Publishedat 30th of May 2019 07:34:41 PMChapter 112

The pair of bride and groom stood there holding a red silk string with an embroidered orb in between them . Ji Feng Li held one end of the string as he silently stood there in the middle of the hall . The flickering candlelights illuminated half of his face . Though he appear unperturbed, his piercing gaze was fixed on Hua Zhu Yu like a dagger . She didn’t look away and met his eyes straight on . She didn’t want to lose even if it was a gazing contest .

With a radiant smile, her eyes curved like the flurry of a spring breeze as she stated, “Lord Chancellor, I’ve offended you . ”

Ji Feng Li narrowed his eyes but a gentle smile was still on his lips . It’s just that the smile never reached his eyes . In the depths of those eyes there was an unfathomable coldness . “s.n.a.t.c.h the bride?” he repeated, his eyes still fixed on Hua Zhu Yu .

“Actually, it is not accurate to say that I am s.n.a.t.c.hing the bride . I think everyone here have already guessed that the lady you want to marry is the person in my heart . But what no one is aware of is that we were once engaged many years ago . So to speak, I’m here tonight merely to take back my unmarried furen!” Hua Zhu Yu’s voice was gentle and soft yet her words were distinctly provocative .

The atmosphere within the main hall became even heavier and quiet . Originally she had come to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride but now her words were insinuating that Ji Feng Li had been the one that stole the bride .

“Commander Bao, you... . Even so, you cannot s.n.a.t.c.h Lord Chancellor’s bride . You should quickly leave . ” the official presiding over the ceremony advised upon seeing the situation .

Hua Zhu Yu narrowed her eyes, ignoring the official . She placed the sword back into its sheath and she strode forward to stand in front of Jin Se .

There was still a crowd inside the hall but not even a breathe could be heard . The atmosphere was tense and rigid as countless eyes fixated on her . Even still, Hua Zhu Yu just smiled and reached to grab Jin Se’s delicate hand . She leaned over and lightly plant a kiss on Jin Se’s bridal veil and in a hushed voice said, “Come with me . ”

The tone of her voice, her expression, even her movements were all gentle but in the eyes of the crowd it was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with loving affection . The crowd couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air . Commander Bao appeared very familiar with this lady but he truly was too audacious they thought .

The ta.s.sel attached to the embroidered bridal veil slightly shook and Jin Se’s hand raised in attempt to remove the veil . However, before she could do so Ji Feng Li suddenly reached over, grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side .

“If you’ve come to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride, you must know the implication of those words!” Emotions surged like black clouds before a storm in Ji Feng Li’s eyes, getting increasingly intense .

“Of course,” Hua Zhu Yu replied with furrowed brow .

“Of course?” Ji Feng Li repeated . “If so, good . Everyone else leave!” Ji Feng Li commanded as he flung his arm up, his red sleeves flickering across his jade-like face .

The military officials were still perplexed by the turn of events and stood there in a daze .

“Humph!” Ji Feng Li coldy grunted before a burst of current swept pa.s.s and a chair promptly smashed against the doors of the hall .

No one had ever seen Ji Feng Li this angry before . Everyone was shocked and quickly made their way to the door . After leaving the hall, they dare not linger in the courtyard so they went pa.s.s the trees and exited the courtyard completely .

“Si’Er, you leave as well,” he softly advised as his cold phoenix eyes momentarily became gentle when they turned to look at Jin Se .

Witnessing the current situation, Xu’Er, who had been standing off to the side, stepped forward in attempt to escort Jin Se out .

But Hua Zhu Yu stepped forward to grab Jin Se’s hand . “You can’t marry him . Follow me!”

Her hand had yet to reach Jin Se’s sleeve when an air-piercing sound resonated as Ji Feng Li’s fan shot forward and opened in front of Jin Se, blocking Hua Zhu Yu .

Hua Zhu Yu quickly withdrew her hand and took a step back, raising her sword . The cold blade reflected the crimson colors of the room, flashing a dusky glare .

“What do the both of you intend to do?” Jin Se couldn’t bear it and finally pulled the bridal veil down, revealing a complicated expression as she asked in a shaky voice .

“Xu’Er, escort Furen back!” Ji Feng Li’s eyes did not leave Hua Zhu Yu as he gave the command .

Hua Zhu Yu swept her gaze towards Jin Se .

Jin Se looked back at Hua Zhu Yu then turned to Ji Feng Li and said, “Lord Chancellor, I can leave but you both can’t fight . I won’t go with him but let’s stop the marriage ceremony here, alright?”

Hua Zhu Yu was startled . Did Jin Se not understand her intentions? Perhaps Jin Se just didn’t want to leave with her but as long as she leaves Ji Feng Li and not marry him, she won’t be in danger .

“I’ve already decided, you two don’t fight!” Jin Se tried to take off the phoenix crown but perhaps because she was shaken, her hands trembled and she couldn’t take it off . Seeing her struggle, Xu’ Er lent a hand and the phoenix crown was finally removed and carefully placed on the ground of the main hall .

