Chapter 90 part 1

Editor: Otwentyfirst

Hua Zhu Yu kept watch over the little girl the whole night, feeding her two additional bowls of medicine . Early next morning, the girl woke up . Her fever had subsided and she was no longer vomiting . She was able to drink the medicine and appeared in better spirits .

It seems this prescription was indeed correct so Hua Zhu Yu swiftly left to instruct the guards to acquire more herbs .

Hearing that the medicine Hua Zhu Yu prepared was effective, Imperial Physician Zhang no longer dared to underestimate the remedies of the common folks . Casting aside his pride, he prepared the medicine along with her and helped distribute them to those sick .

Though there was medicine to combat the illness, people were still dying and the number of people getting infected was rising . The whole village was enveloped in a heavy atmosphere . The guards veiled their faces tightly with a cloth, unconcerned with small talk . Everyone tried to keep a distance from one another for fear of contracting the illness .

This outbreak left everyone panic-stricken and fearful .

After 2 days had passed, the guards that were assisting in the kitchen with the medicine all fell ill, even Imperial Physician Zhang was no exception, once again inciting panic throughout the village .

Not a single patient had recovered completely, yet new arrivals kept piling in . Hua Zhu Yu was left to do everything on her own, even when the supplies were brought to the village, she had to go out and receive them . She wanted to prevent anyone else from entering and falling sick .

Till sunset, Hua Zhu Yu was still preparing the medicine which she later would have to go distribute by herself . She also had to help feed the medicine to those gravely ill . Going through this cycle everyday, she was thoroughly exhausted . She felt this was more tiring than fighting on the battlefield .

Hua Zhu Yu was adding wood to the fire when she inadvertently turned around and noticed a figure standing silently in the distance .

Due to the flood, the village was a mess but no one had the time nor energy to clean and sweep the area . Amid this disorderly scene, Ji Feng Li still stood as dignified as an immortal with his hands clasped behind his back . Facing Hua Zhu Yu, his eyes were unfathomable with his brows slightly raised .

translations at peachblossomgrove . com

Little did she expect for him to come but she did not have the time to attend to him . She had to carefully prepare the medicine, if the fire was too weak, the medicine would not mix well . After adding 2 more stocks of firewood, she opened the lid to take a look . Seeing a white layer of froth on the surface of the medicinal liquid, she quickly extinguished the fire .

Ji Feng Li was still silently standing there, his lips slightly raised in a light smile .

“Left Chancellor Daren, why did you come?” Hua Zhu Yu wondered whether or not Ji Feng Li feared death . Why would he come to this place?

“This Chancellor haven’t seen Bao Er in these past few days so this Chancellor came today . Could it be Bao Er doesn’t want to see this Chancellor?” he said with a warm and relaxed expression .

“Is that so? So to speak Lord Chancellor misses Bao Er?” She raised her head to ask, a provocative charming smile upon her lips .

Seeing this, Ji Feng Li flashed a smile that wasn’t really a smile and replied, “That’s right . This Chancellor intends to stay here for a while, don’t know if there’s still an empty room available? This Chancellor hopes Bao Er can spare a room . ”

Startled, Hua Zhu Yu suddenly noticed his complexion was comparatively paler than before .

“You’re sick?” she asked in disbelief . Those who were infected all arrived grudgingly with a frown upon their face . Many had tried to keep their illness under wraps so that others would not catch them . Only when they fell gravely ill were they recognized and forced to enter the village in isolation . To enter with such a calm and collected manner, Ji Feng Li was the first .

Still carrying a smiling expression, Ji Feng slightly narrowed his eyes and asked, “That’s right, could it be Bao Er won’t welcome this Chancellor?”

“Welcome, of course welcome,” she replied with a smile before realizing that this wasn’t really something to bid welcome .

She was still in disbelief . As the Left Chancellor, Ji Feng Li should’ve been protected thoroughly, how could he get infected? Moreover, as a distinguished official, even if he were to get infected, he wasn’t required to come here . He could just be isolated at his own place and that would be fine .

