Chapter 43

Shi Luo looked blankly at the screen, both his hands were placed on the keyboard. Before he could tell Wawa, Wawa had already quickly withdrawn from their team up.

In the training room, Chen Huo, who had just finished a match, looked at the message Wawa had sent him. He looked over his computer screen at Yu Sui. Taking Yu Sui’s live broadcast into consideration, Chen Huo was angry but dared not speak. He lowered his voice and confirmed through gritted teeth. “I, want, to, team, up, with, Wawa?”

Yu Sui looked at Chen Huo with a completely innocent look on his face and asked, “Don’t you want to?”

Yu Sui had a live broadcast open. If Chen Huo dared to say no, NSN’s fans might come knocking on their door the next second. Chen Huo exited the single row interface and teamed up Wawa. He gritted his teeth. “Of course, I want to! How can I not want to! I so f*cking want to!”

Shi Luo stared blankly as Chen Huo went to team up with Wawa. Over at his side, his game client beeped with a notification. Yu Sui had sent him an invite to team up.

Shi Luo paused for a moment before clicking ‘accept’. In the next second, there was a system notification that Yu Sui had already queued up for a match.

These twists and turns were too much for Shi Luo’s emotions that it was a while before Shi Luo completely came back to his senses. While waiting in queue, Shi Luo hesitantly opened Yu Sui’s live broadcast and took a look at the barrage.


[Skill fans are very satisfied. Passerby strikers are too low standard. If you’re gonna watch a striker, it has to be Evil.]


[Whisper, this slag man, has killed me again. How did he know so well? Who can stand it? ]

[This slag man has killed me again +1. Sisters, you must never ever fall for this kind of person. You’ll be killed by him. Ahhhhhhh....]

[Can’t stand it! Can’t stand it! We’re not even the ones directly involved in this and we already can’t stand it!]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m dead! I’m perfectly satisfied! No one believed me when I said it. I guessed that he would be teaming up with Evil today...]

[What’s the situation between these two? What’s the situation?!!!]

[Does Yu Shen know that we can see his chat?]

[It’s not his first time broadcasting. He must know...]

[This is what I admire about Yu Shen. Whether it’s reporting his teammate’s ID when trading insults with sprayers or sending off Wawa, he does it all out in the open and with a clear conscience.]

[I also like this about my Yu Shen. If he’s going to lie to you, he’s not gonna hide it.]

[But don’t people say that they don’t get along very well? What’s the situation now?]

[‘Don’t get along’, my ass! If that were the case, would Shi Shen go to Free?]

[Let’s take a closer look at it.]

[It’s starting! It’s starting!]

Shi Luo quickly closed the live broadcast page. Taking a look at the game interface, the match was indeed starting. When he entered the map, Shi Luo looked at the medic standing beside his in-game character. His Adam’s apple bobbled slightly.

Both of them had ‘Free’ written in front of their account names. When their passerby teammates saw this they began to flood their team chat with comments. Yu Sui typed nothing all throughout. As for Shi Luo, even if he typed something, it would just be swept away by their teammates’ comments, so he chose not to type anything.

Shi Luo actually wanted to ask Yu Sui how he wanted to play.

Was he going to go with his assassin-type style?

If he was going to use his assassin-type play, Shi Luo would cooperate with Yu Sui in the early stage to let him have the heads. In the later stage, he’ll pay attention not to occupy too much of the public economy. If Yu Sui upgrades, he can buy the three-sided photon shield. It would need a lot of economy but it would also benefit the team a lot. It was equivalent to giving the team another layer of life.

But this really wasn’t convenient to ask.

Because he had known Yu Sui for so long and Yu Sui has always played as an assassin-type medic, except for that time they unexpectedly ran into each other during that one broadcast and he played as a milktank, if Shi Luo asked now, it would seem like he wanted Yu Sui to play as a milktank.

Shi Luo silently watched his teammates flood the team chat. As soon as the game countdown reached zero, he immediately rushed forward.

Yu Sui followed closely behind him.

Yu Sui played very meticulously. While walking, he sent out the initial photon shields to cover his other teammates, not wasting even a single second. By the time Shi Luo and their passerby striker teammate met up after fumbling through the map, they had already completed the initial phase. When Shi Luo heard footsteps, he didn’t panic and deployed the purification dish. He retreated two steps and hid behind some shrubbery. Without waiting for him to take aim, beside him, Yu Sui had already taken out his dagger and with a swipe, he brought down the dagger and took the kill.

As expected, Yu Sui was playing as an assassin-type medic. After letting him have that kill, Shi Luo waited for Yu Sui to withdraw back behind the bunker before opening fire once again.

Although the two of them have never cooperated in this way, this was just a passerby game. With two professional players in the team, they basically crushed everyone. In less than 20 minutes, they finished the match. Both of them exited the map at the same time.

