From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 91: Above the World, Sun, Moon, and Stars

TL: Sungmin

Before that, Lin Tian had to discuss the situation with those master-level dwarf blacksmiths.

They needed to create a magic tool specifically to deal with the undead and the church.

“Dear, where are you going again? Let me help you,” Adele said, full of concern.

This time, Lin Tian couldn’t refuse her help even if he wanted to.

The only comforting thing was that the dwarves had been forging with great care during this period.

He even heard that they had created a world-class magic tool.

Soon, they arrived outside the forge.

One by one, the dwarves were hammering away at the fiery red ores.

The light from the furnace illuminated their faces, creating a scene rich with artistic ambiance.

This was the art of forging.

“Your Majesty the Queen? His Highness Dennis, what brings you here?” The kingdom’s former chief blacksmith, Bill, spoke up, respectfully taking off his hat and bowing.

Despite being over a hundred years old, he still looked quite vigorous.

His arms were solid and muscular.

A true professional at first glance.

Lin Tian also returned the salute, removing his hat. “Master Bill, I’m here to ask for your help in creating a specific magic tool.”

“Oh? No problem. However, your legend has already spread throughout the city!” Bill said with a mischievous smile.


Lin Tian was a bit confused and looked at Adele. “What legend?”

“The epic battle at the tavern where you defeated hundreds of people, don’t you know? Although you were seriously injured, it was a historic event on the continent, a legendary occurrence,” Adele said with pride and joy, tightly hugging Lin Tian’s arm.

It was an honor, and she wouldn’t punish the female dwarves for it.

Lin Tian finally understood. Indeed, he had almost died there.

But relatively speaking, it was truly a legendary event and quite honorable.

At this moment, Bill laughed heartily and got down to business. “What kind of magic tool do you need? Explain its purpose.”

“The strongest beings on the continent are the undead and the holy types, like the church and deities. I want to create a magic tool specifically to deal with them,” Lin Tian explained seriously.

Hearing this, Bill pondered for a moment. “They might not be the strongest, but indeed, it’s necessary to prepare a tool for them. Leave it to me. I’ll ensure you get a satisfactory magic tool.”

Hearing his assurance, Lin Tian felt relieved.

On the way back, the female dwarves eyed Lin Tian like hungry predators, their gazes lecherous.

Being stared at like that all the way made his scalp tingle.

It was the first time he used the word “lecherous” to describe girls, especially little loli-type girls.

Lin Tian stopped and said, “Let’s hurry back.”

Once they returned to the palace and calmed down a bit, Lin Tian spoke, “System, start the Life Simulation.”

[The Life Simulation System is starting. Current scenario: Dwarf Kingdom Arc]

[After much hardship, you finally arrived at the Dwarf Kingdom, where wild little lolis are everywhere, almost making you think it’s paradise. However, you almost lost your life accidentally at the tavern. On the other hand, you became a legendary figure in the Dwarf Kingdom. Not wanting to repeat the same mistakes, you sought guidance from Master Jamila in the palace to learn forging. Days passed, and as your forging skills improved, the dwarves forged more and more magic tools. In a month, they completed seven hundred. In the second month, the female dwarves started to strike, demanding that you share the same hardships, going down to the mines and drinking together.

Option 1: Agree to share the hardships, score 100

Option 2: Avoid them, prioritize your life, score 10

Option 3: Improvise, score 30]

Seeing the astonishing score differences, Lin Tian didn’t need to think much to know that choosing option 1 would be certain death!

He would be tormented to death by those female dwarves who could absorb dirt while sitting.

But if he chose option 2, those guys would definitely strike, including the males, and the progress of magic tool production would fall behind.

He could only choose option 3 and see what improvisation would do.

[To appease the female dwarves, you hired several guards and had Adele accompany you closely, going down to the mines again. However, the guards were knocked out, and Adele was sent away. You were nearly dragged into the dark depths of the mine, an extremely terrifying place. With no choice, you had to reveal your strength and forcibly escape. Fortunately, it did not arouse suspicion. At the tavern that night, you stayed outside the door, but the female dwarves brought out many high-proof liquors, and the evaporating alcohol fumes were enough to make you dizzy. Fortunately, you had a large amount of antidote and escaped their clutches. Thus, after three months of wits and bravery, you finally obtained a thousand qualified magic tools, including 700 tenth-tier tools, 250 eleventh-tier tools, and 50 world-class tools.]

At this point, Lin Tian directly interrupted the Life Simulation.

Because he could finally escape this hell, Lin Tian took back his previous words—what a damned paradise.

[Summary: You felt the terrifying side of a peach blossom luck for the first time. Boys should protect themselves when out and about.

Score: 50 out of 100

Reward: 50 life points

This life simulation is complete, with a time progression of three months.]

The scene shifted.

Lin Tian was still in the familiar palace, but three months had already passed.

He went to the magic tool warehouse to check and found it indeed filled with all kinds of magic tools!

Colorful and radiant!

They were so dazzling that they could blind anyone with their brilliance.

