Yuan Gui Xiaodian.

A dense ink-like night enveloped the entire world, and the noisy rain became the only sound between the world and the earth. The light through the store door became hazy in the dense rain, just like the blurred street lights in the distance and the blurred lights of thousands of families. Several swiftly walking figures faintly seen on the street quickly disappeared into the darkness.

From the beginning of business to the present, the Yuangui shop still has no changes. The original four tables are still the only additions to the dishes on the recipe. The sound of rain is completely isolated by the formation method. Familiar customers enjoy the purchased dinner here. .

If you don’t have a place, you can find a place with your things and use spiritual power to cast tables and chairs. It’s a solution, provided that it can’t interfere with other people’s normal meals. Fortunately, the space in the shop is quite spacious, which belongs to Yuan Gui. The unique landscape of the shop.

The elders of the pinnacle force and the controller of the empire are holding a bowl while chatting with others. In fact, they are not much different from ordinary people. The customers of Origin Mall should have been surprised by this scene, because they are in Origin Mall. It's the same time.

It can also be regarded as eliminating the "excessive deification and worship" of the peak of the pyramid of the practice world by ordinary cultivators in some way.

"I heard that many countries in the Central Region are fighting wars recently. Isn't it true?" After Qingyuan ate her food and turned from a power leader to a vagrant, she didn't care much about this aspect of things.

"Isn't I always fighting, when I didn't settle down?" Fan Chengtian said casually. He often wandered around the Tianlan Continent, and he saw many such scenes.

"You go to the City of Chaos and see how peaceful the environment in the Middle Region is." Xie Mengwu is shelling Frost. As the acting lord of the City of Chaos after Frost leaves, she is qualified to say so. .

"You humans are so strange, you always like to fight." The sea monster Yila also came to Yuangui's shop today. According to her words, it is to experience life. "Most dynasties will usher in hundreds of years. End, and then a new cycle. It was like this before our Kraken moved away from the land, and it is still like this now."

No one responded to Yila's words, after all, they couldn't refute it. The facts were indeed like what she said.

Kingdoms continue to collapse and continue to be established. Even if technological reforms occasionally appear, they will soon collapse again. In the endless war, civilization seems to have fallen into a special cycle, endless reincarnation.

"The essence of civilization is to move forward in setbacks." Anvia broke the silent atmosphere, "In the process of development, you may encounter various difficulties, and most civilizations will actually die early and can develop steadily. After all, it is only a minority among the few. In my opinion, the entire human race on Tianlan Continent is the whole civilization."

Unlike most races in Tianlan Continent, the dragons have a more long-term vision. Basically, what An Weiya said was written in textbooks.

"Do you understand?" Bai Yu whispered to Yao Ziyue.

"I didn't understand." Yao Ziyue replied in a low voice.

"It's great, I didn't understand either." Bai Yu was happy, as if he had found a comrade in arms.

In the following time, the discussion direction of Yuan Gui Xiaodian shifted to the perspective of civilization. In fact, to a certain extent, most of the people present can be regarded as the dominant class of various races. Maybe there will be records about this conversation in later generations, maybe There will also be a tall name, similar to "Midsummer Dawn Meeting" or something.

The dinner was over amidst the noise, Qing Yuan and Yao Ziyue left Yuangui's shop directly.

"Sister Qing Yuan, did you understand what they said just now?" The demon Ziyue on the road still did not forget to ask what had happened.

"How can I understand." Qing Yuan shrugged, "I just mentioned a war, and it was involved in the development of civilization, but they were still talking so vigorously. It's better to be outside. Just now I wanted to leave early. NS."

"Then Qingyuan sister, are you full?"


"Go eat some more? I remember a new hot pot restaurant opened in Chengnan."

"The kind of hot pot that the boss made before? Let's go and taste it."

Asked, the Venerable’s cultivation level will naturally not be affected by the weather. The rain fell on Yao Ziyue and Qingyuan’s side and dissipated on its own, as if they had never appeared. The two talked freely, on the streets in the middle of the night with heavy rain. Take a walk and relax.

Qing Yuan completely forgot Yao Ziyan's reminder.

She really didn't take it to heart. The cultivation base of the venerable level can walk sideways in the Tianlan Continent, and can encounter danger in this small Jiuyao City? Oh, a joke.

Origin Mall.

The air is filled with the scent of food, and a faint light lingers on the cooking surface of the table, just like the luminous dishes that can only be made by the special chefs in the little chef of the chef.

The fact is indeed the case.

This is the food made by the gods. It adds an unknown number of BUFF bonuses on the original basis. The realization can be roughly expressed as "super lucky bonus", "perpetual increase in mental strength", and "perpetual increase in soul strength". Category.

"Will Qing Yuan listen to you?" Luo Chuan said while eating.

"It's weird that she can listen." Yao Ziyan was picking up the thorns of the fish and putting it in a Luochuan bowl. "I don't know her yet?"

Luo Chuan took a bite, it was tender and juicy, the fish itself still had a touch of sweetness, it was delicious, and there was no need to spit.

"Then why do you want to remind?"

"Of course I want to see her reminding me of my reminder after encountering things, the kind of regretful look that I didn't regret at the beginning." Yao Ziyan said with a crooked smile.

Luochuan's fish-eating movement paused for a while, staring at Yao Ziyan in an incredible manner.

In other words, this should belong to the character of the little devil, right? Does this girl have such a side?

Oh no, it seems to have appeared before, when Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wanshang came over when they were selling DVDs, and the two girls fled away with a fluttering sentence.

Or is it a "side effect" of becoming the **** of destiny? That is to say, awakened a certain sense of inner personality, the type of black-bellied little devil.

It seemed that the girl hadn't noticed this.

"Well, why look at me like this?" Yao Ziyan noticed Luo Chuan's gaze, "Is there something on my face?"

"Um, no." Luochuan thinks that it is better not to say it for the time being. Anyway, it is normal for Yao Ziyan at the moment, and the system does not send out any danger warning. As a formal member of Origin Mall, Yao Ziyan is in the system. The authority of is actually similar to that of Luo Chuan, but she doesn't know it.

"Oh, let's eat first." Yao Ziyan nodded, "Are you still eating fish?"

As he said, he picked up a large piece of fish and began to stab.

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