Leading the way out of the kitchen, Hua Zhu Yu and Ji Feng Li followed a small path towards another courtyard . “There is no one staying here so Left Chancellor can remain here and rest . I have to go deliver the medicine to those sick and shall return later . ”

When she finally finished distributing the medicine, it was already late into the night . Holding a faintly lit lantern, she made her way back to her room . Only when she returned was she finally reminded of her new patient, Ji Feng Li . She had forgotten to deliver his medicine .

Hua Zhu Yu rolled back and forth on the bed in contemplation . When she saw him during the day, he didn’t appear that seriously ill . Even if he didn’t take medicine for one night, he’ll probably still be fine . Moreover, she didn’t want to treat him either . If she left Ji Feng Li to succumb to the illness, she wouldn’t have to waste time and effort to enact revenge .

Though she did not have evidence that Ji Feng Li colluded with the previous emperor to marry her off, his hands were still stained with the blood of Jin Se’s wrongful death . If it wasn’t for that cup of poisonous marital wine of his leaving her weak and powerless, how could Jin Se have been humiliated and killed by others .

Her mind flashed with the image of that stormy, wintry night and Jin Se’s mournful cries with the blinding scarlet staining the snowy grounds .

Recalling these events, she wasn’t in the mood to go check up on Ji Feng Li . She hated him!

While she was just about to fall asleep, a series of light knocks sounded from the door . She guessed it must be Ji Feng Li so she turned and faced the other direction, pretending to sleep . Yet the knocks on the door continued .

So she could only get out of bed and get the door .

Bathed under the faint moonlight, a man stood in the small courtyard . This person wasn’t Ji Feng Li but Lan Bing fully dressed in all blue . His face was veiled behind a cloth, only revealing a pair of deep eyes gazing at Hua Zhu Yu with a solemn look .

“Yuan Bao, you must cure Lord Chancellor . ” Lan Bing said in a lowered, imposing voice, unlike the jesting tone he usual carried .

Hua Zhu Yu furrowed her brows, and said, “I was only lucky to know of the prescription and how to prepare it but I am no physician . I can say I’ll try my best but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to cure him . ”

Lan Bing gazed at her with suspicion, coldly saying, “Wasn’t there someone who’s fever subsided once they drank your medicine?”

“Just because it could cure one person doesn’t necessarily mean it could cure everyone . Can’t you see there are still people dying? Lan Daren, I really can’t make any promises,” she said with knitted brows .

“Nothing can happen to Lord Chancellor . Are you aware, there are movements arising on the Northern border? A few of our soldiers guarding there have already died mysteriously . In the whole land, only Lord Chancellor has the ability to take charge of the current situation . Huangfu Wu Shuang, Huangfu Wu Shang, even that old sick Emperor can’t do nothing . Don’t even mention if something bad happens to Lord Chancellor, if the mere news of him getting sick leaks out, our Kingdom will be thrown into chaos . The fact that Lord Chancellor is sick is something only the two of us are aware of . Yuan Bao, I know you are a person of talent . Lord Chancellor also values your talent . I hope you will understand the gravity of the situation and cure Lord Chancellor . Lord Chancellor isn’t allowing me to remain here . I can only secretly visit him . I hope you will try your best . ” Finished talking, Lan Bing gazed at Hua Zhu Yu for a long time before taking his leave .

Hua Zhu Yu was overwhelmed by Lan Bing’s solemn words and imposing gaze . When he finally left, she slowly went back to her room . After contemplating, she decided she would save him . She wasn’t a despicable, vile person like him, so she wanted to defeat him in a just and honorable way . She would save him for now but she still wanted him to suffer . So she decided to lower the dose of the medicine, and treat him later when his symptoms worsened .

There were movements on the northern border? Was that Xiao Yin’s doing? Did Xiao Yin intend to invade south? After the last battle, didn’t the Northern and Southern Kingdoms sign a treaty to end hostilities?

Editor: Otwentyfirst

Though Hua Zhu Yu was a general, she didn’t want war .

