Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 285 - Not A Preposterous Wish

Chapter 285 - Not A Preposterous Wish

"When I am in the presence of very rich people…I don't think I can survive among them without you near me…" she said placing her hand on his chest. He was warm and comfortable to be with. "And here…I know I can survive here alone," she was honest.

She is used to the middle class of life and that was what was comfortable for her.

Well, but with her company getting the exposure now among the wealthy, she will have to prepare her heart to attend fancy dinners and parties to maintain the connections necessary for the company. If not for her, if not for money, she should do it for the sake of the company and her adorable employees who stuck with her through thick and thin.

And their skills and capabilities should gain them a place in the higher echelons of society. She should help them rise to the heights they deserve. They cannot stay in the dark anymore for her sake. They have suffered enough to keep her safe till now.

I have to get out of this shell that I made around myself to be comfortable.. Only then I can get get the reach I want for my company.

"What a weird one I married," Jeremy hugged her and kissed her head. "Guess, I should keep you rich all the time for you to stay with me…"

"What a weird thing to say! You make it seem like I am with you for your money," Jerlina chuckled. She knew that is not what he meant.

"I know… I know it is the opposite…But money brings comfort. You know that," he said.

"Hmm…" Jerlina agreed. She never hates money. She'd welcome money with open hands. "But what makes me uncomfortable is the lifestyle that comes with excessive wealth," she could now voice her opinion more properly. "You seem so well-adjusted to both lives. But I… I don't feel very comfortable around wealthy people," she was honest.

"You got along with Jonathan, Samuel and his wife," Jeremy rubbed her back.

"Yeah, they were nice to me…" Jerlina said.

Jeremy is right. She got along with them. They were kind to her and she didn't think they were different from others she knew. But what made her uncomfortable?

"I think… I need more confidence," she found out the root cause of her discomfort.

It was not the behavior of others or their way of life that made her uncomfortable. It was her own lack of confidence that made her uncomfortable.

"Hmm," Jeremy kissed her head." You can gain confidence little by little. There is no reason for you to hurry. I will be right by your side. You do not need to get worried," he spoke rubbing her back.

"Thank you," Jerlina smiled.

She knew she has to gain more confidence. If she can face a gang lord with automatic weapons, she can face a bunch of wealthy people without getting scared.

"Call up your men dilly dilly…" Jerlina started to sing making Jeremy sigh.

"Can you just stop? Can't we talk like this for some more time?" he asked.

"But I want to sleep!" Jerlina chuckled.

"Then sleep. Why must you make me sleep?"

"Send them to work…"

"F*ck! You can be a villain with that voice of yours…" Jeremy mumbled.

Jerlina didn't stop singing.

"With that hypnotizing voice, the villain made the entire world go to sleep… Who will save the day?" Jeremy even did a narration on his own while trying to control his yawns.

But by the time Jerlina finished the song, he fell asleep. With a smile, Jerlina fell asleep too.

Jerlina woke up in the morning as she felt cold. Without opening her eyes, she patted to her side to realize Jeremy has woken up. Her lips curved up naturally.

He couldn't sleep a bit more! Once he starts to feel a little better, he has to get up. What a guy!

She stretched herself and woke up. She opened the curtains and looked out. It seemed like it had snowed the entire night.

He probably is shoveling the snow… That idiot! I told him not to do any work!

Jerlina ran down the stairs and as she expected, her husband was shoveling the snow in the front yard. He was back to wearing his usual plaid shirt and jeans with boots and he looked ruggedly handsome as he cleared the snow.

Ugh! He's too handsome to get angry at! Maybe I should let him be. If he is doing this he should be fine, right?

Jerlina went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast after turning on the laundry. By the time she finished breakfast, Jeremy got in.

"Wash up! Breakfast is ready," she pecked his lips.

But before she could pull back, his hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. Her waist ended up on his hips as his lips crashed on hers.

Sucking and nibbling on her lips, he slipped his other hand to the back of her head. His fingers tangled with the hair and he fixed her closer to him.

When he left her lips, Jerlina was panting for air.

"Wash up," Jerlina pointed him to the bathroom with her entire face red. The more she was close to him, the more she wanted intimacy.

She smiled watching the man going to the bathroom with his tail between his legs. He might be rude or loud at times but he could love. She cannot deny that.

They had their breakfast while talking about mundane things. And Jerlina got to clean the places she left last evening and Jeremy was asked to watch her.

Jeremy made a call to Charlie to get news of the town. The first thing Charlie talked to him was about Mark. Jeremy felt sad but he wasn't as distressed as he thought he would be.

When he was talking with Viper the other day, he was about to say something about Mark. And he shut him up before he said anything. Jeremy had a feeling that Mark might have something to do with that day Jerlina was in danger.

But he is dead now and it is no use trying to investigate about it.

"Maverick's lawyer met with me and told me that he left a letter for you in his will. Apparently there is more to his will and the Lawyer wanted you to meet him directly," Charlie said.

Jeremy hummed. "Yeah, when I come back. And Bobby?" he didn't forget to ask about him. "How are the dogs?"

"Every one is fine, TJ. Bobby started to talk and he is eating well. The dogs whine sometimes but they are doing fine. When are you returning?" Charlie asked.

"Not sure…" Jeremy answered. "I need some time off, Charlie… Can you understand?" he asked.

For years and years, he did everything to help everyone around him. And now that everything is settled and with him married to the love of his life, he wanted some time off.

He should be bringing her to a honeymoon in Europe or some fine holiday destinations, but he didn't know why his heart wants to stay in this shabby home that might come down any moment if it is not fixed.

He turned and looked at his wife happily folding the laundry. He just wanted it to be them for some days, maybe weeks.

He might be selfish in deciding so. His company work is still getting handled by her but he can take care of it from now on. He is getting better.

But he wanted to stay in this town where his mother's grave is for some days with his wife.

This calmness around this place with no people around and the peace being with her... He wanted to enjoy it for some time.

That is not too much to ask, is it?

Don't I deserve it? Doesn't she deserve it?

She will get busy once New Year comes and after Mikhail opens his bar. After that we won't have free time like this.

It is not too much of a preposterous wish!

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