Chapter 157: 157

The crossbow is a military crossbow, and the arrow is a long arrow made of alloy arrow and wooden arrow . The long arrow of military crossbow is the standard configuration of great destructive power . Therefore, if the arrow goes down, the power is not small - if it is shot on a person, it will definitely nail the person through .

However, Liu Chang didn’t dodge looking at the flying crossbow . According to the world in his eyes, since the moment when the crossbow came out of the chamber, he caught the track of its movement, and then, in an instant, got a set of data by his powerful computing power comparable to Li Qingshui . The muzzle velocity of the catapult will be close to 213 meters per second after 0 . 13 seconds Their own body, but will deviate from their left 36 cm - will not shoot themselves .

After obtaining this set of data, Liu Chang certainly will not evade . However, the arrow also awakened him - within this second, he remembered the basic law of contacting strangers at the end of the day - the basic communication rules that he had forgotten in more than ten days of inhuman life .

"Brothers, don’t be excited, don’t be excited, I don’t mean anything!" Liu Chang stood in the thick fog and stopped running and stopped at the same place .

"Over there, who are you?" Several people with guns were confused and aimed at the direction of the sound coming from the depth of the weapon . With their eyesight, they could not see Liu Chang in the fog . Therefore, their shooting just now, and their aim now, all come from the judgment of the sound .

"Don’t get excited . I’m from Henan . " Liu Chang called out: "I want to go through this hidden forest to Hebei . Where are you from

"From Henan?" Several people heard Liu Chang’s words, and their tone was unbelievable . One of them immediately called out with Henan accent: "where are you from Henan?"

"Kaifeng, from Zhengzhou . " Liu Chang also stopped his Putonghua and used Henan dialect to shout .

"Did you lie to us?" Several people heard Liu Chang’s shouts, although still not at ease, but slowly put down the gun . "How can someone from Henan walk here?"

"Where is this?" Liu Chang continued to shout .

"Xingtai!" "You don’t know?" the man on the other side called

"Are you all in Xingtai?" Liu Chang heard several people’s shouts, surprised to ask: "has already passed Handan, to Xingtai?"

"Well, this is Xingtai . Are you really from Henan?" Several people still don’t believe it .

"Really . " Liu Changshun’s voice, slowly walked forward, "don’t worry, I’m on my own, no danger, no malice . "

As he spoke, Liu Chang walked into the field of vision of several people . They saw that he was only one person, and they all put down the muzzle of the gun . As the distance approached, several people saw clearly Liu Chang’s face: his beard was ragged and his hair was connected, his head and body were covered with soil and grass leaves, and his clothes were all holes . If he was not carrying a backpack, he would take it in his hands Guns, it is estimated that he is a primitive man, are believed .

"Shit, are you really from Henan?" Several people saw Liu Chang’s dress up and believed three points .

"Well, it’s great to see some of them . " After more than ten days of closed life, Liu Chang finally saw strangers . Liu Chang felt a strong sense of belonging back to the "organization . " I haven’t seen anyone for more than ten days . I’m lost in the jungle

"You can survive in the forest for more than ten days and walk all the way from the border of Henan Province . You are really . . . " Looking at the rag hole on Liu Chang’s body, several people called out, "it’s really good luck!"

"Well, good luck . . . " Liu Chang recalled the scene of being bitten by a lizard but came back from the dead . He also thought about the dangers and difficulties encountered in recent days . He sincerely sighed: "it’s really good that you can still see the living people by relying on luck all the way . "

"Well, let me introduce myself to you first . " Liu Chang waved his gun and said, "my name is Liu Chang . I’m from Henan Province . I’m 22 this year . "

"Oh, we are all from Xingtai . " The leading man introduced himself, but also looked at the two strange "giant" guns in Liu Chang’s hand . Finally, he could not help asking, "what gun are you?"

"Oh, it’s made in Zhengzhou . It’s a big caliber rifle . " Liu Chang casually perfunctory, "can I ask you about the situation here? Now that I have arrived in Xingtai City, have I walked out of this jungle? "

"Out of this forest?" The leading man listened to this sentence and sighed: "we still want to go out of this forest!"

"What? Is Xingtai not outside the woods? " Liu Chang hears this sentence, difference rises, "the forest encircles the city?"

