Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 58 Daniel's Uncertainties and the Infinite Tower?

Chapter 58 Daniel's Uncertainties and the Infinite Tower?

As a bright new day greeted Daniel's room with sunlight shining from the 2 suns, Daniel was awakened from the basking heat of the 2 suns.

He opened his eyes and as he gazed at all of the 5 beauties on the bed, he smiled with satisfaction.

'What a wild night'

He recalled the events that happened the previous night and couldn't help but feel pleased.

'These girls were literally sucking the soul out of me. I thought they were innocent, but turns out, their womanly instincts took it to a whole new level'

He never thought that the phrase 'Never judge a book by its Cover' could be applied to them.

'Not that I'm complaining or whatsoever. They have offered their hearts, mind, and body to me. So naturally, I would give them everything they need'

He gazed at them with a tremendous amount of love and care.

Looking at how devoted they were in the previous night, the places they had in his heart were starting to erupt in an uncertain type of emotions.

He truly loved and cared for them, and would give anything they want.

He might be called a simp, but he's a simp because he had the power and resources to be a simp.

Nevertheless, he wouldn't be run over by a woman who he's not in love with.

Having said that, the uncertain emotions he felt now were entirely different from 'Love'.

It felt deeper and darker than love itself, however, it wasn't dangerous nor was it harmful to himself or anybody else.

If there is a word to describe this uncertain emotion, it would be possessive.

He couldn't bare to let them go now that he had formed a relationship with them, a kind of relationship that was 10 times deeper than being a wife and a husband.

He might not know them too well, but he has started to feel possessive of them.

Once Daniel had cleared his mind, he got up from his bed and left his room while leaving them behind.

He wanted them to accumulate more rest, thus, he went to have a shower first.

'It's a new morning and a new day, so let's start with a bath'

Daniel entered the bathroom which was amazing since the sheer size was huge to be described as just a bathroom.

'The bathroom is quite big. But I guess the system must have made it for the consideration of the future'

He smirked when imagining a future where he's showering with 10 perhaps hundreds plus of beauties in his bathroom.

Daniel was aware at some point, the number of disciples in his sect would reach over a hundred.

In fact, the 100 mark is honestly not far away if considering Zuke and Viston's proposal.

If they managed to complete their plans, then, it won't be difficult for Daniel to recruit hundreds of women at the same time.

But Daniel couldn't imagine what would happen if the numbers reach thousands. Tens of thousands, or even Hundreds of thousands?

Could he really live up to the expectation of a Sect Leader and also as a Man at the same time?

'I'm not worried about providing them with my resources, but in terms of love, could I really provide each of them the love they need?'

He was concerned with the fact that whether could he respond to their feelings.

Without a doubt, the sect was meant to be a harem for him, but now that he thinks about it, he felt a little bit of pressure.

[: Ding Ding :]


Daniel was stunned to hear the system's notification sound since it had been quite a while since he has heard it.

[: The system has noticed that the Host is disturbed by his concerns. Does the Host wish to hear a piece of advice? :]

He was taken aback by the system's sudden intervention, but knowing that it supports him, he never shied away from it.

"Please do so"

[: The Host is overthinking too much :]

"I'm overthinking too much?"

[: Yes. The Host is overthinking too much about problems that don't even exist in the first place :]

"..." Daniel was silent as he was contemplating deeply the system's words.

[: The main concern that the Host worried about is how he's not confident in treating all the women in the sect right, but the truth is, they should be the ones to worry whether or not they could be in the sect :]

[: The Heavenly Harem Sect is a heaven for women to be in, hence, the last thing they need to be concerned about is how much their sect leader would pay attention to them :]

[: Naturally, of course, they would admire and love you from the bottom of their heart. But if they had been given an overabundance of resources, they would not dare to ask for more :]

[: To simplify everything, it'd be difficult for the Host to tend to each of their needs, which is why, the System encourages the Host to do his best :]

[: After all, they would be satisfied and thank their lucky stars if they could even be a janitor in the sect, let alone a disciple :]

"Thanks, system, my mind has been cleared of my worries and you answered my uncertainties"

He felt grateful that the system supported him and he couldn't ask any better.

[: Your welcome Host :]

Now that he had absorbed the system's words, he realized that he had been overthinking with problems that won't arise.

'The system is right. It'll be hard to care for every each disciple, but the advantage that the sect has is enough for them to worry whether could they stay in the sect'

'I should have thought of this from the start'

'Perhaps, I was being a little bit guilty if I couldn't respond to all of my future disciple's love'

'Still, it's not like I won't be there for them neither would I abandon them'

Daniel's uncertainties had been answered with the help of the system and he felt his mind lighter.

Afterwards, once he had showered, he wore his clothes and the Sect Leader's Robe before leaving the quarters of his palace.

Once he was gazing over the sight of his sect, he finally could explore a certain function he was curious about and wanted to explore since the sect was created.

"System, what is the purpose of Infinite Tower?"

