Chapter 405: 405

"The name of the palace is Chang?" As like as two peas in Chinese, Liu Chang heard the name of the undersea man and smiled . Until today, he found out that the pronunciation of "smooth" and "smooth" in Chinese language is exactly the same .

"The people of the protonuclear Presbyterian, even if I had been out a few years ago, would I have come to this place?" Liu Chang smiles with a bitter smile . At this moment, he suddenly finds that he is like a puppet . It seems that everything has been planned and planned several years ago . This kind of feeling will be uncomfortable to anyone, "my name is Liu Chang!"

Liu Chang took a deep breath and said, "my name is Liu Chang . "

Hearing Liu Chang’s name, the "three thousand two" in front of her did not seem to be too surprised . After a pause, she continued to move forward, as if all her surprise had been used up at the first sight of Liu Chang . Therefore, no matter what Liu Chang said, she was in a calm mood .

After standing still for a while, she continued to move on . "Three thousand two" did not say any more words until she came to the coral hall . "I’ll inform you, little elder of coral City, please wait here . "

"OK . " Liu Chang nodded and watched the man swimming slowly .

Then I watched at random in the hall of the color corridor - the sea people are very smart, which is reflected in all aspects - such as food, technology, and art .

There are not too many decorations in the hall, but as long as the decorations are placed there, it is just like finishing the finishing touch . It can make people easily feel the artistic atmosphere inside . The coral walls of the main hall were not decorated too much . But the whole wall made of coral reefs can form a huge stroke .

This combination is a combination of light - coral reefs have a variety of colors, and the light emitted by them is also different . Therefore, the seafloor people have used this principle of refraction to divide coral reefs with different light into lines, or combine them into "paint" of strokes, and then put together millions of pieces . Let the four walls form a huge mural .

The first wall depicts the origin of the sea people - five hundred sea people gathered in a deep trench - looking at the static state, Liu Chang seems to be able to see the whole process of the sea people from insects to adults .

The second mural is the starry sky, which seems to have nothing to do with the content of the first . It depicts the scene of a red fog around the earth under the starry sky . The earth looks red in outer space . Those red fog pictures are very realistic . The red coral reefs with strong or dark light are perfectly combined to make the red with different light and shade arranged in a strange way, which creates a real red fog transpiration effect .

As for the third painting, it is a figure - or a God . I don’t know if it’s a god worshipped by the people of the sea . What Liu Chang sees is a woman . The lower part of her body is wrapped around the earth, but the upper part of her body can’t see clearly . It seems that it stretches into the endless starry sky, which makes people feel profound .

The moral of the last painting is not profound at all - even compared with the other three murals which are so delicate that they can only be described perfectly . This painting can only be described in four words: the content of the painting is very clear . It is a human, but this human has no nose, no eyes, and no distinctive facial features . That’s all . The most ridiculous thing is that the human has two heads . One looks like a brain shaking one, but the other is still, looking weird and rough .

"Mr . Liu has a good eye . This painting was made by the people of the protonuclear Presbyterian . " When Liu Chang was looking at the painting, three thousand two came from the deep of the palace with three sea people who were very respectable at a glance . When the three people came, Liu Chang was staring at the last painting and frowning . That’s why we have the above words .

"What does this painting represent? Or what is the moral? " Liu Chang did not understand the content of the painting, and did not want to pretend to understand it, so he asked .

"In fact, I can’t understand the meaning of this painting, but listening to the elders said that this painting represents an unpredictable future . " The three sea people called by 3202 were obviously not ignorant . The visitor explained: "during the two years since we moved here, sometimes I always like to see this painting . After all, it was made by the Presbyterian group, and I can certainly see some different things, but I still can’t understand the meaning of this painting after two years of continuous reading . "

"Well, I don’t quite understand . What does a person with two heads have to do with the future?" Liu Chang rubbed his chin . After thinking for a while, he still didn’t quite understand . He simply stopped worrying about the issue, but turned back to three people and told them the destination of his trip: "I’m here to see the protonuclear Presbyterian . I was invited to come here . Several members of your protonuclear Presbyterian group took the undersea people of the tribe to negotiate with willow . I don’t know the result, but I hope you can introduce the elder, or give me some advice or something . "