“Si,Er will withdraw first,” She said as her eyes drifted from Hua Zhu Yu to Ji Feng Li . There was a weak, fragile smile on her face and it seemed as though a gust of wind was enough to topple her .

Hua Zhu Yu’s heart tightened and she couldn’t help but take a step forward . Although there were many things that she wanted to explain, in front of Ji Feng Li, she couldn’t say a word .

Jin Se slowly paid her respects to Ji Feng Li before quickly leaving with Xu’Er .

Hua Zhu Yu and Ji Feng Li both watched Jin Se leave before recovering their gazes .

A momentary silence enveloped the hall . A type of silence that was stifling... .

translations at peachblossomgrove . com

Her eyes were staring straight into his . Deep as midnight, threateningly dark, his eyes did not contain any traces of gentleness nor composure . Rather, there was a fury ignited within them, a raging fire as red as his robes with golden embroideries, as he looked at her .

In the festive hall, the image that appears before her eyes was the spill of blood on that high platform at Liang Zhou . She hand couldn’t help but clench the scabbard and it pressed painfully into her palm .

“Ji Feng Li, I hope you will let Si’Er leave with me,” Hua Zhu Yu suppressed the surging emotions within her and coldly stated .

“Why?” Ji Feng Li lowered his head and questioned as he walked forward .

Hua Zhu Yu stepped back and replied, “You already know . ”

Ji Feng Li took another step forward and asked, “ Know what?”

Ji Feng Li continued to step closer as Hua Zhu Yu retreated until she backed into a table and couldn’t retreat any longer so she simply sat on the table . She coldly sneered, “Ji Feng Li, I had already said that I like her... . ”

Suddenly Ji Feng Li let out a loud laughter as his head was thrown backwards, interrupting Hua Zhu Yu .

Why? The reason why he got married was merely to free himself from these preposterous taboo feelings, why not give him this chance? He looked at Hua Zhu Yu’s beautiful face and the anger in his eyes gradually dimmed, replaced with a boundless sorrow . Deep in the depths of those dark eyes was a piercing radiance, like a needle p.r.i.c.king her eyes .

He suddenly leaned over, his hands propped against the table, confining Hua Zhu Yu as he looked down at her . When she looked up, his cold sleeves brushed against her cheeks . Startled, she coldly said, “Ji Feng Li, you don’t dare fight, it can’t be that you’re afraid of losing...”

But the remaining words were suddenly engulfed by his lips . Everything happened lightning fast . He suddenly leaned in and kissed her . Like a sudden clap of thunder Hua Zhu Yu was astonished . She did not expect Ji Feng Li to suddenly kiss her, especially when she was still dressed as a male .

The soft, warm touch on her lips was like wave spreading throughout her body . After a moment of surprise, Hua Zhu Yu realized that his lips were seemingly dissatisfied with the momentary touch, wanting to go deeper . Instinctively, without a thought, her lips parted and she bit down on him . The smell of fresh blood lingered between their lips . But it seems Ji Feng Li had no intentions of letting her go . With all her strength, she abruptly pushed him on the chest while at the same time her body was also driven backwards by the recoil of this push .

With a loud crash, the table toppled backwards along with Hua Zhu Yu to the floor .

Grabbing his chest, Ji Feng Li retreated two steps before he stabilized himself . Seeing Hua Zhu Yu fall, he was about to step forward and help but before he could do so she had stood up herself . She coldly glared at him and exclaimed, “Get out! Don’t disgust me!”

Ji Feng Li stopped dead in his tracks . If it was said that the hall was quiet before, now it was deadly still . The tension was as taut as a bowstring stretched to the max, seemingly able to snap at any moment .

Staring at Hua Zhu Yu, Ji Feng Li’s calm eyes were suddenly thrown into turmoil, like calm lake that was suddenly disturbed by a huge pebble, rippling fiercely .

A warning from many years ago rung in his ear, “What is love but a calamity . Abstaining from love is the only way for one to accomplish great things! Bear this in mind, remember!”

“Bear this in mind, remember!”

These words swirled around him, echoing in his mind . Remember! But he had forgotten . He was no longer the person he once was .

His beautiful eyes slightly narrowed . The waves of emotions swirling within them gradually sunk into a deep dark abyss, hidden from sight and his lips lifted into a cynical smile .

He stepped back a few steps and leaned against the table behind him .

“Alright, didn’t you just want to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride? If you can defeat me today, I’ll let you take Rong Si . Otherwise, you must immediately leave the army, never to appear in front of this Chancellor again!” He said carelessly but his tone was decisive without any traces of hesitation .

“Since the words are spoken, it’s settled!” Hua Zhu Yu coldly said before quickly walking out .

Although Hua Zhu Yu was not sure if she could defeat Ji Feng Li, her blood was boiling with antic.i.p.ation .

translations at peachblossomgrove . com

The courtyard was extremely quiet . On the neighboring rooftops, a few shadows were looming in the darkness . The people who came to the wedding banquet did not dare stay in the courtyard and simply hid in the distance to stealthily observe .

