Guardian Of The End

Chapter 41 A Family To Rely On

'Nice.' Jason smiled while turning his gaze towards Kerwin. "I only knocked her out so she is safe."

The demi-human prince stood on his place while looking at both of his children.

One of them was being treated by Risa while the other one lying unconscious on the ground.

'No wonder he is her grandson as well as those two's child…' Kerwin thought as he remembered the fight between the demi-human kingdom and the demons.

He still got terrified while thinking of how Astryn had been burning one demi-human after the other. The only thing he had done was stand and watch.

Kerwin had a feeling that if Jason was not kept in line, he would follow the example of his demon family and would become a powerhouse.

"That was a good fight," Kerwin said with a fake smile plastered on his face. "You are a great fighter and magic user at such an early age Jason. Where did you learn all this from?"

"I learned it by meddling with goats, cows and bulls." Jason replied with a straight face Kerwin's face twitched a bit.

It was clear that he didn't believe Jason. Jason didn't care much about whether Kerwin believed him or not.

'If only he knew that I was telling the truth. Well, not my fault he is dumb.' He thought while shrugging before looking at Nora Nora.

"You were so cool, big brother!" Nora said excitedly as he high-fived Jason before leaning closer to him and whispering in his ears. "Can you teach me some moves?"

"Of course." Jason's reply made Nora jump up and down in excitement.

In the past few years, Jason had found out that there were quite a number of young animals in the shelter and many of them were around his age too.

Karna had suggested him to battle a few of them head on and since they didn't have any mana, it was pretty easy for Jason to fight them while using his lightning element.

That was also how he had 'accidentally' created his movement skill and had learned to move around more freely.

Jason was also sure that his grandparents would question him about that later on so he decided to save some of his energy to answer their questions.

The duo then walked to stand beside Issac as their gazes shifted over to where Risa was healing Felix.

Though Jason felt a bit bad about to dealing a major injury to the demi-human, he had done it knowing well enough that Risa would heal him.

[ Oh please, I was the one who reminded you about that. ] The system pointed out.

'So what? I formed the plan to hit hard enough and make his father beg grandma to heal him. You just played twenty percent part in the plan.' Jason refuted a second later.

Risa on the other hand finally stood up as she wiped beads of sweat of her forehead. She then turned in Kerwin's direction and nodded slightly.

"He should wake up in ten minutes. Till then, why don't you come inside and have something to eat and drink?" She asked politely but Kerwin didn't look too enthusiastic about staying with the Syrward family any longer.

"No, I wouldn't want to interrupt your life anymore. We will be taking our leave now." Kerwin snapped his fingers as the group of seven guards he had brought suddenly assembled behind him.

Jason looked at them thoroughly for the first time but even then, there wasn't much for him to see. All of them were dressed in the same black outfit with a mask on their face.

Their hairstyles were the same and even their genders were hard to determine. Jason didn't want to make any assumptions as he had been surprised way too many times on Earth.

'System, do you have a gender identifier just to prevent a misshaping from happing in the future?' Jason inquired.

[ I might develop that feature but no guarantees. ] The system replied though it sounded a bit unsure.

'I see.' Jason then turned his gaze away from the guards and looked at Kerwin.

Surprisingly, the demi-human prince chose the exact same moment to look at Jason as their gazes met.

"Goodbye for now," Kerwin said without breaking eye contact as three of the guards bent down on the ground and bit their right thumbs.

They had bit hard enough to draw blood as they smeared it on the ground. Three circles of different colors suddenly originated from the drops of blood and spread around.

Jason now knew that they were called magic circles which were usually drawn in high level spells.

Since he had seen the same circle before, Jason was able to tell that it was a teleportation spell that the three guards were using.

'System, are the symbols from this magic circle same as the one mother and grandma Astryn used?' Jason asked curiously.

He felt as though some of the symbols were clearly different from those he had seen in the past.

[ You are right, host. Some of these symbols are different than the ones in your mother or grandmother's magic circles. As for why, we need to research more. ]

Jason nodded in agreement and was about to make his way to the shelter when he suddenly felt chills running down his back.

"Jason, I hope you take good care of yourself in the upcoming years." Kerwin said with smiled, making Jason feel extremely unsettled.

He felt a weird sensation pass through his body as he suddenly went on guard. Call it an instinct or not, Jason felt that something was very wrong with him.

Risa too sensed that something was wrong as she felt a very minute amount of mana running through the atmosphere.

[ Host, I detected a curse in your body... ] The system mumbled as Jason's emotions suddenly took control of his body.

"You goatfker!" Jason suddenly shouted while summoning two lightning bolts in his hands. He threw both of them towards Kerwin at the same time and that too with deadly accuracy.

The demi-human prince was surprised but before the lightning bolts could hit him or he could find an insult to retort with, the magic circles ignited below him.

Kerwin and the rest of his party vanished but before doing that, he smirked at Jason.

The lightning bolts traveled straight through an afterimage before skidding down to the ground a few meters away.

"What did he do?" Issac inquired suddenly as he looked into Jason's eyes.

He was the first to recover after Jason's sudden outburst and knew that his grandson would never call the other person someone who indulged in questionable activities with a goat.

Jason was at a loss of words since he hadn't planned what to say after the sudden outrage. However, Risa was there to reply for him.

"He cursed Jason..." She muttered while gesturing for both Nora and Jason to come closer.

Risa placed her hands on their shoulders and did a thorough scan of their bodies. Issac on the other hand felt like butchering something up.

​ "Only Jason has the curse." Risa declared before looking at her grandchild with a small smile. "Though I can remove it."

After hearing her words, everyone turned upbeat. Risa then bit both of her thumbs and smeared some blood on Jason's forehead.

She created a magic circle around him which took more than half an hour. But as soon as she completed the circle, she stood up and stretched her body.

"Issac, do the honors and light up the magic circle with more than half of your mana." Risa ordered as Issac nodded.

He knew what his wife wanted to do and to be honest, Issac was itching to do it as well.

Jason's grandpa then bent down near the circle and touched Jason's forehead with his right index finger.

Jason suddenly felt an enormous amount of energy pass through his body for a split second before passing right into the magic circle.

Suddenly, a black ball of light shot out from Jason's forehead and shot out far in the sky.

"That was the curse inside you. I sent it back to Felix since I had marked him while healing him. Now he will be effected with a curse twice as bad as the one used by Kerwin." Risa explained with a smile as Jason nodded.

[ What did I tell you about having a loving and caring family? ] The system asked smugly.

'Yeah...' Jason replied as he realized one thing.

He had a family he could rely on.

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