"After all, the protonuclear elders didn’t say anything before I came . What’s more, when I came, I was only on the map of little Turner’s shop . I knew that the Presbyterian was in the area . But because of the scale problem, maps can never be too accurate . I think if it’s convenient, I hope to get help from a few people . ""Since Mr . Liu is the person invited by the great elders, we will naturally offer you the best help . " The three people left one of them . "We have sent someone to prepare the shuttle for you . It’s the best variety . There are accurate underwater route charts in it, and it can automatically avoid danger . We set the end of Hang Hang Hang route in the great wisdom Canyon where the great elders are located, but we will not go with you . "

"Well?" Liu Chang looks puzzled when he hears that the service is so considerate, but he doesn’t send anyone to follow him .

"The great elders don’t like to be disturbed by others . They don’t dare to go to the canyon without telling anyone . Since Mr . Liu is invited, only Mr . Liu is invited . We can’t follow him . "

"Oh, I see . " Liu Chang nodded, probably able to guess the situation in the canyon . Each of these prokaryotes had the level of Li Qingshui . 500 people gathered together to calculate or connect brain regions every day . They had no time to care about other things . They didn’t want others to disturb and increase variables on the way .

Therefore, we simply issued such a prohibition order to avoid being harassed by others .

After trying to understand the joints, Liu Chang did not speak any more - and Haimen’s efficiency was as high as ever . After he was silent for less than a minute, an underwater shuttle was opened up, and then the man who had left earlier got out of it .

The reason why Turner’s invention of the nuclear shuttle is much more advanced than that of the original one is that it takes much longer to launch the aircraft than before . Anyway, after Liu Chang went in, he found that it hardly needed to drive, and it was very fast . There was also a kind of underwater shading device on the outer glass window . As long as it was activated, it could become a kind of invisible effect similar to amphibian, and it completely shielded the smell and even made little noise .

"I would have stopped swimming if I had known about it!" Sitting in the cockpit, looking at this epoch-making technological product, Liu Chang not only felt the technological sophistication of the people living in the sea or the frontier protonuclear race, but also lamented the hardships he had made along the way . After waving goodbye to several undersea people, Liu Chang activated the button of the underwater shuttle . After a burst of refraction, Liu Chang’s body was completely hidden in the conical machine, and then at a very fast speed Du, out of the palace .

The navigation system of the shuttle is very intelligent . Liu Chang doesn’t know how the Bian protonuclear family can avoid obstacles so accurately without satellites . However, in the colorful corridor, Liu Chang can fully feel the perfect avoidance effect of the shuttle when facing a turn, even taking into account the curve of the turning and the feeling in the cockpit, which makes Liu Changshen I can’t help but think of the TV advertisement words five years ago .

"Technology serves people . "

With the underwater shuttle, Liu Chang’s speed was much faster .

First of all, the speed of the underwater shuttle is very fast, even compared with Liu Chang’s swimming speed after turning on the control of animal power - this is only one of them . The most important thing is that when you travel underwater, you don’t have to worry about all kinds of underwater dangers . The routes are set . Not only is it the nearest, but also the safest . This passage is cleaned up by people at the bottom of the sea . All dangerous objects are removed and cleaned every once in a while .

After all, this is the route to the protonuclear Presbyterian . For people in coral City, this is the most important and even sacred road . Therefore, it is important and safe .

Therefore, because of the safety and speed - almost only in two or three hours, Liu Chang crossed the distance of thousands of kilometers, and came to the famous wisdom Canyon among the underwater people .

When Liu Chang’s shuttle stopped at the mouth of the canyon, he knew the destination had been reached .

When we went down the canyon, we didn’t see anything else . We saw a huge round headed fish blocking the whole mouth of the valley . The head of the fish was very big . How big the mouth of the valley was, its head was as big as it was . It was so tightly packed in there that no one could pass through .

After getting off the shuttle, Liu Chang looked at the huge fish whose head diameter was more than 100 meters, but he did not encounter the terror warning of dangerous creatures, because he knew that since the fish was blocked in the mouth of the valley in this way, it must be the pet of the Presbyterian . (to be continued)

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