Chapter 32: Underestimated

'Fuck, what do I do.' Lou was darting her eyes around looking at each of the military members.

Despite them being cannon fodder, they were still trained soldiers making the situation a lot more dangerous.

Kim was pulling on the half dog's arm that wrapped around her neck making sure she could breathe. This scene alone was aggravating Lou by the second and was close to snapping no matter the consequences.

"Hahaha, Look at you unable to do anything, how does it feel to be so helpless?" The half dog was getting more cocky thinking that Lou was unable to do anything. What he failed to realise was that Kim was highly trained and only saw her as some sort of toy for Lou.

"Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. OFF ME!!" Kim then bit down on the half-dog's arm, ripping a chunk out of it. The half-dog let out a scream and let go of Kim to stop the bleeding on his arm.

Kim then spun around and elbowed the half-dog in the face knocking him out instantly.

Lou smiled, proud of what Kim had done and capitalised on the switch of attention. Aiming at 2 of the 5 other soldiers, Lou took them out with ease setting them ablaze. Their screams echoed and Lou got chills from hearing them scream and went to target the remaining soldiers.

However, Kim was already taking care of them as her fit of rage had not stopped with the half-dog.

Kim picked up her beretta from the half-dog and jumped over an air vent while shooting a soldier, killing them instantly.

The other 2 soldiers now grasping the situation aimed their weapons at Kim and fired. However, Kim was already close enough to one of the soldiers. Redirecting the weapon Kim avoided the bullets and pulled the soldier to her side to use him as a meat shield.

Getting killed by his own teammate Kim aimed over the dead soldier's body and killed the last soldier. The soldier's head was completely blown off by Kim since she used her essence to create an explosive bullet. Throwing the body she had to the floor and shooting it in the head for extra measure, Kim had successfully killed the 3 soldiers on her own.

Lou was impressed, so she could not help herself but walk up to Kim and pull her in for a kiss.

Kim instantly snapped out of it and had no idea how to react, but to accept the kiss.

"What a wonderful show you put on~." Lou pulled away and looked deeply into Kim's eyes.

"Aha, I just couldn't take that man's grubby hands anymore and I couldn't stand his attitude." Kim was blushing like crazy and felt joy from getting praised by Lou.

"Well speaking of such a man I think you have some unfinished business." Lou looked behind her at the knocked-out half-dog that was yet to be killed.

"Tch, Yes I do." Kim looked at the passed-out half-dog in disgust.

Walking over to his body, Kim wanted to pay back for the treatment the half-dog had given her.

Stomping down on the half-dog's chest, it instantly woke him up from his unconscious state.

*cough* *cough* "You damn piece of shit cat." Even though the half-dog was in the compromised position, he still had the guts to throw insults.

"Shut up dog, how about we put that military leash back on you." Kim stomped down on the half-dog's chest again breaking his ribs in the process.

"Go to hell!" The half-dog groaned in pain and tried to get out from under her foot, but any movement caused the broken ribs to poke his lungs.

"We're already in it, now say goodbye to your miserable life." Kim lifted her leg for one last stomp, this time going for the head. Smashing down on the half-dogs skull, Kim crushed his head killing him in an instant.

Kim took a deep breath and found herself tumbling back as she had not recovered fully and the adrenaline had been keeping her going.

Lou caught Kim and embraced her as Lou was proud of the display Kim just showed.

"Good girl~ now leave it to me, so you can rest." Lou gave a quick kiss to Kim on her forehead and started to pat her head.

"Ha, I must say that was quite fun." Kim rather enjoyed the killing and understood why Lou loved it so much.

"Fufu~ it seems like I am infecting you by the day." Lou smirked as the many years they had been together Kim was slowly being more influenced by Lou more and more.

"I was infected the day we met and despite being together for so long I'm still a blushing mess." Kim covered her face as she was thinking back and had gotten embarrassed.

"It's what makes you cute so no need to change~." Lou then swept Kim's feet into a princess carry and went over to where their bags were.

"Anyway, we should move before a mutant comes up and attacks us." Lou put Kim's sniper on her back and got Kim to carry her bag in her lap while Lou put on hers.

"I don't think I will be able to fight again for a bit, I already feel the exhaustion kicking in." Kim found herself getting tired and her consciousness started to sway.

"If you need to sleep, do it now." Lou was not going to leave Kim's side this time allowing Kim to safely take a nap.

"If that's the case, don't mind if I do." Kim snuggled into Lou and quickly fell asleep in her arms.

Lou scanned the area looking for any other places to go wait for Reia since the time to meet up was fast approaching.

'I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't able to make it.' Lou was able to see on Reia's face that she was exhausted and was pushing her limits.

'I will wait a bit longer, but if I don't see or hear her I am going to have to leave right away.' Lou believed Reia would be okay but did not see her being able to make it to gate 2.

Deciding to go further down the apartments, Lou figured she could use Kim's sniper to look down at gate 2 to see if there was any activity while she waited.