Her mind was left preoccupied the whole night and she could not get any sleep . She got up early next morning and went to receive the supplies from outside . Then she went about her routine, preparing the medicine and distributing them . When there was only one bowl of medicine left, she headed towards Ji Feng Li’s room .

Though it was already morning, the village was exceptionally quiet save for the occasional bouts of cough, there were no other sounds . When she pushed open the door, the room inside was dark and gloomy . Going up to the window, she pulled back the curtains, letting in the rays of sunlight which illuminated the figure sitting on the bed .

Attired in a snow white wide sleeved robe, he was staring intently at something on the bed . He appeared to have yet washed his face or brushed his hair which fell freely down his back, shimmering under the sunlight . She wasn’t sure if he was truly sick . Looking at him now, it seemed like he’d still be fine even if he didn’t take any medicine today . Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Ji Feng Li who covered his mouth and coughed with a bent back . He continued on non-stop till it was hard for him to even catch a breath .

Waiting till his coughing subsided, she walked over and said, “Lord Chancellor should take your medicine first . ” She placed the bowl on the bed and took a peek at the drawings spread out on his bed . The flood in Xuan Zhou was already dealt with so why was he still examining these maps . After a closer inspection, she realized they weren’t maps of Xuan Zhou but of the northern border, reminding her of what Lan Bing had said last night .

Could it be Northern Kingdom was beginning to have a change of heart?

Ji Feng Li lifted his head to look at her as he drained the bowl of medicine .

“Yuan Bao, why didn’t this Chancellor see you sending medicine last night?” Ji Feng Li asked as his gaze returned to the maps before him .

Examining him now, she noticed his increasingly pale complexion as well as his weary face . This illness was truly something to fear . Even a person with such high martial skills as Ji Feng Li was left in this state .

“There was not enough medicine last night so I prioritized those more ill than Lord Chancellor,” replied Hua Zhu Yu .

Lightly glancing at Hua Zhu Yu, he asked, “Yuan Bao, are you hoping this Chancellor dies?”

Hua Zhu Yu eyes narrowed as she flashed a smile and said, “How could that be? Though I despised Lord Chancellor before, now that I have followed you, how could I still hope for your death?”

“Is that so? Yuan Bao, why aren’t you afraid of getting sick? You remained in this village for so long and you’re not taking any preventative measures, so why aren’t you falling sick?” asked Ji Feng Li with his head raised .

She knew he was getting suspicious but there was not need for her to conceal this matter so she replied, “It’s simply because I have already gotten this illness before and will not get infected a second time . ”

“So it’s like that . ” He leaned back against the frame of the bed, his deep, unfathomable eyes slightly narrowed .

“Lord Chancellor, why are you spending so much time staring at those maps?” asked Hua Zhu Yu . In the end Ji Feng Li wasn’t a military commander, he was only a civil minister so what use was it to look at those maps .

His lips hooked up in a smile and he replied, “Of course this Chancellor have to study them . If war was to erupt with Northern Kingdom, this Chancellor needs to formulate strategies so this Chancellor cannot die here yet . ” Before finishing what he had to say, another bout of coughing interrupted him . If it was another patient, she would have stepped forward to pat their back, but this was Ji Feng Li, she had no desire to assist him .

He used one hand to stabilize himself on the bed while his other hand grasped at his chest as he coughed . He coughed relentlessly until he was out of energy and leaned back against the bed . Hua Zhu Yu was unsettled and decided to make her way over there feel his forehead .

She was startled as soon as she made contact . His forehead was blazing hot yet he was still sitting here examining the maps, formulating strategies .

She helped him lay down and said, “Lord Chancellor should rest first . I shall go prepare the medicine . ” This time she did not dare to lower the dosage . After Ji Feng Li drank the medicine he fell into a deep slumber .

Taking the medicine continuously for one day and night, he did not show signs of improvement for his fever did not subside in the slightest .

Hua Zhu Yu began to feel that something was wrong . No matter how sick a person was, once he or she drank the medicine she prepared, their fever would subside after a single night . With such high martial skills, Ji Feng Li was certainly stronger than the average person so why was the medicine not effective?