After exiting the map, Shi Luo took a deep breath. He didn’t know whether Yu Sui planned on continuing on to another match.

Before, Shi Luo had heard Yu Sui and Zhou Huo discussing that for his first broadcast, about 2 hours would be good. It was already past an hour. For the next hour, Yu Sui should go and talk with his fans, right?

Yu Sui didn’t keep him guessing for long. Over on his side, Yu Sui had already queued them up for another match. Less than a minute later, matching was successful and they entered the map.

In the second game, the two still didn’t communicate, but they cooperated better than during the previous game.

Moreover, conditions were more favorable for them this time and they steamrolled over their opponents. This time they finished in just sixteen minutes. Once again, they both exited the map.

Shi Luo had just exited the map, when he received an in-game notification that they were queuing up again for another match.

In this way, the two of them, without communicating with one another, quickly played five games in a row.

They leveled up too fast and the queuing time was getting longer. By the sixth match, they waited for three full minutes and the system still hadn’t found any opponents for them. Shi Luo took a look at the time. It was already 10 ‘clock.

Yu Sui should be wrapping up his live broadcast soon.

Shi Luo didn’t know what Yu Sui was planning to do. While he was hesitating whether to ask Yu Sui, his friend interface lighted up. Shi Luo clicked it open.

[Free-Whisper]: [I’ll play as your milktank for the next round.]

Shi Luo paused. He wanted to type a message back to ask, what does this mean? I played well in the first five games so you’re giving me a reward by letting me experience having you as a milktank?

By considering Yu Sui’s live broadcast, Shi Luo still decided not to ask.

They finally entered the match and just as Yu Sui said, for this match, he played as a milktank.

Yu Sui was like a whole another person. He lost all killing intent and followed Shi Luo closely all through out. When Shi Luo’s shield broke, Yu Sui was there to patch it up. When Shi Luo and their opponents exchanged fire, he secured his position and kept Shi Luo’s health up. He was plenty considerate and a lot gentle.

At a certain point in the game, their two other teammates had fallen behind and couldn’t offer any support to Shi Luo. Shi Luo and Yu Sui were suddenly surrounded by their opponents. Yu Sui only had one shield in hand. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he used it to cover Shi Luo and he himself stood in front him and blocked four rounds of bullets. Only when a sliver of blood was left of Yu Sui’s health did he withdraw back behind the bunker. When Shi Luo was beaten to residual blood by their four opponents, Yu Sui came out. He hadn’t done anything to mend his health. With only a sliver of blood left, he immediately gave Shi Luo an injection of blood and tied some bandages.

In the game interface, Shi Luo’s game character was sitting on the ground leaning against the torn stone wall. Yu Sui’s game character was half-kneeling beside Shi Luo, with a blood bar that could shatter with the slightest touch, he was fully concentrating on wrapping Shi Luo’s bandages.

Looking at this picture on the screen, Shi Luo’s face suddenly felt a little hot.

It was too close.

Shi Luo couldn’t help typing.

[Free-Evil]: [There’s no need to take care of me like this. ]

Not two seconds later.

[Free-Whisper]: [I said I’d be your milktank.]

Yu Sui said so and that’s what he did. For this match, the strikers on the opposing team were also professional players and so things didn’t go that smoothly. Nevertheless, not once did Shi Luo die.

Throughout the entire match, Yu Sui was never more than 5 meters away from Shi Luo, always guaranteeing that Shi Luo was always operating at full state.

Shi Luo didn’t know what was up with himself? Obviously, these were just in-game characters, but seeing Yu Sui sticking that close to him, it made his face get redder and redder.

In the end, they still won this game, though it took them a full 35 minutes. After exiting the map, Shi Luo took a deep breath.

It was the first time ever in history that he unexpectedly blushed because of a medic giving him milk.

After quitting the game, Shi Luo sent Yu Sui a private message.

[Free-Evil]: [You... Aren’t you only going to broadcast for two hours? It’ll be eleven o’clock soon. ]

Yu Sui responded very quickly.

[Free-Whisper]: [Already tired? ]

Shi Luo wasn’t at all tired. But he found it embarrassing to tell Yu Sui that having his as a milktank made his entire body feel ticklish.

Shi Luo moved his finger and typed quickly.

[Free-Evil]: [Just... before it seemed that Zhou Huo said you shouldn’t make your first broadcast too long.]

[Free-Whisper]: [I don’t care but if you’re tired, we won’t play anymore.]

[Free-Evil]: [...Let’s stop here. I’m gonna go out for a smoke.]

[Free-Whisper]: [ok. ]

Yu Sui withdrew from their team up. Shi Luo, afraid that he really was blushing and would be seen by someone, quickly picked up his mobile phone and left the training room.

Shi Luo walked to his room. Inside, he headed for the little bathroom where he washed his face.

Shi Luo looked at the mirror. His face was no different than usual, but the tips of his ears were already thoroughly red.

