Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1870: Schrodinger’s Chimera

Smollett is a human being. When he was young, by chance, he had come into contact with extraordinary powers. According to the usual division, he should belong to the type of mage. It is only the most basic level. The extraordinary powers did not bring him to his life. Too much change.

He has been to many places, the empire of the dwarves, the tribe of the orcs, the kingdom of the elves in the dense forest, and even got lost in the elemental world. His life was lost there.

Smollett was married. His wife was a noble lady, appointed by his parents, and the relationship was good. He had two children. Perhaps this is the life of an ordinary person, growing, getting married, having children, and then slowly getting older. But Smollett knew that he was definitely not a person contented with the moment.

In the fifth year after marriage, Smollett returned to his original life again. His wife did not complain about his choice, but chose to support silently. He once again became the businessman who traveled all over the kingdoms of the world of Koror. The scenery everywhere.

Until the natural disaster broke out.

Smollett eventually stayed in the City of Steel and became the owner of an alchemy drugstore. Recently, he had the idea of ??going back. He has been wandering outside for most of his life. He is indeed tired. His wife and children are waiting for him to return. Home.

So when the girl who claimed to be a wandering mage came to her door and said she wanted to buy a store, Smollett did not refuse.

He looked at the two customers in the store, they were not too old, which reminded him that when he was young, he should be leading the caravan without knowing where to go, or maybe in endless Wandering in the ocean.

"Then be here."

Smollett heard the young man make a decision.

Yao Ziyan came to Smollett and said with a smile: "Yes, just follow the agreed price."

Smollett does not have the dullness of the elderly. To be precise, he is between old and middle-aged. After a light cough, he nodded: "But I need some time to tidy up the things in the store, you guys. You shouldn't be so anxious, right?"

"We are free wizards traveling all over the mainland. I feel that the City of Steel is pretty good. We plan to live here for a long time. By the way, we will open a shop to sell some things to make a living." Luochuan's flicker skills have already reached the max level, making up his identity. Just open your mouth.

Smollett's eyes looked at the two suddenly changed.

Free mage...

We must know that in the remote wilderness there are often countless powerful monsters, elemental creatures, and even more weird and difficult invading bodies, and free mages are usually powerful and transcendents walking in the wilderness, searching for them. Kind of unknown knowledge.

His magic power is not comparable at all.

"Think of us as ordinary people." Yao Ziyan had an elegant and soft smile on his face, and his affinity was full. "I have been walking for a long time, so I naturally need to rest in a place."

"Indeed." Smollett felt the same way, and the tension of the two being powerful and extraordinary also dissipated a lot, because to some extent, they did have similarities.

He didn't know that he had been fooled.

The next time is to sign and draw up a contract. The City of Steel is under the jurisdiction of the Council of Elders, so there must be corresponding magic inscriptions on the contract. In this respect, it can reflect the special features of the magic world... It seems that this book is Fantasy type, right?

Forget it, it's not important. Both fantasy and magic belong to the mysterious side, and there is no need to consider these insignificant issues.

The matter is resolved. It should take several days for Smollett to pack his things. Luochuan and Yao Ziyan left the shop. They were idle anyway. They simply wandered around the city. The buildings full of magical style are very strange. .

Once again, it is not the type of the West in the Middle Ages. Even if the types of world civilization are different, the development should be in all aspects. It is impossible for an extraordinary person to evaporate the lake under a forbidden curse. Ordinary people still live like ancient times. life.

Luo Chuan had seen a lot of these settings in his novels before, but reality gave him a heavy blow. Of course, Luo Chuan wouldn’t struggle with this. After all, the setting is like that. Besides, it’s emptiness and it must exist. Like that world.

Compared to Saintia, the environment of the city of steel is more than one and a half stars worse, plus the air containing magical smoke and dust, anyway, Yao Ziyan is not very able to adapt.

"Luochuan, go to the coffee shop and have a look." Yao Ziyan was holding something in both hands, one side was a cold drink, and the other side was a barbecue that didn't know any creatures. Anyway, she ate very happily.

Luo Chuan was eating a packet of snacks similar to French fries. Yao Ziyan had eaten half of it. He adhered to the principle of not wasting food, and he could only wipe out the rest with his help. The taste was good.


Luochuan has no idea. After working for such a long time, he is a little tired. He wants to go back to sleep. It is also good to sit in a coffee shop. I heard that cats can relax, but I don’t know if it’s true. Is it the same.

The darkness disappears, the soft light fills the horizon, the air is filled with a faint woody and coffee smell, which smells much better than the air filled with magical smoke and dust in the City of Steel. At least the demon purple smoke took a few deep breaths, showing his face. Happy expression.

The happiness of this girl is so simple.

"Luochuan, did you say something to me in your heart?" Yao Ziyan turned her head, her purple eyes staring at Luochuan.

"No." Luochuan noodles didn't change their colors.

This girl's perception ability is really powerful.

"Hmm, my illusion?" Yao Ziyan muttered, and quickly put aside the matter, and squinted Chimera in his arms, "Forget it, I don't want that much, Schr?dinger seems to have changed It's heavy."

Schrodinger's response was a helpless cry.

Wait, isn't the name Schr?dinger a bit wrong? Isn't it called Chimera? seems he mentioned it before.

Luo Chuan felt that this might be a bit wrong, and coughed lightly, "Cough cough, purple smoke."

"What's wrong?" Yao Ziyan looked at Luochuan curiously.

"Forget the name Schr?dinger, the original Chimera is pretty good." Luo Chuan put forward his own suggestion after sitting down on the sofa.

"Is that so? All right." Yao Ziyan nodded without thinking, holding Chimera in both hands and holding it in front of him, "From today, you have changed from Schrodinger to Chimera."

Luochuan: "..."

Why does this sound so strange? It seems that it really feels like Schr?dinger. The name is random between Chimera and Schr?dinger. Only after Luochuan observation did it collapse into one of them...

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