Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 48 Begin Of A New Cult

Chapter 48 Begin Of A New Cult

Half an hour after Daniel had left the hall, the women were now left alone and now that they were aware of each other's presence, they finally decided to have a nice 'heart to heart' talk.

As an ex-matriarch, Fresia took the initiative to engage in a conversation with them.

"From this day onwards, we are all sisters and some of you may know me as the Romenia Matriarch, but it's all in the past and now, and we're all disciples to serve our only master"

She said with love in her eyes, and some dark emotions within them, and all of them were familiar with the burning emotions she had within her.

Due to her taking the initiative, slowly, they began opening up about their feelings and thoughts.

"My name's Cecilia and I have no surname because I was born in the slums and it was hard to find food...but Master...saved me when I was at the lowest..and here, it feels like I'm in heaven and I have fallen for him"

Cecilia explained her past circumstances and thinking about it now, it felt like a dream and she wouldn't want this dream to end.

She felt she was lucky to be able to enter the sect and though it had only been a short time, she had treated this sect as a home.

She wouldn't exchange it no matter what and her only love is Daniel whom she'd gladly serve with her body.

"It's alright my dear sister. From now on, we should look forward to serving our master with the best we can so we could repay everything that he gave us"

Fresia comforted Cecilia like a good sister and seeing that her new sister was being kind, Cecilia smiled widely as now, she has another family to care for.

"Yes sister, I loved master and would do anything for him" But her eyes were a little bit dangerous to call it love.

"Sister Cecilia, I'm a bit jealous that you're the first that master has found" Elizabeth teased but she holds no intent in her words.

"You can call me Elizabeth Tristan and unlike sister Cecilia, I was hailed as someone who couldn't cultivate"

"I thought I had to live a life of misery, but the moment master came in, everything changed"

She had a crazed look as she mentioned her master's but all of them agreed with her words.

Elizabeth had thought about it and no matter how many times she recalls it, she still finds her situation lucky.

She was desperate to cultivate and she hopelessly despaired when her arranged marriage was broken, but recalling it back, she was glad that the marriage was broken, otherwise, she doubted she'd be able to meet Daniel.

And it was at that moment her life changed for the better

"T-Though master had yet to announce, but we're married the moment we met and we're now husband and wife in the name"

Megan revealed and other than Fresia, all of them were a little bit jealous that she got to marry Daniel first.

It was only in name, but the system officially recognized both of their marriage as husband and wife, thus, Megan was the first to marry Daniel, and she could not ask for anything better than this.

"Incredibly, Sister Megan is the first to marry, but at the same time, it's an honor to be the wife of someone that's beyond our reach"

Fresia preached and it made them want to be Daniel's wife.

"Of course, we'll have our turn afterward. Hence, there's no need to be jealous" She added as though trying to ease their thoughts.

"I was born with a scum father who abused me since I was young and there were scars and bruises all over my body...and I never thought that one day...master would come to save me...and he ended my nightmare"

"He became my light and a man that I want to worship with all my life"

As Crista explained, she had an obsession in her eyes and her sisters pitied her past they comforted her as they promised to protect each other from harm.

They were now sisters and they have made an oath to protect one another from anything. It was a code that they'll remember and instill in future disciples.

At the same time, they want to forget whatever pasts they have and move on in the sense that they have overcome their weakness and are no longer bound by their past.

Moreover, Crista had promised and taken an oath for herself that she will save all women who are suffering from abuse, and bring them to this sect where they could be blessed with her master's power.

She didn't want anyone to experience the same fate as here. Thus, she wanted to do what she could do at the moment.

Crista's obsession with Daniel is growing at an astronomical rate every second. It was akin to the never stopping growing universe.

"Sister Crista, you have the same thought as me," Fresia said with a smile.

But of course, all of them had the same obsession and craziness in their eyes.

Other than that, they both then chatted for a while before they felt the ground tremble.

"What's going on?" Elizabeth questioned.

They didn't panic but were a little cautious of the situation.

"It might be a master's doing" Cecilia answered and nobody doubted her answer since they have seen a certain part of Daniel's miracles.

They were surprised yet calm with the situation as they knew what miracles Daniel could cause.

Moreover, they felt the spiritual qi in the air had changed greatly. Thus, they weren't alarmed by it, but it did trigger Fresia's goal.

"Hear me out sisters" She gathered their attention.

"We have accepted that master's harem won't end with just us and there will be more sisters that we'll take care of"

They were aware that the number of harems won't just stop with them, however, they weren't jealous or worried about the idea since it's impossible for them to have Daniel for themselves.

In fact, they looked forward to having many sisters in the future. Moreover, they look forward if there are any offspring in the future.

"Of course. I'm looking forward to meeting more sisters" Elizabeth exclaimed with a cheerful smile.

She was the only child, thus, she can't help but look forward to having more sisters. With her sisters now, she finds her life more meaningful and colorful than before.

Of course, she loved her father, but there are times when a woman would rather share their privacy with another woman. And now, as they are having a good talk, she can't help but treat this as sisters' time.

"But I feel like we should spread the influence once we're outside the sect. And in that way, we can assist our master's goal" Fresia explained.

Fresia's goal in mind was to create a cult that is specially made to worship Daniel who was her god and man. And of course, the religion within the world would treat it as heretics.

But she didn't care.

Her only god and lover is Daniel. Thus, she was slowly turning into a crazy worshipper.

"So, you're trying to say that we should personally search for potential disciples?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Wrong yet right my dear sister" She smirked.

"I'll request master's permission if he can grant us a certain amount of treasures that can attract any potential disciples, and we'll be personally recruiting them in all areas, and I meant other cities, villages towns, orphanages, and even the slums or underground" She explained.

"Currently master's scope is within the city, but I'm planning if we can have a 'visit' with other places that we can recruit at"

Fresia emphasized the word visit and being able to catch the meaning behind it, all of them smirked including the timidly Megan.

"I see, we need to spread master's greatness throughout the world," Crista said with darkened eyes.

"More than just greatness sister Crista. We'll need to preach outside and inside of the sect so that the world realizes how our master's is beyond the immortals"

Fresia exclaimed and all of them found themselves attracted to her ideal...and so it began...the cult that shall be exposed to the world in the far yet near future.

They then began discussing how they carried out the plan and they were using this moment to create rules and regulations for a separate group that they were about to create.

It will be a cult that teaches the future disciples about the greatness of their master, and it will soon be a cult where many women will beg to join to the point of divorcing their husbands and betraying their sect.

Of course, the true salvation will lie within the sect, but the cult will be a separate group for the members to show their love for him and spread his influence.

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