Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 41 Let's Meet This Person Who You Risked Your Life For

"Zack, we need to think this through so for the time being, you can go and check on you know who," Eva said with a wink at Ray who sighed.

"I know he is going to check on WolfHeart and I also know that you said those lines to make a joke at me." The brown-eyed CEO then looked at Zack and sighed once again.

He had no idea how he managed to go from being the son of one of the richest men on earth to being the owner of a company that was going to sign a contract with one of the underworld mafia boss's heir.

It was a surprising thing to see that life could literally through lemons at you disguised in the form of underworld criminal overlords.

'But will I get to suck on the lemons?' The man thought with a curious expression as he saw the black-haired boy moving towards the door.

"He is an interesting person," Eva suddenly spoke as soon as the door closed. "He was already planning and gathering all that information as though he was sure that we will agree to his request."

"We would have been fools to not agree. But disposing of the fact that he managed to find that information just using the internet, what do you think of his proposal?"

"I think it's solid but nowadays, there is no such thing as a guarantee."


The two of them had been in the business for long enough to know that in their world, the word guarantee no longer applied to money-earning things.


'Should I sleep or should I play?' Zack thought with a sigh as he crashed down on his bed.

Eva's helicopter had dropped him back to his house and the time was currently 8 pm. Mia had come asking him what he would eat but the teenager had already eaten a food pill.

Despite that, he didn't feel like playing Hikari.

He had stopped thinking about the recent events for quite some time but while lying on his bed, numerous thoughts were raging inside his mind.

'Are the NPCs real?'

'Why do the weapons from the game appear in real-life?'

'How come there were save spots in real life?'

'Why did he prefer cats over dogs?' Though Zack knew that the answer to that was catgirls.

Though most of his questions were still left unanswered.

With a sigh, he decided to go and see whether WolfHeart had woken up. He stood up from his bed and started making his way down the stairs when he saw Mia coming towards him.

"You going somewhere?" Mia looked at her brother climbing down the stairs as his gaze landed on the packet of brownies in her hand.

"By any chance, were you bringing those for me?"

The black-haired girl smiled as she tossed one of the brownies to her brother.

Zack grabbed it with his hands and started eating it.

"I was going to the hospital to check on someone. Do you want to come with me?"

"Why not."

The two siblings then exited the mansion and started walking towards the hospital.

While doing that, Zack opened up his real-life inventory and stared at the items inside it.

The first item was the memory ball, the second item was Gugnir and the third one was Chastiefol.

However, he didn't need to open his inventory to summon the spear. He only needed to chant its name and the spear would appear in front of him.

The same thing applied when Zack was inside Hikari.

The remaining items were the face-altering mask, the food and water pills, and Zack's VR glasses. The black-haired boy decided that he would rather carry the glasses in his inventory than leave them alone.

"So who are we going to see?" Mia suddenly asked as the black-haired boy started telling her about WolfHeart and how he had brought her to the hospital.

But instead of the magical things, he told Mia that he managed to bribe the opposite party into taking a vacation to Tibet and had found WolfHeart unconscious on the back seat of the car.

"They had most probably drugged her." The black-haired boy finished his story as Mia took a deep breath.

"What if they had attacked you?" She asked without looking up at her big brother.

"I have received martial arts training you know. It would have been probably enough for me to run away from there."

"Keyword is probably." The black-haired girl suddenly stared into her brother's eyes as he was taken back by the intensity of her gaze.

"I would have survived Mia." Zack tried to reassure her but the girl seemed to be put in a cold mood.

"Let's meet this person who you risked your life for," Mia replied and for the rest of the way to the hospital, she remained quiet.

'Living my second life and I still can't avoid making Mia angry. Though I am always at fault when she gets angry.' Zack thought with a sigh as he walked behind his sister.

Mia wasn't an overly cheerful person but she still had a calming and soothing aura around her.

But at times, the black-haired girl would get angry, mostly at her big brother, and her demeanor would change completely.

The black-haired boy had long since known that he shouldn't say anything to his sister during times because she would either not spear or just say something that would shut Zack up completely.

After reaching the hospital, the duo walked towards the room where WolfHeart was in.

Zack knocked on the door as a sweet voice came from the inside.

"Come in."

The door automatically slid to the side as the two friends finally got to see each other.

"Li- Zack?" Emma slowly asked as she took in Zack's appearance.

Both him and his avatar were mostly the same but the most striking thing were his purple eyes. The pink-haired woman had seen the same eyes many times but they struck her differently in real life.

"Did you fall for my charm already? I thought I was going to have to work a little harder." After seeing the expression on her face, Zack decided to tease her a little.

But more than that, the atmosphere around the duo felt a little too tense.

"As if. You need to work a whole lot harder if you want to charm someone like me. But if I am impressed, I might reward." Emma said with a wink as the two of them smiled.

They had formed a good relationship inside the game and though they had felt a little awkward in their first meeting, things would slowly change.

"So where am I?" The pink-haired woman suddenly asked. "Last thing I remember was going inside the washroom and next thing I know, I am waking up in a hospital room."

"The representatives from Oracroft had managed to drug you but thankfully, you have had told me about those. With the help of a certain someone, I was able to get you here." Zack replied with a smile as he pointed at her phone watch lying beside her pillow.

The pink-haired woman picked it up and scrolled through the messages.

She had indeed typed that she was feeling dizzy and light-headed and Zack had asked her for her model number for tracking her.

"I almost forgot. My name is Emma. Nice to meet you." The pink-haired woman introduced herself while extending her right hand forward.

"My name is Zack and I am happy to see you." The black-haired boy moved closer to the bed and shook her hand.

"So this certain someone is Doogle's CEO I assume?" She then asked while raising her eyebrows as the boy nodded.

"Evangeline would like to have a talk with you regarding that. But now that you are here, would you like to play the game?" Zack asked as he looked at the pair of VR glasses on her bedside.

"I had them with me when I was leaving. Thankfully, those officials had no idea about these." She said with a sigh before nodding. "Let's play the game."

She then laid down and wore the VR glasses while Zack exited the room.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet her?" He asked Mia who had been standing outside the entire time.

"There is no need for that. I have a feeling that she is a good person." His sister replied and started walking towards the exit.

The black-haired boy sighed before he followed her back home.

It was about time that Zack and Emma saw what their guild looked like.

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