“This is a magic tool warehouse! One thousand pieces, fifty world-class ones. A nationwide mobilization almost matched what the dwarves had forged in hundreds of years.”

Lin Tian thought, it was best that he hadn’t used violence.

At first, he had planned to capture all the little lolis.

To enjoy them slowly and force them to forge tools.

But now, he realized these people were his subjects and could be ordered around. Not capturing them was actually better.

Only some obsessed girls were truly crazy.

In broad daylight.

Indeed, while others sought alms, they…

“Space magic ring? Time magic ring?”

During his inspection, Lin Tian found these two exquisite magic tools placed in a box.

[Space Magic Ring: One of the top ten magic rings crafted by ancient dwarves. It can store a large number of items without increasing the ring’s weight, but it is limited to inanimate objects. Living beings that enter will have their souls trapped forever.]

Lin Tian’s eyes lit up. In this world, it was indeed a great item.

Unlike the fantasy cultivation world, space storage tools were extremely precious.

However, this was definitely not one of the top ten ancient magic rings. It was probably a replica made by some dwarf artisan.

As for the other ring, it was definitely world-class.

[Time Magic Ring: One of the top ten magic rings crafted by ancient dwarves. It can store time to fast-forward or rewind, and even steal someone else’s lifespan.]

Lin Tian immediately put these two treasures on his fingers.

Having ten of them would be even better.

But after searching everywhere, he only found these two ring-type magic tools, and he didn’t like the other jewelry-type magic tools.

He then pocketed all of them in one go.

“This space ring is crafted so perfectly.”

Lin Tian couldn’t help but laugh.

Previously, he had planned to sneak them out, but now it was unnecessary.

He then closed the door to the magic tool warehouse.

It was time to find that old guy Bill.

He wasn’t sure if the magic tool he had requested had been successfully forged.

Arriving outside the forge, Lin Tian felt an invisible pressure permeating the air.

The large forge that previously could accommodate ten craftsmen forging simultaneously.

Now only had Bill’s old yet upright figure.

Holding a hammer, he was frantically hammering away.

Each clash of metal resonated with the soul!

Gradually, sparks of lightning began to burst from his hammering! The sound of hammering became thunderous!

“Oh my, as expected of Master Bill!”

“Did he really forge it? A half-moon-class magic tool!”

“With the addition of Thunder Bull horns, he managed to replicate the power of thunder!”

“Even with a fragmented forging blueprint, Master Bill could recreate it. I have a lot to learn.”

The top dwarf artisans exclaimed in amazement.

After a long time, Bill placed the red-hot magic tool into the quenching pool.

This time, instead of the special quenching liquid, it contained the blood of dwarves.

With the sound of sizzling bubbles.

Bill used tongs to retrieve the magic tool.

It was a spear!


A wild bolt of lightning struck Bill’s face on the spot.

Everyone’s hearts jumped, wanting to check on him.

Bill covered his face, marked by a lightning wound, “I’m fine, don’t come over.”

Enduring the rampant lightning, he continued hammering the spear.

But he used a different hammer, one inscribed with many runes.

Each strike imprinted a rune on the spear.

Finally, the spear gradually calmed down.

Bill held it in his hand, the sky changing color! Thunder and lightning!

It was like the arrival of Zeus, bringing a powerful visual shock!

“Although it can’t compare to the original Spear of Zeus crafted by pure-blood ancient dwarves, it can be considered a half-moon-class weapon.”

Bill said with a sigh, holding the spear as if filled with power!

Above the world, the sun, moon, and stars!

A half-moon-class weapon, only usable by the gods above the world.

Now, it was in his hands.

He aimed it at a towering small mountain outside the city.

Gathering strength, preparing to throw.

The power of thunder began to surge in his hand, crackling as if he were bathed in lightning!


The spear transformed into a sky-shattering bolt of lightning, shooting towards the small mountain!

In an instant, a sea of thunder erupted there!

The top of the small mountain was directly blasted apart!

Then, the loud explosion reached them, accompanied by a gale!

Blowing so hard that people couldn’t open their eyes.

“Oh my! It’s been a long time since we’ve seen the power of a half-moon-class magic tool!”

“How gratifying.”

“We shouldn’t be lazy. With our dwarven skills, we should make more of these to sell and have endless drinks! Hahaha!”

“Yes, and we can eat all kinds of pies! Heehee!”

The dwarves were not warlike, possessing such divine forging skills, yet still thinking about selling for money to drink.

Clearly capable of robbing, yet they honestly gave you money.

Lin Tian felt both speechless and fortunate.

If they were warlike, it would have been impossible to obtain these magic tools.

On the forge, Bill looked extremely weak after the throw, stretching out his hand, and the spear flew back as lightning.

“Your Highness Dennis, this is the magic tool I forged for you, the Spear of Zeus. Although it’s not the genuine article, it’s sufficient.” Bill said, panting with exhaustion.

Lin Tian hurriedly went up to support him and took the spear.

Overall, it looked like an ordinary spear, except the front part was a half Z-shaped lightning form, and the shaft was covered with various ancient runes.

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