[: The Infinite Tower comprises of endless floors of challenges whereupon completion, the challenger could claim the rewards given once only :]

[: Nevertheless, there's no restriction in rechallenging the same floor countlessly as there's no limitation of tries a challenger has :]

"That's interesting...but what kind of challenges will we be facing and what are the chances of death occurring in the tower?"

He wasn't afraid of death due to Nexus Code, but for his future disciples who won't immediately have his skills, he will be worried for them.

[; The floor's challenge can be diverse. The challengers can range from humans, beasts, Spiritual beasts, Demons, Demonic Beasts, Puppets, and so on. The variation is infinite :]

[: And if at any point in time, a challenger dies, they will be transferred out from the Tower :]

Once he had the information he needed to know, he approached the Infinity Tower with an excited gaze.

He wishes to test his limits and also be more versatile with his abilities, and thus, he didn't hesitate to open the gates as he entered the tower.

[: First Challenger - Daniel Marz :]

- Current Floor: 1 -

Unknown to him, his name has been registered as the first user and has been engraved on the tower itself which can be easily seen by others.

[: First Floor :]

A sound resounded through a dark void and after a few seconds, Daniel was in a cave where a few distances away from him, there was a monster, a goblin to be exact.

He inspected the goblin and discovered it had the cultivation base of a Mortal Realm at the 1st Layer.

And within a second, he killed the goblin without letting it put resistant.

[: First Floor Cleared :]

- You have been awarded 1 stats point for all stats -

'So...the reward is stats!?'

He was startled by the category of reward given.

But as he put his mind to it, he began thinking.

'It does make sense for the rewards to be a stat. It'll be pointless if the system rewards the disciple with spiritual stones or other treasures'

The most important factor that a cultivator will strongly direct his resource, is without a doubt his cultivation base.

The higher it is, the more they could break through, and when they do so, they'll be stronger than before.

Hence, it's even more beneficial if the Infinite Tower provides stats as that will be beneficial not only to him but his future disciples.

But he had a sudden revelation.

If the tower is infinite, wouldn't that mean, there's an endless amount of stats waiting to be claimed?

With such an idea, he moved to the next floor eagerly which revealed a blue-fur wolf that was slightly stronger than the previous floor by 1% and it was killed easily.

[: 2nd Floor Cleared :]

- You have been awarded 2 stats points for all stats -

He wanted to know how the multiplication works, thus, he went on a rampage as he cleared each floor within a millisecond, and by the time he reached the 600th Floor, a minute has passed by.

[: Floor 600th Cleared :]

- You have been awarded 600 stats points for all stats -

'It seems that each floor will grant a point higher and for such free stats points, I wouldn't dare to complain'

He was delighted knowing that he possessed his own farm of stats points, and the potential behind it is infinite.

And even though he was on the 600th floor, the challenges that he faced had only been at the peak of the 3rd Layer of the Mortal Realm.

Thus, he continued to clear the floors as much as he can in the most efficient and fastest method.

Moreover, to find a challenger that suits his level, perhaps it might take a little bit of time before he can reach that floor.

[: Floor 1000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 2000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 5000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 10000th Cleared :]

By the time half an hour had passed, he had cleared up to Floor 20,000th and he had amassed a total of 1.2 Billion in all of his stats.

'Though the points are still not 0.1% of my stats, it's still progress'

As of now, his stats had been classified as Half-Immortal, thus, 1.2 Billion stat doesn't hold a candle to it.

'Let's try to spend a few more hours and see how much I can achieve within a single day'

His mind was focused on achieving the highest floor till the stats matches his level, and thus, his journey of climbing the tower began.

[: Floor 25,000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 100,000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 500,000th Cleared :]

[: Floor 1 Million Cleared :]

Eventually, he spent all his time in farming the tower without realizing one day had passed by since then.

Nevertheless, despite reaching the millionth floor till the next morning, the challenges he had faced were those at the 7th Layer Foundation Realm.

'It's still good no matter what and just one day alone, my stats have increased by 665,302,467,050 Points which is an incredible amount for just a single day'

He was proud of the achievement and after he exited the tower, he discovered it was already a new morning.

It was only then that he realized how the time he had spent.

'Damn, I spent that long? Hopefully, I didn't leave them out that long'

He did panic and he calmly made his way to his palace he found a sight that made him smile.

"It should be like this dear sister"

"Eh? I-Is it like this? Is this how you cut?"

"Sister Fresia, it looks like the stew is about to be cooked!"

"Hold on! Let me finish up with the meat!"

"L-let's see, it should be cut like this...then like that and...like this...?"


It was a chaotic sight, but it made Daniel smile.

In all honesty, he was worried about the harmony in their relationship, however, seeing that they were closed with one another,

Daniel formed the brightest smile he ever had.

'This not a bad feeling'

He thought and eventually, they noticed his presence and greeted him.

"Welcome back Master!"

All of them said at the same time as though welcoming their husband from long hours of working.

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