"Well, it’s early to think of the woods . " Several people listened to his words, Qi Qi sighed, "a few years ago, when this forest was just formed, I heard that someone had gone to Shijiazhuang, but now Alas . . . "

"I haven’t heard of anyone going out . "

"Ha ha, maybe I went out, but I won’t come back . " The only woman in the team said, "anyway, we can’t hear from the outside at all . It must be far away from the outside . "

"That’s it Liu Chang listened to them and nodded . "By the way, brother . I’m sorry just now . " The woman added, "I didn’t mean that arrow just now . . . "

"I know, I just rushed too hard, but it was my fault . " Liu Chang heard the woman’s words, quickly waved his hand, "really thank you for helping me so much! Now the whole world is very difficult . No one wants to deal with strangers . I’m lucky to meet you

"Nothing . " The leading man looked at Liu Chang’s gun again and asked, "it’s very difficult for us to help each other . Anyway, it’s not a big deal to have a few words . But I want to ask, where do you want to go with such a big guy on your back? "

"Er . " After listening to his question, Liu Chang wrinkled his stiff brow unconsciously . "I had planned to go to Handan, but I’ve already passed by . Now I’ve come here . But I guess it’s surrounded by the woods . It’s a pity that some of my friends and I have been separated and arranged to meet there . Now I don’t think I can go back . I’m going to fix it up here . First, I’ll wait for my friends . Second, I’ll see if I can get out of here

Liu Chang explained his origin with half truth and half falsehood .

"Oh . " The leader of the team nodded after listening to Liu Chang’s reasonable explanation . Then he glanced at his collapsed nose and asked again, "is this a shot wound? Is there a conflict? "

"Well, it’s caused by conflict . " Liu Chang touched the bridge of his nose, where still came bursts of pain .

"Oh, it must be cured . " The leader said: "well, since meeting is fate, anyway, we are back in Xingtai, you can follow us to meet the city . "

"Thank you very much . " Liu Chang was glad to hear this .

"Well, I won’t do more introductions . My name is Li Feng!" The leader introduced himself and patted Liu Chang on the shoulder: "come on, follow me . The city is not far away . "

"Well . "

Along the way, Liu Chang put away his guns and mood . After several kilometers, he saw the scenery of the suburbs of the city . In fact, the edge of the suburbs of the city was similar to that of the countryside . The farmyards and buildings full of local flavor made Liu Chang feel a little bit back in human society .

"It used to be called Dongguo village . It’s close to the city . It’s not small and there are many people here . But now, you see . . . " Li Feng, the leader, pointed out to Liu Chang a small courtyard built by himself along the way and said, "there are no people now . Since four years ago, all the people who can live have gone to the center of the city . These houses are empty . In the past, Dongguo village was much larger than this . Later people left, and the woods surrounded it and eroded a large area here . In the outer suburbs, they have become forests . "

"In the past, the township government was noisy about greening every day, but this time it was really green . It’s really ironic!"

"This is not greening . " "I haven’t seen any grass in four years," said the man with Henan accent in the team

"All the trees here are red?" After listening to that person’s words, Liu Chang doubts again .

"All red, not red outside?" "The trees in Henan are not red?" he asked

"No, it’s still green, there are red ones, and less . " Liu Chang explained .

"Oh, I thought the trees all over the world had turned red . " People in Henan dialect continued: "there are scientists in the city who say that trees turn red because of the red fog and dyeing effect . Now when you say that the trees outside are still green, I know that expert is a bullshit again!"

"Oh . " When Liu Chang heard the complaints of his fellow villagers, he nodded and sighed in his heart . A hidden forest is like a huge cage, which makes the people trapped in it as if they were locked in a black room . He didn’t know what color the outside world was .

"Didn’t you want to get in touch with the outside world?"

"Contact a fart, those stupid . Forcing scientists, research for four years, but have not come up with a reason!" When several people talked about communication tools, they suddenly got excited . "A group of stupid . Forced, can not go out, also can’t contact the outside world . Some have the ability to try to go out, but most of those who leave the city have no news . It is estimated that most of them died . No one wants to joke about their lives, so we’re stuck here

"Four years, no one else came in?" Liu Chang was surprised and said, "is this impossible? None? "

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