Chapter 476 - Please Help Me

"Permission granted," Iris replied.

"Thanks, Mommy! Meow~ Displaying surveillance video directly from Gold Heights Condo building on TV in 3...2...1—"

The TV flickered, and then the afternoon news program was replaced by real time surveillance video from the condo. It showed what looked like a male and female law enforcement officers talking to Wei Lan, Yi Mei and a stern-looking man inside the main floor’s security office.

Jiang Ying Yue squinted her eyes to get a better look at the man. Then her eyes widened when she finally recognized him. She looked at Iris, silently asking her what was going on. A bad feeling rose inside her.

Iris didn’t respond to her silent question. She continued watching the TV with a serious expression instead.

"Ketchup, adjust the audio so we can hear what they’re talking about," Jin Liwei instructed.

"Okay, Daddy! Meow~"

In just a second, the audio was increased and they could hear sounds from the surveillance video. Ketchup made some more minor adjustments. A couple of seconds later, the voices became loud and clear.

Lu Zihao’s eyes lit up at Ketchup’s capabilities. He would try persuading his sister again to make him another version of the cat AI for his own use. Nobody noticed what he was thinking because the others were too focused on the surveillance video.

The law enforcement officers introduced themselves, saying that they came for Miss Jiang Ying Yue. Both Wei Lan and Yi Mei told them that Jiang Ying Yue and her son left and were living temporarily somewhere else. The officers asked for Jiang Ying Yue’s temporary address. Instead of answering them, however, Wei Lan started complaining about what Long Hui did a few nights ago.

Wei Lan was about to continue badmouthing Long Hui, but the stern-looking man beside her released a loud, forceful cough to interrupt her.

"Miss Jiang is not present here right now. But if you have any business with her, you can talk directly to me," he told the officers. "My name is Hong Shaoqiang, attorney-at-law. Miss Jiang Ying Yue is my client and I’m here to legally represent her."

Jiang Ying Yue looked shocked, confused and anxious all at the same time. She looked at Iris and Jin Liwei who must have already known what was going to happen. They even prepared a lawyer for her. She knew that Hong Shaoqiang was Iris’ laywer. He was an excellent lawyer from a well-known law firm. Jiang Ying Yue already had an idea of why Iris sent her lawyer to represent her, but she prayed that her hunch was wrong. Her eyes were already starting to water at the possibility.

’No, please. Don’t let it be...’ she begged whatever powers in the universe that could help her.

Unfortunately, her prayers went unanswered. Her worst fear had materialized.

After confirming Hong Shaoqiang’s identity as a lawyer, the law enforcement officers officially began serving the custody complaint filed by Long Hui against Jiang Ying Yue for their son Long Jun. Hong Shaoqiang received the documents on behalf of Jiang Ying Yue.

Hearing everything that was being said, Jiang Ying Yue felt like Long Hui was forcefully trying to break her world apart. It was painful and disrespectful that he got engaged with another woman just three days after they broke up. But she could take it. She could heal from that.

But taking her son away from her? Her beloved son? Her life? Her reason for living?


Over her dead body!

Jiang Ying Yue knelt on the floor in front of Iris and Jin Liwei.

"Please help me!!! Xiulan, please...Sir Liwei! Please don’t let him take Little Jun away from me!!! I-I’ll die if my son is taken away from me! I won’t be able to take it!!! I’ll do anything, just please...please help me!!! I beg you..."

Her loud sobs were filled with heartbreaking grief, echoing throughout the entire living area. Her gradually numbing and emptying heart for Long Hui was now being filled with resentment. The remaining love she had for him was slowly transforming into hatred.

How dare he do this to her?!!!

Iris became upset seeing her friend prostrating herself in front of her and Jin Liwei. Jiang Ying Yue’s wails tore at her heart. She stood up from the couch and went to her friend. She tried lifting Jiang Ying Yue up, but her friend was too overcome with heartbreak that she couldn’t stand anymore. Sighing, Iris knelt beside her and allowed Jiang Ying Yue to sob on her shoulder.

It was Jin Liwei who replied to her. He stood up and said, "No need to beg us. Little Jun is our godson, not to mention that you are Xiulan’s friend. We won’t allow that son of a bitch to take your son away from you. My own lawyer will be assisting Hong Shaoqiang in your custody case. We’re just not going to reveal it yet to prevent Long Hui from getting desperate and resort to extreme measures."

Jiang Ying Yue paused from loud wailing. "Extreme m-measures...?"

"En." Jin Liwei nodded. "Joint custody is basically non-existent in this country compared to abroad. The judge more often than not will award only one parent with sole custody. In the case of Little Jun, you have a higher chance of keeping him because judges tend to favour the parent who’s been with the child all this time, especially for a toddler. It’s not just about who has a better financial situation but also who could give the child a better environment to grow up emotionally."

Jiang Ying Yue already stopped sobbing loudly. Tears still flowed, but she was now calmer after hearing Jin Liwei’s explanation. She was beginning to look more optimistic. Iris helped her up from the floor, and they both sat down on the couch.

Jin Liwei continued but with a graver expression this time. "However, there are many cases in this country of parents kidnapping children from their former partners. It’s unfortunate but there really is no law protecting separated parents from getting their children snatched away by their former partners."

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