, and mochi were served.

Chinami, with a bright smile, looked at me expectantly, silently urging me to taste them first.

I picked up a plastic spoon and said,

Bon apptit.

Enjoy, and let me know if you need more.

Thats unlikely.

Im even skeptical about the taste of this flesh-colored treat.

With mixed feelings, I scooped up some ice cream and brought it to my mouth.

Thats unexpected...

It tastes good.

The unique sweetness of peaches filled my mouth, complemented by a crispy texture here and there.

Cute interior, good ice cream. No wonder Chinamis a regular here.

The place hits right at her tastes.

Seeing my slightly widened eyes after tasting the ice cream, the corners of Chinamis mouth lifted.

Its really good, isnt it?

Yes... its better than I expected.

After my response, I took another bite of the ice cream.

Chinami, pleased with my reaction, eagerly took a big bite of her macaron.


She closed her eyes, savoring the taste, her head tilted back in satisfaction.

I felt an urge to scratch her chin.

How can I win Chinamis favor here?

As I pondered, I decided to quietly enjoy my ice cream.

Better to show my appreciation for the food than to babble unnecessarily.


Woohoo... Youre now a member of the Peach Sect, so you should join me and immerse yourself in the world of peaches, Hubae-nim.

Chinamis eerie welcome speech as we left the store and headed to the public parking lot made me roll my tongue around my mouth to rid it of the lingering peach flavor.

I slowed my pace a bit for Chinami, who was diligently matching her steps to mine.

Is there a benefit to joining this peach club?

Of course, there is. As a member and president, Ill occasionally bring you peaches.

Any other perks?

Hmm... If you get thirsty during club activities, Ill make you some iced tea.

Id like it if, as a member, I could occasionally eat something with you, like today.

Oh, certainly. Next time, lets go for a peach smoothie.

Chinami happily agreed, seemingly oblivious to my indirect invitation for another outing, accepting it at face value.

Should I be satisfied that Chinami was the one to suggest where we go today?

Given that our relationship was originally just as senior and junior, todays outing is a significant step forward.

However, it still felt lacking, leaving me somewhat unsatisfied.

It seems too soon to part ways.

What are you pondering so deeply about?

Chinami looked up at me, her tiny head tilting back, which I found amusing.

If we were to kiss, even if Chinami stood on her tiptoes, Id have to bend my knees quite a bit... perhaps its better to sit down for that.

Hubae-nim? Whats wrong? Is there something on my face?

Chinami touched her face and waved her hand, puzzled by my lack of response.

Her clich line snapped me out of my reverie, and I shrugged.

Youre just cute.

.... Yes...?

Chinami stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening, her face paling, then gradually turning red.

I teased her with a smirk.

Youre cute.

.... Pardon...?

Youre cute, I said.

.... Pardon...?

Her reaction was far more intense than the one she had shown in the kendo club room.

She kept repeating the same word in disbelief, her ears turning red, clearly more startled than before.

As I slowly approached her with a meaningful smile, Chinami stepped back the same distance. Then her sandal heel caught on a slightly protruding cobblestone.


As Chinami let out a strange scream and lost her balance, I quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from falling backwards and helping her regain her stance.

Be careful. Why are you so clumsy?

Neither of us had anticipated this turn of events.

A surprise incident?

Whatever it was, my reflexes were on point.

It reminded me of the time I dodged a faceful of seawater after rescuing Miyuki at the beach.

Chinami, still in shock from the sudden mishap, shivered as I patted her back in an attempt to dust her off.

She then bowed deeply.

Th-th-th-thank you... So-s-s-sorry for being so cl-clumsy...

Her voice was trembling immensely. Trying to hold back laughter and failing, I burst out laughing in front of her.

Ahhh... So-sorry, its just too funny...!

I couldnt figure out why we were both apologizing so much.

As I laughed heartily, I lightly patted her back again.

Did I scare you? Why did you try to run away?

I wasnt tr-trying to run away...

Are your legs okay?

Yes, theyre fine... Thank you for saving me...

Your skirt has ridden up a bit. You might want to pull it down.

Ah! Right...!

She quickly adjusted her skirt. Enjoying the comedic shift in our surroundings, I calmly waited for her to straighten up her appearance.

All s-set...! Lets quickly make a run for home...! Please...!

Her plea was clearly mixed with genuine desire to escape, making me almost burst into laughter again.

Looking at Chinami, almost on the verge of tears, I nodded.

Alright. Lets head back. Today was fun.

Sigh... For me too...

I had the urge to pinch her cheeks as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

Resisting the temptation, I walked with Chinami back to the parking lot.

Given Chinamis nature, shes likely to go home and agonize alone, possibly kicking her blankets in frustration before calling Renka.

Im curious about how shell recount todays events to her.


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