Running atop the roofs of the apartments Lou Jumped over any gaps in the building and eventually found a spot that provided cover. Around them were air vents and an entrance that went inside the building. Laying Kim down on her back lightly, Lou made sure there wasn't anywhere Kim could easily be grabbed.

Lou then laid down herself with Kim's sniper and looked down the scope watching the road leading up to gate 2.

'Now let's see if Reia will show up.' Lou had made sure she wasn't going over the edge too much with the barrel to not accidentally grab any survivors' attention while she patiently waited.


The awaited time had passed and no sign of Reia was in sight. Lou had ended up almost dozing off as it was insanely boring watching the same place and was even tempted to wake Kim up to pass some time.

'Just as expected, but oh well at least I can say I waited.' Lou stood up and prepared to move again. This time Lou had taken off the pistols that were on her heels as they were rather awkward to walk with.

Picking up Kim from off the ground, Lou had accidentally woke Kim up from her nap.

"L-Lou?" Kim was in a bit of a daze and clearly needed more rest.

"Yes it's me darling~ we are moving now since Reia did not show up so you can go back to sleep." Lou wanted Kim to get enough rest as the quicker she recovered the easier for them to traverse the city.

"Hmm okay~." Kim without thinking pulled Lou in for a quick kiss before getting herself comfortable again in Lou's arms and falling asleep.

Lou chuckled slightly at Kim's spur of assertiveness and found it rather adorable.

Lou once again looked around for a place to go and spotted a large building that looked like a hotel. Lou decided to make her way over in hopes it was a quiet place for Kim to sleep.

The chaos had not died down yet and many distant explosions and gunfire echoed throughout the entire city, surprising Lou that Kim was able to sleep through it.

Wanting to take things a bit slower for Kim, Lou casually walked on the roofs towards the hotel and only ran if she needed to jump a gap.

While walking along the roof of various buildings Lou witnessed many survivors that were still around running for their lives or being killed by mutants. This allowed Lou to see somewhat up close how the mutants were able to turn people.

'It seems that whatever the body is made out of is what is turning people.' Lou noticed that after every wound from the mutant there was a residue left behind that was the same as the mutant's body.

'So direct contact with an opening in the body will turn someone, I guess the next question is are you able to touch it and still be okay.' Lou wanted to find out more about the mutants, but she was not willing to use herself as a test subject to find out.

'No matter, if we can find Echo, he can most likely analyze the mutants.' Lou did not want to bother to find out the science behind the mutants and was going to leave that to Echo.

Ignoring the screams that came from the streets below Lou continued to make her way to the hotel.


"Oi you silver-haired she-wolf, come help us!" A survivor from the street below was currently fending off mutants with a metal bat and a few other survivors.

Lou did not even look at the man and continued to walk across the roof.

This pissed off the man as it could be clearly seen she had weapons, but she did not even bat an eye.

"Fucking bitch!" The man yelled out while hitting a mutant in the skull knocking it back. The other survivors hearing how the interaction was going also became rather angry at Lou who was not helping.

"Why thank you~." Lou, hearing the man clearly, decided to pull out her beretta and shot at the man's leg.

"Arggghhh!" The man screamed in pain and the mutant he was fending off pounced on top of the man biting his neck.

The others he was with tried to get the mutant off him, but it was too late.

"You monster!" Collectively the group of at least 8 survivors yelled at Lou for getting the man killed.

"You have a keen eye, too many people think I'm a pretty angel." Lou, who had put Kim down to shoot the man, picked her back up and continued walking.

The survivor group was infuriated, but they could not argue and had to focus on killing the mutants in front of them.

"Next time treat me with respect like I'm an empress or even Lucifer herself before you go asking for help." Lou left, leaving the survivors to fend for themselves despite their angry cries for help.


"Jeez Lou, didn't have to shoot the man." Kim had been awake for the encounter and felt pity for the innocent survivors.

"Although I wasn't offended by what he said, I didn't want to waste my time on them." Lou did it purely for entertainment and wasn't bothered to help them as even if she helped, they would have either died or joined the rebels.

"Oh well, not like we know or care for them, it's not our duty to protect anymore." The reality of the situation was becoming more clear to Kim, that she did not need to uphold any more values of the military.

"Good~, but can you walk now? We are at what I believe is a hotel." Lou stopped at the edge of the roof and looked across the street where the entrance to the hotel was.

"I can try." Kim wasn't able to gauge well how she was feeling so it was only a matter of testing out her legs.

Lou slowly put Kim on her feet and was able to move around freely again.

"As long as I don't use any essence I should be fine." Kim was confident she would be okay as long as she did not get into a fight.

"Sweet, let's get ourselves a penthouse to stay in." Lou smiled hoping for a bit of room raiding while exploring the hotel.

"Of course we are going for the most expensive room." Kim wasn't surprised and assuming it was at the top, would provide a great vantage point.

"Of course now let's get going." Lou gestured with her head to a set of metal stairs and so Kim and Lou made their way to raid the hotel.

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