The trees within the yard were lined with red lanterns, giving off a dazzling light that was beautiful as an illusion .

Hua Zhu Yu drew her sword . It was currently snowing and as she stood there, the snow fell on her sword, melting into drops of water, flowing down the blade .

The cold wind blew through, making her robes tremble as the snow continued to descend . She took on an offensive front and made the first move .

Amidst the falling snow, the sword soared, advancing towards Ji Feng Li who was standing beneath a tree . He smiled indifferently at this attack and opened his fan, blocking Hua Zhu Yu’s move .

A murderous fire gradually ignited between them .

Hua Zhu Yu’s moves were fast and fierce, accurately attacking towards Ji Feng Li as his gaze became even colder .

One move, two moves, three moves...

More than a dozen moves had been exchanged . Ji Feng Li’s fan swept across and Hua Zhu Yu flipped her body to dodge . Her sword flew out but Ji Feng Li was quicker and he shifted while thrusting his fan straight towards her chest .

At the tip of the fan were countless blades, extended liked a dagger, aiming at her chest . If it wasn’t for this row of blades, the fan couldn’t touch her and her sword would’ve stabbed his chest first . But now, he only needs to apply a bit of force and the blade would pierce her clothes and stab deep into her chest .

Looking up, she saw that indifferent smile on his face . This made her recall that time when they first met when he had on that same unreadable smile . A cold chill ran down Hua Zhu Yu’s back .

She didn’t expect Ji Feng Li’s fan to have such abilities . Even when he faced such a powerful opponent such as Xiao Yin, he did not reveal this .

Perhaps she had been with Ji Feng Li for far too long that she was accustomed to his gentle as spring breeze demeanor and had forgotten what kind of person he truly was .

At the age of 15, he had pa.s.sed the imperial examination . At the age of 18, he had become the Left Chancellor . On the battlefield, his decision to kill was decisive and resolute . As someone who strategizes for the court, how could his martial skills be easily seen through by her?

Ever since she saw his exchange with Xiao Yin, she thought that at the very least she could hold out till a hundred moves or so . She didn’t think that she would lose after just a short exchange . It seems he’s even more difficult to deal with than expected . He obviously did not want to draw things out with her tonight so he did not hold back .

“You- have- lost . ” His voice was cold as he slowly said each word .

Hua Zhu Yu slightly smiled as she sighed in her heart . In the end she was defeated .

“Alright, I’ve lost!” she said, admitting defeat . But there will come a day when she will defeat him! Witnessing Jin Se’s reaction tonight, she knew that it would be difficult to take Jin Se away . It was Jin Se’s choice and she was in no position to force her . Since it has already come to this, there was nothing else for her to do but leave .

With a slightly smirk, Ji Feng Li withdrew his fan and the blades retracted with a slight noise . Like the white fan in his hand, he now stood there with a graceful and harmless demeanor .

“You can leave and don’t appear in front of this Chancellor again, otherwise... . ” Ji Feng Li’s voice gradually lowered and the remaining words were lost in the wind .

“Otherwise, if not you die then I die, right?” Hua Zhu Yu said . “ I will wait for that day . ”

She placed the sword back into the scabbard . Turning around, she took one last look at the bright hall before leaving straight for the door .

The snow continued to fall through the night, covering the roads as it gradually got thicker . There was no one on the streets as Hua Zhu Yu rode through with her horse . Once she arrived at the small tavern, she dismounted .

She slightly turned her head back to make sure it was clear before slowly entering the tavern . She made her way up to the second floor and met Ping Lao Da . After discussing, they decided it was best to ride back to Yu City as fast as possible . Although Ji Feng Li said he would let her go, she couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t change his mind later on and send people to kill her .

She knew that Ji Feng Li was already harboring suspicions that she was Ying Shu Xie . He most likely did not kill her before because he appreciated her talent . Perhaps he already had plans to make use of her by allowing her to lead the army as a commander to defend against Northern Kingdom . However, now that the war was over, if she didn’t leave, she will definitely be in danger . It’s just that whenever she thought of Jin Se, her heart would ache . The love Jin Se had for Ji Feng Li was perhaps a lot deeper than she had antic.i.p.ated .

In the night, on the cold uninhabited road, two fine horses sped along on the snow, startling the birds perched upon the trees lining the roadside, making them take flight up into the dark skies .

Within the courtyard, Ji Feng Li was standing there as the snow softly fell upon his wedding robes, accentuating the dazzling red as his robes trembled in the wind .

Tang Yu, Tong Shou, and Nangong Jue silently watched from a far . Seeing Ji Feng Li still standing out there, the 3 of them were worried . In the end, Tong Shou finally went outside and said, “Lord Chancellor, are we going to let him go just like that? Lord Chancellor, aren’t you afraid......afraid he will leak the news of our victory? Could it be that Lord Chancellor has that much trust in him?”

Ji Feng Li glanced over at Tong Shou for a moment before silently making his way into the room . As he walked, he brushed the snow off his clothes .

