Chapter 5: First Encounter With A Milf?

After a minute of waiting, I finally managed to open my eyes and saw that I was in a bedroom. The bedroom was medium-sized, with a single bed, cabinet, table with a desktop, bookshelf, some posters on the wall, a schoolbag, and a school uniform hanging in a corner. It looked to be the standard room of a high school boy and was quite neat and tidy.

I had never seen this room before, and it was the first time I'd been here.

I got up from the bed I was sleeping on to check out the room, and I immediately felt a change in my body. It wasn't as if I had grown an extra leg or arm, but I felt that my height had shrunk by an inch or so.

I looked at my hands and legs and found them to be the same as usual. But my height had somehow decreased, and I felt more energetic than before.

It didn't take me long to realise how I became shorter, as when I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a younger version of myself. The image in the mirror was of a 17 or 18 year old me, when it actually should be a 21-year-old me, since I was actually over 20 years old.

There weren't that many changes to my face in that 4-year gap, but the absence of my stubble on my face and how clear my skin looked in the mirror gave it away.

My body also looked much more defined than before, as I wasn't working out as much after I joined the library, and I relaxed myself a little too much with all the food I made back home and gained a few pounds. Although I was still fit, I would still say that I wasn't in the best shape, like I was in my teenage years or how I looked right now.

A new world...With a transformation like this that couldn't be brought out by even the most advanced surgery, I truly started to believe that I was in a different world.

But I still had some doubts, so I quickly decided to clear them all up and see if I was really in a different world than my younger self.

First, I decided to check the internal clock that's been running inside my head for years now. It was basically a mental clock that kept time by counting the seconds of every passing moment in the back of my mind.

Several years ago, while I was being searched by certain individuals, I had to go hiding in a cave system. I knew that I wouldn't be able to see the light of day for a long time, so I decided to start counting the time in my head so that I wouldn't get night and day mixed up.

Ever since then, this mental clock of mine has been running, and now it's telling me that the time is 17:56:46. And the time I clicked the link was 17:52:13.

So, it's only been 4 minutes since the moment I blacked out.

I don't believe that someone can simply knock me out, do an extremely advanced surgery on me, and bring me to this room in just 4 minutes. And the fact that the mental clock in my head still runs even when I'm unconscious further cements that I'm actually here due to some godly power, as no mortal can do such a miracle of bringing me here in a few minutes.


Next, I dislocated my shoulder and put it back in its place to track the signals of pain my neurons are carrying right now. I did this so I could check if I'm in some hallucinatory state where I'm seeing things.

I could feel the pain of my bone leaving the socket, so this couldn't be a hallucination. And just to make sure that this wasn't some simulation, I followed the signal pathway of my neurons all the way from my muscular neurons near my shoulder all the way up until they went through my spine and reached my brain. After calculating the total voltage it would take for the sensation of pain to reach my brain and seeing that's similar to the voltage change in my neurons now, I confirmed I wasn't in a simulation since my consciousness was still in my body.

Finally, I jumped out of the window in the room and onto the roof to look up at the sky. It was dark outside in this world and looked like it was around 8 PM, so there's no way I was in my original world according to my mental clock.

The stars in the sky were also messed up and all over the place from what I normally see on Earth. It was so different that there wasn't a single point on Earth where you could see such a star arrangement, which told me that this place wasn't on Earth or even in the same galaxy and was a place far, far away.

After proving that this was a different world and that Gods actually exist since only they could create such a phenomenon, I went back in my room and sat on the edge of the bed while looking at the white ceiling of the room, and I started to think about what I should do from now on.

According to the words of the Gods, this world was made for my trial to attain Godhood. It was basically a stage where I was the main character, who had to do what the Gods said and earn their satisfaction in return. Once I earned all their favour, I would be able to join their ranks and become a God.

A God...What level of existence even is that? A being so powerful that he could make worlds like this one just on his whim. That's power that everyone would dream of possessing at least once in their lives.

But rather than being a God, I was more interested in meeting this mother figure of mine who said she's waiting for me.

It's not because I long for her over these years and want her love, but because I could look her in the face and ask her why she had never shown herself to me even once? Why she left me in the mortal world when she was a God herself? Why she never came to me when I called out to her in my sleep?

And why she never came to my rescue or protected me like I hoped she would, when I was in danger in the past?

I thought that it was childish of me to think that my weak mother could pull me out of those situations, where everything and everyone was against you. But now that I'm hearing that she's a God or is related to one, I really do want to know why she didn't help me out in the time of my need like an actual parent would.

I never harboured such feelings of resentment for my mother before, since I had already long forgotten that she had a certain part in my life due to her absence. But now that she's back in my life and saying that she's waiting for me, when I've been wishing for her to show up most of my life, I really want to look at her and ask if she dares to call me her son with what she's done.

I should be really pissed off that I was forcefully dragged into this world to play this game of Godhood where I could actually lose my life when I was perfectly satisfied with my life back at home as a librarian. But when I think about getting a chance to talk to my so-called mother, I don't feel all that bad about being brought into this world and the risks I will have to face.

I mean, it's not like it's the first moment in my life where I had to survive while my life was in constant danger.

And there's also an attractive reward, along with the chance to become God at the end, so it's not all that bad.

But what I still don't understand is why I was brought to this world through some milf ads and why I was welcomed into the world of milfs. Why the hell are there milfs involved in achieving Godhood?

And didn't they say that this was a world of milfs? Where were they? I don't see a single one of them.

And as if God decided to answer my question, the door of my room opened all of a sudden, and a woman entered my room.

...Oh damn.

That's a milf alright. A fine one at that...The finest I've ever seen in my entire life.


(Warning: This novel is made by a Degenerate for Degenerates, so if you aren't into kinky stuff and prefer vanilla, then this novel isn't for you)

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