The Upper Realm, which was initially shoved into chaos, had finally started regaining some peace as Caen departed. 

The Lord of Flames also disappeared with the statue, making his whereabouts unknown. Moreover, the Four Generals had returned from their meeting with the Overlord of the Upper Realm, once again taking their positions. 

With their return, the stability had once again returned to the Upper Realm and people once again felt safe to some extent. However, one thing surprised all major clans. 

All Four Generals together declared that they were going to end the search for Karyk and that he wasn't a threat anymore. All the search for Karyk was stopped, and it was said that he wasn't going to harm anymore. 

Many people were unconvinced with it, since they thought that Karyk was being let go easily, especially after he ruthlessly destroyed so many cities, not leaving a single life alive. 

Fortunately, the Generals immediately addressed that concern as well, expressing that Karyk wasn't behind that incident since Karyk was with them in the Central World at the time of the incident, which once again shunned the citizens even more. 

With Karyk, at least they knew who the event was, but if it wasn't him, then they felt even more scared since they didn't know a single thing about the person who destroyed the cities. 

The only thing worth relief was that the Generals were back to save them in case something like that occurred again. 

Even though the Upper World returned to peace, it was different for the Lower Realms. 

The Lord of Flames escaped the Upper Realm, but he next appeared through the Lower Realms, which was even more helpless against a person with his strength. He kept taking more and more lives, slowly breaking the Shackles of the statue with no one to stop him...


It had been over a week since Gabriel's world was destroyed by Caen. There was not a single sign of the world left anymore, other than the rubble that was floating in space. 

In the endless rubble, there was no sign of life. However, there did exist a pitch black sphere that appeared like a small speck of darkness in the endless space. 

Only when one came closer could they see that what appeared like a small speck of darkness was a pitch black sphere, existing in the center of all the rubble. 

The black sphere was around twenty meters in diameter. From the outside, it was impossible to see inside the sphere. However, if Caen was here, he would've been quite upset to see that there were some people who managed to survive through this destruction. 

Inside the sphere, there was not just one person but more. 

In the center of the sphere, a young woman was lying, unconscious. There was no physical wound on her body, but she wasn't fine either, as her mind was completely fragmented, thanks to the soul search by Caen. The woman was Karyk's Sister Zena. 

Next to Zena was Alion, the demigod who was Karyk's friend. Alion had his hand on Zena's forehead. 

"How is she?" A man's voice came from a distance. 

Not too far from him was a dark haired man who was maintaining the Dark Sphere which kept them all alive. He was Nyx, who had been reborn with all his memories from inside the Tower of Trials, thanks to Gabriel. 

Near him, Cylix was also present, who looked at the unconscious girl with great concern, especially since he came to know that the girl was Gabriel's sister. 

Alion shook his head. "Her mind... It's like her entire consciousness is broken into millions of pieces by someone... It's surprising in itself that she's still alive."

"Is there a way to help the little girl?" Cylix asked, feeling concerned. 

"I... I wish I had. But I can't help her. I can only keep her alive... But nothing more than that. Probably, only Karyk can help her, but even that's unlikely since her problem isn't related to the soul but with her consciousness..." 

Alion didn't know what to do. He had never felt this helpless. He even blamed himself that he couldn't get there in time when they were attacked. 

He tried contacting Karyk repeatedly to inform him about what happened, but for some reason, he couldn't get through to him. That only made him wonder if Karyk himself was... Dead. 

The person who could destroy this world wasn't weak. And if Karyk was alive, then it didn't make sense why he wasn't here yet, since he should've felt the world being destroyed. This made him worry that Karyk was killed by Caen as well. 

"You're saying that we can't do anything but watch?" Novius frowned. "There must be something! There must be someone who can help her?! We can't give up like that!"

Even though he was extremely exhausted by keeping to this barrier, he didn't care about that in the least. He still felt more concerned about the girl. 

"Someone who can help her?" Alion retracted his hand, letting out a sigh. He had been keeping the woman asleep since every time she was awakened, she cried and groveled in pain, as her mind broke apart even more. If he could, he would've helped her himself, even if it meant sacrificing himself. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible. 

"Someone who can help her..." He muttered, realizing that there was possibly only one way to help the woman... There was only one thing which could help Zena. 

"The only thing which can help her is... Time!" He exclaimed as his eyes lit up. They had to find a way to reverse time for Zena! 

Hearing that, Cylix and Novius exclaimed at the same time, "Temple of Time!"

They all knew that if it had something to do with time, then the only person who could have a clue on how to do that was the Head of the Temple of Time! There was no one else!

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