Tang Yu quickly brought over a cup of tea which Ji Feng Li accepted as he slowly replied, “Leaking the news is also fine . ”

Tong Shou frowned in puzzlement . “Lord Chancellor, didn’t you try to block the news from leaking out of the army? Are you no longer afraid the situation at Yu City will change?” Tong Shou asked . Before, Ji Feng Li had tried all methods to prevent the news of victory from reaching the capital .

Taking a seat, Ji Feng Li was slightly smiling as a sharp glint flashed in his eyes .


If she was far away from him, she would not hear about him again right?

Hua Zhu Yu thought this would be the case but she was proven wrong . Along the journey back to the capital, she was driven crazy . She would hear the commoners constantly sing praises for Ji Feng Li . Though many people did not know that Southern Kingdom had won the war, the fact that Ji Feng Li himself volunteered to go to the battlefield had elevated his position in the hearts of the people .

Sitting in a small tavern having a meal with Ping Lao Da, Hua Zhu Yu could hear the conversations around her . Several people were talking about Ji Feng Li, complimenting him . Hearing this she slightly frowned .

She always thought that though Ji Feng Li was standing on the young Emperor’s side, he had intentions of usurping the throne . The war this time was merely a means for Ji Feng Li to take military power into his hands . But today, hearing the words of the people, she suddenly had an unsettling feeling that something wasn’t quite right .

Ji Feng Li’s reputation was so great in the hearts of the people, he will not usurp the throne and sully his honor and prestige .

“Ping, did you tell An the news of the victory?” Hua Zhu Yu suddenly questioned .

Ping Lao Da nodded in reply .

Hua Zhu Yu quickly got to her feet and said, “We must quickly return . The faster we return to court, the better!”

Hua Zhu Yu and Ping traveled day and night . Finally, after more than a month, they arrived at Yu City . Along the journey, Ping had already sent the news of victory to court . In addition, Hua Zhu Yu had continued to receive secret reports from An Xiao’Er through pigeons so she knew the situation at the capital .

Upon her return, Hua Zhu Yu quickly changed into her eunuch attires and entered the palace with the help of An Xiao’Er who had been elevated to the position of Commander of the Royal Guards . If not for him, she wouldn’t be able to take even a single step through the palace gates .

In front of her was the prestigious palace with rows upon rows of eaves, still majestic and grand as before . However, the imperial power has already shifted . Things have remained the same, but the people have changed .

They made their way through the corridors, gradually approaching the palace hall . Although her head was lowered, as she slowly walked up the flight of steps, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the person standing above . She looked up and what she saw was a man in magnificent black embroidered robes, standing tall and elegant as he leaned against the parapet, greeting the wind .

As she made her way up the flight of steps one at a time, the man’s appearance gradually came into view .

The same curved brows yet there were no traces of willfulness . The same beautiful dark eyes yet there were no craftiness but rather calmness and prudence . The same beautiful face but not of a young juvenile but of a true man .

It was the deposed Crown Prince, Huangfu Wu Shuang!

But he was no longer the Huangfu Wu Shuang of the past . He was no longer that domineering and arrogant youngster . Rather, he had transformed in a calm, n.o.bleman .

Huangfu Wu Shuang finally saw An Xiao’Er . He then looked pa.s.s An Xiao’Er and saw Hua Zhu Yu standing behind him . Upon seeing her, his lips hooked up in a smile .

Finally standing in front of Huangfu Wu Shuang, Hua Zhu Yu knew that what she saw was no illusion . In a mere short months, Huangfu Wu Shuang had gotten taller, he was no longer that youngster that would try to compare heights with her .

Hua Zhu Yu quickly stepped forward and paid her respects .

Huangfu Wu Shuang stood 2 steps above her . He looked down at her for quite some time before slowly saying, “Xiao Bao’Er, you’ve gotten thin . ”

His words had caused her heart to warm . These past few days, she had wondered what he would say once they met again . Would he blame her for staying by Ji Feng Li? Would he punish her with a beating of 50 planks? She had thought of many different scenarios but did not think he would say, “you’ve gotten thin . ”

After experiencing the wind and snow of the northern border, she indeed had gotten thinner . Her skin had also gotten darker and rougher . Compared to the past when she was a eunuch in the palace, now no one would dare suspect that she’s a woman . “Your Highness, you’ve also gotten thin!”

Huangfu Wu Shuang had indeed gotten thinner . Prison life was not easy even if he was once the crown prince and part of the royal family .

“Xiao Bao’Er, this time you have made great contributions . When this crown prince ascends the throne, this crown prince will confer you with the t.i.tle of Chief Eunuch . ” Huangfu Wu Shuang said in a deep voice above her .

“Yuan Bao thanks Your Highness,” Hua Zhu Yu said as she knelt down on the ground .

Huangfu Wu Shuang stepped forward and personally helped Hua Zhu Yu up . On the steps, they stood tall as their gaze swept past the towering palace walls, towards the world outside .

The world is vast and boundless; the palace, deep and profound . Who could imagine how many bodies have been buried deep within these towering palace walls . Outside of these walls she can live her life carelessly . But she had no choice but to enter the deep palace, like a moth drawn to a flame .