That night Lan Bing did not visit Ji Feng Li . But hearing what happened from Hua Zhu Yu, he became alarmed and personally headed over to take a look . He also gave orders to his men to invite Imperial Physician Zhang over . After taking Ji Feng Li’s pulse, Imperial Physician Zhang let out a long sigh, his face scrunched in a mournful look .

“Lord Chancellor is not only sick, he is also poisoned . It is really difficult to treat these two things at the same time,” Imperial Physician Zhang reported painstakingly before he continued to cough non-stop .

“What?” Startled, Lan Bing staggered back . Suddenly, a chill emitted from his body, brimming with killing intent .

“Yuan Bao, was it you? Lord Chancellor saw you as a talent and could not bear to kill you yet you actually poisoned him!” Lan Bing exclaimed as he shot her a murderous look . .

Hua Zhu Yu callously smiled and said, “Lan Daren, if I wanted to kill him, I don’t have to waste the effort to poison him . I’m also not such a vile, despicable person to use such methods . ”

“Lan Daren, it appears Lord chancellor was poisoned before he got infected . Yuan Daren has remained in the village this whole time, he is not the culprit, ” said Imperial Physician Zhang .

Hua Zhu Yu shot Imperial Physician Zhang a grateful look . She didn’t expect this old stubborn man to speak up on her behalf .

Furrowing his brows, Lang Bing quickly asked, “The how do we save Lord Chancellor?”

Shaking his head, Imperial Physician Zhang replied, “I can make the antidote but if the illness is not cured first, taking the antidote would be in vain . We can only try to cure Lord Chancellor of his illness first before neutralizing the poison . But since he is poisoned, the medicine used to treat the illness is not effective . This… this is really difficult!”

Resting on the bed, Ji Feng Li had another bout of cough but this time he was coughing up blood, which was streaming down the corners of his mouth .

Even Hua Zhu Yu was taken by surprise . She feared he would not be able to pass through the night .

Lan Bing approached the bed with heavy steps . He took out a cloth and wiped Ji Feng Li’s lips before turning around, yelling, “You two better quickly come up with a solution . Imperial Physician Zhang, it’s best you think of a way to save him . And you, quickly go prepare the medicine and bring it over!”

She nodded in assent before quickly taking her leave . After she exited through the door, she turned back around and saw Lan Bing assisting Ji Feng Li up . He used a wet cloth to wash Ji Feng Li’s face and used his fingers in place of a comb to brush through the knots in Ji Feng Li’s hair .

The sight of Lan Bing’s desolate back view as he gazed at the unconscious Ji Feng Li lying on the bed left a heaviness weighing down her heart . All of a sudden, she felt bit disappointed, even empty almost .

Sometimes, the lost of a foe was not much different from the lost of a friend . Without that person there to dual and fight against, a sense of loneliness and destitution will arise .

With a heavy heart, she went to the kitchen to prepare the medicine . But deep down she knew this bowl of medicine was useless on Ji Feng Li . He had taken several bowls of this medicine but it was not effective in the least .

The night gradually grew late .

The moon slowly crept up the night sky, illuminating the gloomy village which was packed full of patients . Besides the occasional sounds of coughing, there was no other noise . It was completely quiet, almost dead silent akin to the silence of a deserted city, without a single sign of vitality .

Hua Zhu Yu added more wood to the fire and extinguished it after the medicine came to a boil .

Suddenly, a clamoring noise could be heard outside . Startled, she wondered if something had happened and went out to take a look only to see a large number of people standing there . They were all patients that were being treated in the village . Some were mildly ill while others were gravely sick and needed the assistance of others to stand . Though they were coughing, they stubbornly stood there . Seeing Hua Zhu Yu emerge from the kitchen, they all fell to their knees .

“Yuan Bao Daren, you must save Lord Chancellor! Lord chancellor is a good official, you must cure him! Please sir! Wasn’t your medicine very effective . So many people felt better after drinking it . Sir, please quickly save Lord Chancellor!”

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