Shi Luo couldn’t stand himself. “What are you getting all f*cking red for...”

Shi Luo rubbed his ears. He left the bathroom and lay flat on his bed. He moved about then took out his phone and entered the live broadcasting app to watch Yu Sui’s live broadcast.

Yu Sui hadn’t left yet and the messages in the barrage were still flying by as fast as ever.

[Whisper is awesome! He can play as an assassin-type medic and even as a milktank AND he’s amazing at both! ]

[There’s nothing to say about Yu Shen’s skills. 666666]

[Is there anyone who still dares to say that Yu Shen and Shi Shen don’t get along?]

[The problem now is no longer whether they get along or not. Don’t you think the atmosphere between these two seems a bit ambiguous?]

[Although I’ve seen Whisper milktank from Shi Luo’s broadcast before, it doesn’t look the same. How should I say it...]

[Looking at it make my knees go a little weak.]

[Knees going weak +1]

[Inexplicably, I also felt my knees go a bit weak. Whisper can actually be that gentle.]

[I couldn’t bear it. I wonder how the other party feels right now.]

[The other party went out to smoke. Hhhhhh......]

Shi Luo lay on the bed with two red ears and clenched his teeth. “The other party also feels like his knees are going a little weak. Are you happy now...?

Shi Luo turned over to lay on his stomach. His mind was in a complete mess.

Yu Sui, this is...what are you up to aaaaahhhhhh!

Yu Sui still hadn’t shut off his live broadcast and he continued to play the game as a single player. The barrage is urging him to team up with someone but Yu Sui ignored the chat and continued the single row.

Naturally, he still played his assassin-type medic, cutting down people like grass. He’d kill and flit away. The barrage was filled with ’双’, asking Yu Sui for a team up. Shi Luo saw someone type out a whole block of ’yoooooooo’ and his ears turned even redder.

This person......

Shi Luo clutched at his hair. He closed the live broadcast and was about to splash cold water on his ears when his phone buzzed. A Wechat message had come in.

[Whisper]: [Still not done with your smoke? It’s not time to clock out yet. You’ve been gone for quite a while.]

Shi Luo glanced at the time and quickly typed back, [Evil]: [I’ll head back immediately.]

Yu Sui sent over a reply.

[Whisper]: [Just a small reminder. No rush.]

Shi Luo held the phone and after a moment, sent a message to Yu Sui.

[Evil]: [You... Still aren’t done with your live broadcast?]

After a while, Yu Sui still hadn’t replied. Shi Luo remembered that he must have already entered the game and couldn’t be distracted from playing. Shi Luo took the tablet computer next to his pillow and opened the Yu Sui’s live room. Sure enough, Yu Sui was in close combat with an opponent.

Half a minute later, Yu Sui took the other person’s head. When he turned back to give himself some medicine, Shi Luo’s phone buzzed again.

[Whisper]: [I’m gonna muddle along for a bit longer so that I won’t have to broadcast later in the month.]

Shi Luo looked at the live broadcast and then looked at his mobile phone. He had to admit that Yu Sui was really powerful.

He even found the time to reply to his message.

Shi Luo originally didn’t want to disturb Yu Sui but seeing that he was able to do both things at once, after much internal debate, he couldn’t help but ask.

[Evil]: [Just...just now, why did you play as a milktank?]

In the live broadcast, Yu Sui was face to face with his opponent once again. This time, after they wipe out the opposing team, they should be able to directly clean up the other team’s territory of poisonous fog and directly destroy the opponent’s resurrection stone, ending the game. Yu Sui definitely had no time to reply to his message. Shi Luo looked at the live broadcast room, and then looked at what he had just asked. He regretted it.

This question was...sticky.

It was like he was acting coquettishly. It was nauseating.

In the live broadcast, Yu Sui didn’t stop for even a moment. He mustn’t have had the chance yet to check his phone. Shi Luo hurried tried to recall the message.

Shi Luo sat up. He rubbed the space between his brows and sighed.

He was normally very calm and even-keeled. This was all Yu Sui’s fault...he had teamed up with him for a night and the strange thing was, he now felt a bit like he couldn’t think straight.

Less than a month ago, he had ruthlessly told Yu Sui that everyone was now an adult. There were some things that shouldn’t be dug up.

Sometimes things were said too clearly that no room for expectations were left.

How embarrassing would it be if Yu Sui replied, ‘Nothing. I just wanted to try out being a milktank to see if the results were any good or not.’

It’d be like he was showering affection on an uninterested party.

Shi Luo rubbed his face. He watched Yu Sui’s sharp operation. He was unstoppable. He led his teammates deep into the enemy’s territory. His dagger destroyed the opponent’s resurrection stone and they won the game.

At the same time, Shi Luo’s phone buzzed once again.

[Whisper]: [No reason, I is weeling 2 milk for u.]

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