The pair of bride and groom stood there holding a red silk string with an embroidered orb in between them . Ji Feng Li held one end of the string as he silently stood there in the middle of the hall . The flickering candlelights illuminated half of his face . Though he appear unperturbed, his piercing gaze was fixed on Hua Zhu Yu like a dagger . She didn’t look away and met his eyes straight on . She didn’t want to lose even if it was a gazing contest . .

With a radiant smile, her eyes curved like the flurry of a spring breeze as she stated, “Lord Chancellor, I’ve offended you . ”.

Ji Feng Li narrowed his eyes but a gentle smile was still on his lips . It’s just that the smile never reached his eyes . In the depths of those eyes there was an unfathomable coldness . “s.n.a.t.c.h the bride?” he repeated, his eyes still fixed on Hua Zhu Yu

“Actually, it is not accurate to say that I am s.n.a.t.c.hing the bride . I think everyone here have already guessed that the lady you want to marry is the person in my heart . But what no one is aware of is that we were once engaged many years ago . So to speak, I’m here tonight merely to take back my unmarried furen!” Hua Zhu Yu’s voice was gentle and soft yet her words were distinctly provocative

The atmosphere within the main hall became even heavier and quiet . Originally she had come to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride but now her words were insinuating that Ji Feng Li had been the one that stole the bride

“Commander Bao, you... . Even so, you cannot s.n.a.t.c.h Lord Chancellor’s bride . You should quickly leave . ” the official presiding over the ceremony advised upon seeing the situation

Hua Zhu Yu narrowed her eyes, ignoring the official . She placed the sword back into its sheath and she strode forward to stand in front of Jin Se

There was still a crowd inside the hall but not even a breathe could be heard . The atmosphere was tense and rigid as countless eyes fixated on her . Even still, Hua Zhu Yu just smiled and reached to grab Jin Se’s delicate hand . She leaned over and lightly plant a kiss on Jin Se’s bridal veil and in a hushed voice said, “Come with me . ”.

The tone of her voice, her expression, even her movements were all gentle but in the eyes of the crowd it was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with loving affection . The crowd couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air . Commander Bao appeared very familiar with this lady but he truly was too audacious they thought . .

The ta.s.sel attached to the embroidered bridal veil slightly shook and Jin Se’s hand raised in attempt to remove the veil . However, before she could do so Ji Feng Li suddenly reached over, grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side

“If you’ve come to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride, you must know the implication of those words!” Emotions surged like black clouds before a storm in Ji Feng Li’s eyes, getting increasingly intense

“Of course,” Hua Zhu Yu replied with furrowed brow

“Of course?” Ji Feng Li repeated . “If so, good . Everyone else leave!” Ji Feng Li commanded as he flung his arm up, his red sleeves flickering across his jade-like face

The military officials were still perplexed by the turn of events and stood there in a daze

“Humph!” Ji Feng Li coldy grunted before a burst of current swept pa.s.s and a chair promptly smashed against the doors of the hall

No one had ever seen Ji Feng Li this angry before . Everyone was shocked and quickly made their way to the door . After leaving the hall, they dare not linger in the courtyard so they went pa.s.s the trees and exited the courtyard completely . .

“Si’Er, you leave as well,” he softly advised as his cold phoenix eyes momentarily became gentle when they turned to look at Jin Se

Witnessing the current situation, Xu’Er, who had been standing off to the side, stepped forward in attempt to escort Jin Se out

But Hua Zhu Yu stepped forward to grab Jin Se’s hand . “You can’t marry him . Follow me!”.

Her hand had yet to reach Jin Se’s sleeve when an air-piercing sound resonated as Ji Feng Li’s fan shot forward and opened in front of Jin Se, blocking Hua Zhu Yu

Hua Zhu Yu quickly withdrew her hand and took a step back, raising her sword . The cold blade reflected the crimson colors of the room, flashing a dusky glare

“What do the both of you intend to do?” Jin Se couldn’t bear it and finally pulled the bridal veil down, revealing a complicated expression as she asked in a shaky voice

“Xu’Er, escort Furen back!” Ji Feng Li’s eyes did not leave Hua Zhu Yu as he gave the command

Hua Zhu Yu swept her gaze towards Jin Se

Jin Se looked back at Hua Zhu Yu then turned to Ji Feng Li and said, “Lord Chancellor, I can leave but you both can’t fight . I won’t go with him but let’s stop the marriage ceremony here, alright?”.

