They continued quietly having breakfast, each absorbed in their own thoughts about the things they had to do that day. But both of them didn't want to leave each other's side. They prolonged eating the meal in front of them by chewing it more than required.

Dmitri still hadn't worn his shirt, which was distracting Adrianna immensely. After they had finished breakfast, she reminded him, "Dmitri, wear your shirt!" ​​

Dmitri walked towards her making her step backwards. He kept doing that until her back hit the wall and she had to stop. He put his hands on the wall, blocking her movement, and came dangerously close to her. His face was just an inch away from her. He said, "Are you affected by me?"

Adrianna lost her voice. She shook her head gently as she looked into his eyes. Her wolf was losing control. She wanted to bite him on his shoulder. "I could never be affected by you. Keisha is the one for you," she said.

Dmitri looked at her intensely, and then all of a sudden, turned and walked away. He disappeared into the bedroom, emerging only after wearing his shirt. Without saying a word, he collected his car keys from the coffee table and left the house.

Adrianna listened to him leave. She felt so dejected that she ran to the sofa in the living room and crashed onto it. She felt as if a part of her soul had gone with him. She wanted to run after him, hold him, and tell him that she wanted to be by his side. A stream of tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about him and Keisha together. What will happen to her? Her heart pained. After she had cried for a long time, she got up and packed her bags to go to her father's place.

She was on her way to her father's place within the next half an hour. The journey was bumpy, but she enjoyed the thrill of it. She would sometimes remember Dmitri's small talk with her and it would make her smile.

It was a fine summer morning. As she reached her father's place and parked her bike, she saw that Kayla was out in the sun and had put down her long golden hair. Kayla looked so beautiful that Adrianna was mesmerized by her sister's beauty for a few seconds. How come she was so beautiful? How come the two of them didn't resemble each other even a bit. Both of her brothers had golden hair and light eyes, so how come she was the only one who was so different? All of them had inherited her father's good looks. Why was she the odd one out? Perhaps that was the reason why they all hated her…

Kayla smelled her presence and looked at Adrianna with disdain. "Oh hello Sister. What brings you here?" she asked as if wanting her to leave immediately.

Adrianna was jolted back to reality. She didn't answer her and went inside the house. She was met with her father and her brothers who were in a deep discussion. When they saw her, they stopped talking. Both her brothers, Reinjie and Sam, looked at her and their faces contorted. Before anyone could say a word, she said, "Grandfather asked me to come here as he needed to leave for a few days. I will, however, be leaving once the weekend is over as there are too many classes at college that I cannot miss."

None of them answered her and resumed their conversation. Adrianna went to her room and sulked. She emerged when it was lunchtime, only to find that Uncle Claus had also come to join them for lunch.

She said a soft hello to him and sat in the far corner along with the rest of the family. She wanted to finish lunch as soon as possible and go back to her room.

Uncle Claus was talking to her father when all of a sudden he said, "Adrianna, why don't you come to our house in the evening for dinner?"

Adrianna was taken aback. She looked at her father who was looking at her with a blank expression. Then, she looked at her brothers but found them quietly having their lunch.

"Uncle, is there a special occasion?" she asked gently, not wanting to offend him.

"There is no occasion Adrianna. I just want you and my son, Rufus, to be together," said Uncle Claus, smiling for the first time since he had arrived. Since she was there, he didn't want to miss the opportunity, seeing as his son had shown interest in her.

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