Guardian Of The End

Chapter 9 Child Of Darkness

< Darkness has been absorbed inside the host's soul. >

At midnight, Jason suddenly woke up from his slumber. The cold feeling from earlier along with the chains had vanished.

But a single look at the messages sent chills down his back.

< Soul has been corrupted by the darkness >

< A countermeasure has been found >

Once again, the chains appeared around Jason's body. His breathing started getting heavier as his eyes traveled towards his grandfather sitting on the ground.

Issac had a tired expression on his face as he saw the chains appear around Jason's body but instead of panicking, he calmly looked at his grandson.

"It will soon be over." Issac gave Jason a hopeful smile yet it never reached his eyes. Issac already knew what the chains could do and he was hoping that it would reduce its effect on Jason.

< Convert the darkness to job class?

Warning - If the host chooses to remain with the darkness, your soul will be corrupted by the end of the yea.It is recommended that the host converts the darkness into the job class >

< Cost: 500 system points. >

'Just do it!' Jason cried as he could no longer inhale air. Issac had turned his eyes away from the scene while trying to keep himself calm.

Thankfully, the system soon converted the darkness into a job class.

< 500 system points have been deducted

Remaining: 47 >

< Darkness has been successfully converted into the job class: Child of Darkness >

< Price: You cannot unequip it as the main job class. >

< Child of Darkness: A person born with the Darkness inside their veins. No matter what, the Darkness will never leave them. Kind of like a Yandere girlfriend >

The chains around Jason immediately vanished as he released a sigh of relief. Issac, who had been watching over him, looked flabbergasted.

He had expected the chains to close around Jason's stomach, forming a seal around his navel. Yet nothing like that happened and Jason looked relieved.

'I should get him checked later on…' Issac then closed his eyes and let his body relax. In a few minutes, he was out cold.

Jason paid no attention to his grandfather as several system screens had popped open in front of him.

< Skill tree for the job class: Child of Darkness is now open >

< You can chose two skills for free! >


< Dispel >

60 Mana

- Releases an aura to suppress the damage of the four basic elements by 20%


< Confusion >

50 Mana

- Releases a curse that can confuse the enemy for 3/5/8 seconds randomly.

- Confused target will not be able to distinguish friend from foe and might attack oneself.


< Repel >

,m 80 Mana

- Releases an energy blast to repel a portion of the incoming attack back at the user.

- Only works on the four basic elements.

Repelled portion: 5% >


< Hidden in the Shadows >

Passive skill

- While staying under a shadow (Under the shadow of a tree for example), all traces of the user's aura will be concealed.


'Repel sounds like a handy skill to have. As for the second one, I am confused between confusion and the passive skill. Any help system?'

[ My suggestion is that you currently pick confusion and unlock the rest of the skills later. Your 'drink a bottle of milk' quest will last till you turn three which means that you can reap its benefits for one more year. ]

'Then I will follow your advice.'

After choosing the two skills, Jason saw a skill tree opening under his job information alongside another section.

< Child of Darkness >

< Level: 0

Progression: 0.1% >

[ Your progression will move up when you master a maxed skill or receive some sort of enlightenment. At every 5% milestone, the job class will level up.

Therefore, when you reach level 20, it'll be like reaching 100%. Once it reaches 100%, the job class can be evolved to the next stage.]

The system automatically replied to the question that had been building up inside Jason's head. As a two year old, he couldn't do much about the progression except using his skills.

Both 'Confusion' and 'Repel' now had something new in front of them


Confusion (0 / 5)

Repel (0/10)


[ This is where the system points come into play. They can be used to instantly max or unlock a skill. The host can also do these two things by using and understanding them on his own. ]

Jason listened to the explanation carefully before looking at his status page. A sigh escaped his lips as he realized that he couldn't use any of his skills even in base form, much less the evolved form.

He decided to think about them later and turned around to look at his snoring grandpa.


"What happened to the ducks?!" Issac suddenly woke up before realizing where he was and what had happened.

