Feral Confessions - Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 178 - First Stage Of The Competition (5)

Adrianna closed her eyes and withdrew a light from her stomach. When she opened her eyes, they were golden yellow. She roared loudly, and all the ropes around her forcefully broke open. They fell around her like stars that had broken off from the sky and lay loosely on the ground as she stood mid-air, her body blazing with white fire-like energy. 

Lia looked up and directed her wand towards Adrianna. She looked scornfully at Adrianna and shouted, "Die you bitch! Your mother was a shame to our family. She gave birth to a pup and now that pup has come to claim the throne? What a joke! That throne is mine!" Upon saying that, she sent the death spell – a red colored fierce ray – in Adrianna's direction. It was so potent that the surrounding air around it became heated up and all the students ducked down. They scrambled here and there to find shelter. Zola laughed along with her mother and excitedly flew to her mother's side. 


However, the spell was deflected midway. much to Lia and Zola's surprise. Adrianna's eyes were blazing with anger as the white light that was flowing around her body became more intense. 

Sensing that it wouldn't be easy to take her down, Lia sent Zola in the opposite direction and, together, they cast their respective spells. While Zola was to cast the pain spell along with the lightning spell that would bind her, Lia was to once again cast the death spell. 

The students were beginning to become afraid. This was not what they had wanted. They had been promised that Adrianna would be captured and taken to the wizard kingdom where they would present her to the headmistress and insult her more. However, they were now witnessing something even deadlier; they were witnessing a murder in broad daylight. 

Adrianna laughed out loud. She pointed her finger towards Zola, sending sparkles of green light, which threw Zola away with such a large amount of force that she flew towards the center of the jungle with a loud shrieking sound. 

Adrianna once again deflected the death spell. 

"Zolaaa!" shouted Lia. Shocked and furious, she threw a large amount of spells in Adrianna's direction, but every spell hit the periphery of the white light around her and rebounded. Nothing worked on her. 

"Why aren't you dying, you bitch?" Lia shouted at her as she flew dangerously close to Adrianna, this time, using her wand to throw down a spell that could explode the body into a thousand pieces. It was one of the most potent spells, which was never ever used by the any of the wizards or witches. It was only taught secretly to a select few as it was against the law of the wizard kingdom to use the spell. 

But Adrianna deflected that spell too and focused her golden yellow eyes on Lia. She picked up her wand for the last time and pointed it towards Lia. Lia's wand was broken into pieces, inviting shrieks from her. Lia looked helpless and shocked without her wand. She felt as if her soul was being shattered along with the wand. 

"Nooooo!" she shouted as tears flowed out of her eyes. 

Lia experienced a mixture of sadness, depression, and pain. As she saw her wand breaking, she felt chaotic. Her state of mind became a mess. Something started hurting her and bothering her; she ached inside. Something was so wrong and invalid that she couldn't even figure out what it was. She tried to focus on it and pinpoint the cause for this unexplained pain, but she failed. Everything felt so confusing, like a puzzle that she didn't know how to solve. The madness engulfed her and she soon found herself shackled in ropes. She looked around her. She was being carried away in the air, and she saw Adrianna walk into a portal created by Professor Ziu who was the one pulling her along. 

The students had become extremely afraid when they saw what Lia was doing. One of them had shot his flare during the battle between the two witches. Professor Ziu walked out of the portal within a few seconds, but he walked out to witness the most shocking scene in front of him. When he saw Lia sending the death spell towards Adrianna, he became anxious, and wanted to save Adrianna, but his first priority was to save the student who had sent the flare up. Along with that student, he hurried all the other students to enter the portal because the spells that were being cast were too potent and could kill them. 

When the last of them entered the portal, he closed it and moved closer to Adrianna to help her. However, his help wasn't needed, because, by then, Lia had already been captured and her wand had been split into pieces. 

Splitting a wand was the most difficult spell for wizards and witches, and Adrianna had never been taught that.

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