Hua Zhu Yu was startled . Did Jin Se not understand her intentions? Perhaps Jin Se just didn’t want to leave with her but as long as she leaves Ji Feng Li and not marry him, she won’t be in danger

“I’ve already decided, you two don’t fight!” Jin Se tried to take off the phoenix crown but perhaps because she was shaken, her hands trembled and she couldn’t take it off . Seeing her struggle, Xu’ Er lent a hand and the phoenix crown was finally removed and carefully placed on the ground of the main hall

“Si,Er will withdraw first,” She said as her eyes drifted from Hua Zhu Yu to Ji Feng Li . There was a weak, fragile smile on her face and it seemed as though a gust of wind was enough to topple her

Hua Zhu Yu’s heart tightened and she couldn’t help but take a step forward . Although there were many things that she wanted to explain, in front of Ji Feng Li, she couldn’t say a word

Jin Se slowly paid her respects to Ji Feng Li before quickly leaving with Xu’Er

Hua Zhu Yu and Ji Feng Li both watched Jin Se leave before recovering their gazes

A momentary silence enveloped the hall . A type of silence that was stifling...

translations at peachblossomgrove . com.

Her eyes were staring straight into his . Deep as midnight, threateningly dark, his eyes did not contain any traces of gentleness nor composure . Rather, there was a fury ignited within them, a raging fire as red as his robes with golden embroideries, as he looked at her . .

In the festive hall, the image that appears before her eyes was the spill of blood on that high platform at Liang Zhou . She hand couldn’t help but clench the scabbard and it pressed painfully into her palm

“Ji Feng Li, I hope you will let Si’Er leave with me,” Hua Zhu Yu suppressed the surging emotions within her and coldly stated

“Why?” Ji Feng Li lowered his head and questioned as he walked forward

Hua Zhu Yu stepped back and replied, “You already know . ”.

Ji Feng Li took another step forward and asked, “ Know what?”.

Ji Feng Li continued to step closer as Hua Zhu Yu retreated until she backed into a table and couldn’t retreat any longer so she simply sat on the table . She coldly sneered, “Ji Feng Li, I had already said that I like her... . ”.

Suddenly Ji Feng Li let out a loud laughter as his head was thrown backwards, interrupting Hua Zhu Yu

Why? The reason why he got married was merely to free himself from these preposterous taboo feelings, why not give him this chance? He looked at Hua Zhu Yu’s beautiful face and the anger in his eyes gradually dimmed, replaced with a boundless sorrow . Deep in the depths of those dark eyes was a piercing radiance, like a needle p.r.i.c.king her eyes

He suddenly leaned over, his hands propped against the table, confining Hua Zhu Yu as he looked down at her . When she looked up, his cold sleeves brushed against her cheeks . Startled, she coldly said, “Ji Feng Li, you don’t dare fight, it can’t be that you’re afraid of losing...”.

But the remaining words were suddenly engulfed by his lips . Everything happened lightning fast . He suddenly leaned in and kissed her . Like a sudden clap of thunder Hua Zhu Yu was astonished . She did not expect Ji Feng Li to suddenly kiss her, especially when she was still dressed as a male

The soft, warm touch on her lips was like wave spreading throughout her body . After a moment of surprise, Hua Zhu Yu realized that his lips were seemingly dissatisfied with the momentary touch, wanting to go deeper . Instinctively, without a thought, her lips parted and she bit down on him . The smell of fresh blood lingered between their lips . But it seems Ji Feng Li had no intentions of letting her go . With all her strength, she abruptly pushed him on the chest while at the same time her body was also driven backwards by the recoil of this push

With a loud crash, the table toppled backwards along with Hua Zhu Yu to the floor . .


Grabbing his chest, Ji Feng Li retreated two steps before he stabilized himself . Seeing Hua Zhu Yu fall, he was about to step forward and help but before he could do so she had stood up herself . She coldly glared at him and exclaimed, “Get out! Don’t disgust me!”.

Ji Feng Li stopped dead in his tracks . If it was said that the hall was quiet before, now it was deadly still . The tension was as taut as a bowstring stretched to the max, seemingly able to snap at any moment . .

Staring at Hua Zhu Yu, Ji Feng Li’s calm eyes were suddenly thrown into turmoil, like calm lake that was suddenly disturbed by a huge pebble, rippling fiercely

A warning from many years ago rung in his ear, “What is love but a calamity . Abstaining from love is the only way for one to accomplish great things! Bear this in mind, remember!”.

“Bear this in mind, remember!”.

These words swirled around him, echoing in his mind . Remember! But he had forgotten . He was no longer the person he once was

His beautiful eyes slightly narrowed . The waves of emotions swirling within them gradually sunk into a deep dark abyss, hidden from sight and his lips lifted into a cynical smile

He stepped back a few steps and leaned against the table behind him . .

“Alright, didn’t you just want to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride? If you can defeat me today, I’ll let you take Rong Si . Otherwise, you must immediately leave the army, never to appear in front of this Chancellor again!” He said carelessly but his tone was decisive without any traces of hesitation . .

“Since the words are spoken, it’s settled!” Hua Zhu Yu coldly said before quickly walking out . .

Although Hua Zhu Yu was not sure if she could defeat Ji Feng Li, her blood was boiling with antic.i.p.ation

translations at peachblossomgrove . com.

