Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1860: Too many coincidences is no coincidence

Under the moonlight, the woman dressed in white left her life alone, as if she had descended on a mortal fairy.

In the dense forest, the black fog oscillated, condensing the shadows of various creatures, roaring harshly, and listening carefully, there was only the whimper of wind.

The little red light approached, and the strange aura quietly swept across.

Finally, the shadow in the black mist came to the quiet moonlight, but the girl in white couldn't help but frown her eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the limbs of various creatures are fused and spliced, covered with black scales, and the coldness of the moon is glowing in the moonlight. Several limbs are different. Some of the surfaces are covered with forest white spikes, and some are covered with white spikes. Countless mouth tentacles, some are like spears of arthropod limbs...

In the center of the body is a distorted, weird, hideous and terrifying face, as if directly inlaid on the black scale armor, and above it is the second faceā€”and the third and fourth faces, each with a face. Not the same, the eyes glowed with scarlet light.

The other parts of the body also have eyes and mouthparts growing. It is like a blasphemous creation, twisted, chaotic, crazy, full of malice towards the world.

"It seems lucky to be able to meet someone here." The face at the top spoke with a hoarse and low voice, which seemed to carry a certain mental shock.

"Ask a way." The face at the bottom said, his voice indifferent.

"Do you know how to go to Origin Mall?" The second face continued to ask, faintly hearing the excitement and madness hidden in the voice.

The third face never spoke.

Origin Mall?

The girl in white was a little surprised, but she was relieved soon. With the reputation of Origin Mall, it can indeed attract strong people from all over the Tianlan Continent. Naturally, it also contains these chaotic things. Even in the past, she would not follow Origin Mall. The rules, the end can be imagined.


She said, her voice as clear as water.

"Southern? So I have been going in the wrong direction." The third face finally spoke, with a harsh laugh. "As a reward, you will be a part of the great Blackscale Imam."

The black fog oscillated, condensed out a hazy figure, like a ghost in the night swept toward the girl in white.

The girl in white had a cold complexion, she was not surprised at this, she just sighed lightly and held the black sword in her hand. She actually didn't want to use the sword.

The black mist swept in like a tide, and the vegetation wherever it passed was withered and gray, and the roars tore through the silence of the night, like the legendary Hyakki Yexing.

Hei Lin's mood is very cheerful.

How long has he been wandering in Tianlan Continent? He couldn't remember the answer to this question. The power brought by the gifts of the gods made him accustomed to ignoring the passage of time. He just remembered that he had been wandering in the wilderness, dense forests, and deserts for many days.

The monsters that don't know anything are the most encountered, and the sleeping ancient creatures have also encountered it several times, but there is not much difference in the result.

Hei Lin feels that he has been unlucky for so long since meeting the Demon Emperor. Finally, luck has come. He happened to meet a human in this uninhabited place, and this human happened to know the news of Origin Mall. He was actually on the truth of the words. I don't care much.

After turning it into a part of yourself, you will naturally know more information.

The white-clothed man seemed to have expected that he would pass by here, deliberately waiting for his arrival here, Xu is the increase in confidence brought about by the increase in strength, but Hei Lin ignored these "exactly".

The injuries he suffered from fighting against the demon emperor were recovered with the help of the power of the gods, and Black Scale could feel that his own strength had increased a lot. Relatively speaking, the distance between him and the gods had narrowed again, and the whispers in his mind were the same as before. The ratio became clearer, but he didn't care much about it.

Black Scale enjoys the fun of the battle, which can make him temporarily forget the whispers in his mind, and all four faces are caged with crazy expressions.

The girl in white was misty, her eyebrows drooped, and she looked at the sword in her hand.

Then, the sword came out of its sheath.

In an instant, Yuehui gathered together, and the wind screamed, as if there was a sharp sword born out of the sky, the world was dimmed for a moment, and only the cold light of the sword was left. At a glance, it makes people sink.

The blade is cold like a mirror, reflecting a mountain and river.

Time seems to be stuck in stagnation at this moment. The creatures in the black mist roar and roar, but even their voices are frozen. The countless pupils of the black scales emit a scarlet light, but only the white light is approaching, and there is only a touch of comparison in the eyes. The moonlight also has a bright streamer.

One sword divides the world into two.

The skirt of the girl in white shook slightly, and the black mist instantly collapsed. The moonlight covered by the black mist seemed to become brighter. The black scales stood there, seeming to have forgotten their movements, and even the look in many eyes remained unchanged.


Accompanied by a subtle sound, Hei Lin's body quivered slowly, a crack appeared from the center, and a thick black mist escaped.

The black mist surged like life, spreading to the surroundings rapidly, and the roar of anger and madness echoed endlessly.

"Ant! You succeeded in arousing my anger! I will crush every bone in your body and imprison your soul forever!"

The girl in white looked at the spreading black mist in front of her and blinked gently. She was able to determine several things now. This creature who claimed to be the Blackscale Headmaster was very strong, and his identity seemed not simple. The most important thing was Mingming. The strength is good, but his mind seems to be a bit problematic.

Xu was due to the special life form. She was slashed by her and didn't seem to be affected much, and it seemed that there was a setting of two transformations.

The black mist scattered around gathered and condensed, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a huge form that was a thousand meters high, still a twisted and weird appearance, belonging to the type that makes the san value drop at a glance, similar to Tengman His tentacles waved, and the space was trembling.

The girl in white had a look of curiosity in her eyes, her special immortality, and the ability to completely transform her body into black mist. She was very curious about the nature of black scales.

In front of the monstrous black fog, the white touch is so small, but extremely eye-catching.

The look of the girl in white did not change much. Xu Shi had already taken care of such a scene, and seemed to be indifferent to her. The sword that had not been sheathed moved again, and there was no sign of it.

She felt that according to the boss's division of swords, she should be more suitable for the second argument.

She doesn't know how to use swords. She only understands the speed of swords. When the speed reaches the extreme, it doesn't make any sense to have or not.

The sword light is misty like a rainbow, and there is only sword light left in the world.

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