How did this happen?

At the chilly sensation of the cold metal against my hands, I opened my fist.

The key to the iron bars that Lanoa left for me boasted an ugly appearance.

“It’s more satisfying to tame the ones that are more fierce, right?”

Tame it? Tame what, you bastard. No matter what I say, it’s futile.

I mentally chewed Lanoa out.

He brushed away my vehement refusals and left.

He has no idea just exactly what he’s done.

“I thought I would be fine as long as I avoided it…”

Originally, it was supposed to be Rosetta that hunted Sihael, not Lanoa. Rosetta, whose hobby was hunting, would stumble upon and hunt a rare silver wolf.

Never in her wildest imagination could she have ever known that the wolf was Sihael, the little sun of the empire/kingdom.

‘Even if Rosetta knew, she would have still confined him anyway.’

Whatever the process, in the end, she met Sihael earlier than the female protagonist Lillianna.

It’s just that Rosetta wouldn’t know that the wolf was Sihael until the novel started.


It was the norm for the prince’s curse to naturally recede with the full moon.

However, the prince fell to the empress’s tricks and took a poison that would amplify the strength of the curse. He had been unable to return to humanity and was stuck in the shape of a beast.

As a result, Rosetta had never seen Sihael’s human form before.

How, then, was she able to figure out who he was just from his wolf form when she came across him by chance at the Academy?

That was due to the color of Sihael’s pupils.

Being more perceptive than others, Rosetta took one look at Siahel’s peculiar but mesmerizing eyes to conclude that he was the silver wolf with confidence.

She was happy to have found the lost wolf, but her happiness was cut short.

She saw that next to Sihael stood Lillianna, burned with jealousy and anger, and grew obsessed.

‘That’s when she began to walk the path to ruin.’

I, who understood better than anyone else that the meeting between the two of us would only lead to misfortune, avoided stepping foot anywhere within the hunting grounds.

Even when others invited me to hunt, I used the excuse of being sick to avoid it.

I thought everything would be solved as long as we didn’t meet. That was how I came to believe I had avoided my miserable end.

But for Lanoa to catch him for me…….

It’s already shocking that a man whose nosetips I haven’t seen for one year suddenly showed up, why did it have to be Sihael who was caught?

Even if I wanted to avoid it, can the original events not be avoided at all?

A pretty red ribbon tied onto the iron key caught my attention. It was amusing to see it wrapped up like a gift for me.

“What present? You threw a nuclear bomb in front of me and left.”

I ripped up the ribbon with an agitated hand. My future felt like the torn pieces of the ribbon that fell to the ground.



The situation in front of me was so frustrating that I couldn’t help but to release a sigh, but at the sound of my sigh, Sihael, who had become sensitive, bared his fangs.

Could I not even sigh once…. After a short while, I became used to his big fangs, and I was tired of reacting to every single one of Sihael’s actions.

I massaged my stiff eyes.

“Why are you only showing your temper to me?”

“Woof, Woof”

“Be Quiet!”

Ugh, my eardrums might burst at this point. I covered my ears at the shaking sounds from the basement. basement shaking sounds. Just a moment ago, I was scared enough that my legs were trembling. Humans truly are animals of adaptation. Now, even if Sihael were to glare at me, I can handle it.

Besides, the cage is specially designed such that he can’t rip it apart, and he can’t bite me with his mouth muzzled.

So now I just feel regretful rather than scared.

“Someone else caught him, but why is he going wild when he sees me?” Mumbling, I took a chair from the corner and threw it down across from Sihael.

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