The courtyard was extremely quiet . On the neighboring rooftops, a few shadows were looming in the darkness . The people who came to the wedding banquet did not dare stay in the courtyard and simply hid in the distance to stealthily observe

The trees within the yard were lined with red lanterns, giving off a dazzling light that was beautiful as an illusion

Hua Zhu Yu drew her sword . It was currently snowing and as she stood there, the snow fell on her sword, melting into drops of water, flowing down the blade

The cold wind blew through, making her robes tremble as the snow continued to descend . She took on an offensive front and made the first move

Amidst the falling snow, the sword soared, advancing towards Ji Feng Li who was standing beneath a tree . He smiled indifferently at this attack and opened his fan, blocking Hua Zhu Yu’s move . .

A murderous fire gradually ignited between them

Hua Zhu Yu’s moves were fast and fierce, accurately attacking towards Ji Feng Li as his gaze became even colder . .

One move, two moves, three moves....

More than a dozen moves had been exchanged . Ji Feng Li’s fan swept across and Hua Zhu Yu flipped her body to dodge . Her sword flew out but Ji Feng Li was quicker and he shifted while thrusting his fan straight towards her chest

At the tip of the fan were countless blades, extended liked a dagger, aiming at her chest . If it wasn’t for this row of blades, the fan couldn’t touch her and her sword would’ve stabbed his chest first . But now, he only needs to apply a bit of force and the blade would pierce her clothes and stab deep into her chest

Looking up, she saw that indifferent smile on his face . This made her recall that time when they first met when he had on that same unreadable smile . A cold chill ran down Hua Zhu Yu’s back

She didn’t expect Ji Feng Li’s fan to have such abilities . Even when he faced such a powerful opponent such as Xiao Yin, he did not reveal this

Perhaps she had been with Ji Feng Li for far too long that she was accustomed to his gentle as spring breeze demeanor and had forgotten what kind of person he truly was

At the age of 15, he had pa.s.sed the imperial examination . At the age of 18, he had become the Left Chancellor . On the battlefield, his decision to kill was decisive and resolute . As someone who strategizes for the court, how could his martial skills be easily seen through by her?.

Ever since she saw his exchange with Xiao Yin, she thought that at the very least she could hold out till a hundred moves or so . She didn’t think that she would lose after just a short exchange . It seems he’s even more difficult to deal with than expected . He obviously did not want to draw things out with her tonight so he did not hold back

“You- have- lost . ” His voice was cold as he slowly said each word

Hua Zhu Yu slightly smiled as she sighed in her heart . In the end she was defeated . .

“Alright, I’ve lost!” she said, admitting defeat . But there will come a day when she will defeat him! Witnessing Jin Se’s reaction tonight, she knew that it would be difficult to take Jin Se away . It was Jin Se’s choice and she was in no position to force her . Since it has already come to this, there was nothing else for her to do but leave

With a slightly smirk, Ji Feng Li withdrew his fan and the blades retracted with a slight noise . Like the white fan in his hand, he now stood there with a graceful and harmless demeanor

“You can leave and don’t appear in front of this Chancellor again, otherwise... . ” Ji Feng Li’s voice gradually lowered and the remaining words were lost in the wind

“Otherwise, if not you die then I die, right?” Hua Zhu Yu said . “ I will wait for that day . ”.

She placed the sword back into the scabbard . Turning around, she took one last look at the bright hall before leaving straight for the door

The snow continued to fall through the night, covering the roads as it gradually got thicker . There was no one on the streets as Hua Zhu Yu rode through with her horse . Once she arrived at the small tavern, she dismounted . .

She slightly turned her head back to make sure it was clear before slowly entering the tavern . She made her way up to the second floor and met Ping Lao Da . After discussing, they decided it was best to ride back to Yu City as fast as possible . Although Ji Feng Li said he would let her go, she couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t change his mind later on and send people to kill her

She knew that Ji Feng Li was already harboring suspicions that she was Ying Shu Xie . He most likely did not kill her before because he appreciated her talent . Perhaps he already had plans to make use of her by allowing her to lead the army as a commander to defend against Northern Kingdom . However, now that the war was over, if she didn’t leave, she will definitely be in danger . It’s just that whenever she thought of Jin Se, her heart would ache . The love Jin Se had for Ji Feng Li was perhaps a lot deeper than she had antic.i.p.ated

In the night, on the cold uninhabited road, two fine horses sped along on the snow, startling the birds perched upon the trees lining the roadside, making them take flight up into the dark skies


Within the courtyard, Ji Feng Li was standing there as the snow softly fell upon his wedding robes, accentuating the dazzling red as his robes trembled in the wind

Tang Yu, Tong Shou, and Nangong Jue silently watched from a far . Seeing Ji Feng Li still standing out there, the 3 of them were worried . In the end, Tong Shou finally went outside and said, “Lord Chancellor, are we going to let him go just like that? Lord Chancellor, aren’t you afraid......afraid he will leak the news of our victory? Could it be that Lord Chancellor has that much trust in him?”.

Ji Feng Li glanced over at Tong Shou for a moment before silently making his way into the room . As he walked, he brushed the snow off his clothes

Tang Yu quickly brought over a cup of tea which Ji Feng Li accepted as he slowly replied, “Leaking the news is also fine . ”.