He turned back to look at his grandson, giving him a judging look only to hear a growling sound from Jason's stomach.

"You better start speaking soon kid cause I am tired of hearing you 'Beh' all day." Issac said in an annoyed tone as a smile appeared on Jason's face.


Suddenly, Issac stood up from his place as he heard Jason starting to call him grandpa. The old man looked at his grandson with hope while nodding in encouragement.

"Grand…. Grandma." Jason finished before giggling, making Issac almost spit blood on the ground.

He looked at his grandson smiling in delight before sighing. After all, Jason was just a kid, a serious one at that but a kid nonetheless.

"Well, I better get this house fixed before your grandmother arrives as well as feed you. I don't want to sleep outside when she arrives… or worse… face the slipper of shame!"

Issac then stood up while complaining about his old body before he left the room to find something for Jason to eat alongside a glass of milk.

'If only he knew that I can't really speak 'Grandpa'.' Jason thought with an amused look as he stared at the ceiling.

Despite his perfect understanding of the language, speaking words was not easy for him.

He could only 'beh' at that point and it would take him at least a few more months to learn to speak.

But if his grandpa had his way, Jason would learn to speak things in less than a month.

'Hopefully, grandma arrives soon and I get saved.' Jason prayed silently before he closed his eyes.

Issac returned with some milk soon and after finishing it Jason drifted off to sleep.


Another month passed by in this manner and Issac's worries continued to rise. He would often take Jason out on strolls around the house but never leave the boundaries.

Issac knew that once he walked past the boundaries with Jason, it was going to be game over.

He had to wait till Jason turned five years old before allowing him to go outside freely. It pained Issac to restrict his grandson but he had no other choice.

"Grandpa, play with me."

Jason said while pulling on Issac's leg. The gray- haired man was casually leaning against the trunk of a tree.

Though his body posture was calm and casual, Issac's eyes were roaming around the perimeter to check if anything was suspicious.

"Let's play a game Jason. Whoever remains silent for the longest time wins. The game starts now." Issac spoke without paying any attention to Jason.

The young child pouted his lips and walked to the start of the manor.

The Syrward family manor was a two story manor the size of a small Soccer (Football) field. The family land continued to go on until it was stopped by a tall fence.

Risa had made sure that the land was taken care of making it full of grass and trees. It could be considered as a garden created by a beginner.

'Your measurements are strangely accurate yet I wouldn't have known how the place looked if it wasn't situated right in front of me.' The system had told Jason rough measurements using the terms that he understood.

[ Then the host is dumb.]

'Yes, I accept I am dumb when it comes to measurements and maths.'

Back on Earth, measurements and mathematics had never been his strong forte. That problem was however solved by his ever brilliant system.

The only way Jason knew where the garden ended was due to a fence placed around it in a circle.

Currently, he was standing in front of the only entrance to the place which was a door made in the fence.

The fence in itself was no joke as it was ten feet tall (304 cm) and was entirely made from barbed wires.

Both the system and Jason had a feeling that the barbed wire also had a special property that prevented people from crossing over it.

'System, how much area can you scan?'

[ Hundred yards away from the fence.Beyond that, my sensory range ends but don't worry. Both your natural growth and system points can help me overcome these minor setbacks. ]

Jason then kept staring out of the fence for a few minutes while wondering when he could step outside.

Issac and Risa had forbidden him from stepping even a single foot outside the fence. Jason had agreed to that so he could only look in the distance while waiting for Risa to return.

"She'll be arriving in a few minutes," Issac suddenly placed his hand on Jason's shoulder before his face lit up with a real smile. "She finally remembered to talk with me."

Jason's eyes slowly grew apart as he saw a red circle appear right outside the fence. On the count of ten, the circle got filled with symbols and started glowing at the center.

With a flash bright enough to blind both Jason and Issac, the circle went off.

"Looks like someone missed me dearly." While being blinded, Jason and Issac heard Risa's voice. "I too missed you both but thanks to me going out, our family is bigger now. Jason, time to meet your younger brother and his parents."

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