Tong Shou frowned in puzzlement . “Lord Chancellor, didn’t you try to block the news from leaking out of the army? Are you no longer afraid the situation at Yu City will change?” Tong Shou asked . Before, Ji Feng Li had tried all methods to prevent the news of victory from reaching the capital

Taking a seat, Ji Feng Li was slightly smiling as a sharp glint flashed in his eyes

***. If she was far away from him, she would not hear about him again right?.

Hua Zhu Yu thought this would be the case but she was proven wrong . Along the journey back to the capital, she was driven crazy . She would hear the commoners constantly sing praises for Ji Feng Li . Though many people did not know that Southern Kingdom had won the war, the fact that Ji Feng Li himself volunteered to go to the battlefield had elevated his position in the hearts of the people

Sitting in a small tavern having a meal with Ping Lao Da, Hua Zhu Yu could hear the conversations around her . Several people were talking about Ji Feng Li, complimenting him . Hearing this she slightly frowned

She always thought that though Ji Feng Li was standing on the young Emperor’s side, he had intentions of usurping the throne . The war this time was merely a means for Ji Feng Li to take military power into his hands . But today, hearing the words of the people, she suddenly had an unsettling feeling that something wasn’t quite right

Ji Feng Li’s reputation was so great in the hearts of the people, he will not usurp the throne and sully his honor and prestige

“Ping, did you tell An the news of the victory?” Hua Zhu Yu suddenly questioned . .

Ping Lao Da nodded in reply

Hua Zhu Yu quickly got to her feet and said, “We must quickly return . The faster we return to court, the better!”.

Hua Zhu Yu and Ping traveled day and night . Finally, after more than a month, they arrived at Yu City . Along the journey, Ping had already sent the news of victory to court . In addition, Hua Zhu Yu had continued to receive secret reports from An Xiao’Er through pigeons so she knew the situation at the capital

Upon her return, Hua Zhu Yu quickly changed into her eunuch attires and entered the palace with the help of An Xiao’Er who had been elevated to the position of Commander of the Royal Guards . If not for him, she wouldn’t be able to take even a single step through the palace gates

In front of her was the prestigious palace with rows upon rows of eaves, still majestic and grand as before . However, the imperial power has already shifted . Things have remained the same, but the people have changed . .

They made their way through the corridors, gradually approaching the palace hall . Although her head was lowered, as she slowly walked up the flight of steps, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the person standing above . She looked up and what she saw was a man in magnificent black embroidered robes, standing tall and elegant as he leaned against the parapet, greeting the wind

As she made her way up the flight of steps one at a time, the man’s appearance gradually came into view

The same curved brows yet there were no traces of willfulness . The same beautiful dark eyes yet there were no craftiness but rather calmness and prudence . The same beautiful face but not of a young juvenile but of a true man

It was the deposed Crown Prince, Huangfu Wu Shuang!.

But he was no longer the Huangfu Wu Shuang of the past . He was no longer that domineering and arrogant youngster . Rather, he had transformed in a calm, n.o.bleman

Huangfu Wu Shuang finally saw An Xiao’Er . He then looked pa.s.s An Xiao’Er and saw Hua Zhu Yu standing behind him . Upon seeing her, his lips hooked up in a smile

Finally standing in front of Huangfu Wu Shuang, Hua Zhu Yu knew that what she saw was no illusion . In a mere short months, Huangfu Wu Shuang had gotten taller, he was no longer that youngster that would try to compare heights with her

Hua Zhu Yu quickly stepped forward and paid her respects

Huangfu Wu Shuang stood 2 steps above her . He looked down at her for quite some time before slowly saying, “Xiao Bao’Er, you’ve gotten thin . ”.

His words had caused her heart to warm . These past few days, she had wondered what he would say once they met again . Would he blame her for staying by Ji Feng Li? Would he punish her with a beating of 50 planks? She had thought of many different scenarios but did not think he would say, “you’ve gotten thin . ”.

After experiencing the wind and snow of the northern border, she indeed had gotten thinner . Her skin had also gotten darker and rougher . Compared to the past when she was a eunuch in the palace, now no one would dare suspect that she’s a woman . “Your Highness, you’ve also gotten thin!”.

Huangfu Wu Shuang had indeed gotten thinner . Prison life was not easy even if he was once the crown prince and part of the royal family

“Xiao Bao’Er, this time you have made great contributions . When this crown prince ascends the throne, this crown prince will confer you with the t.i.tle of Chief Eunuch . ” Huangfu Wu Shuang said in a deep voice above her

“Yuan Bao thanks Your Highness,” Hua Zhu Yu said as she knelt down on the ground

Huangfu Wu Shuang stepped forward and personally helped Hua Zhu Yu up . On the steps, they stood tall as their gaze swept past the towering palace walls, towards the world outside

The world is vast and boundless; the palace, deep and profound . Who could imagine how many bodies have been buried deep within these towering palace walls . Outside of these walls she can live her life carelessly . But she had no choice but to enter the deep palace, like a moth drawn to a flame

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