Chapter 95: The Claiming - Part 2


Elia saw stars as he thrust again, and again, a slow, but punishing rhythm that didn't stop even as he leaned over her again, his chest brushing her back, one hand underneath them to knead her breast and he whispered, "Now, let go. Breathe, scream… do whatever you need to do… but do. Not. Fight."

She sucked in an audible breath as he pulled out, then cried his name when he pushed back in. Hard.



He grunted, his thighs slapping against her with each powerful thrust, that rolling growl snapping in his throat between.

Caught between the wall of her own pleasure, and the power of him, Elia quivered, every muscle in her body alight, but that wave at her core building and building each time he reached inside her, the pleasure so intense it was almost pain. And still he didn't stop.

Groaning her name, he placed one hand between her shoulder blades, bracing to pound her against it until she was crying out uncontrollably with each thrust. Then he twisted the hand into her hair and slowly pulled her head back, curling over her to plunder her mouth in time with his thrusts, his breath tearing in and out of his nose.

He was trembling, she realized, pulled so tight he was about to snap.

"It's okay… Reth…"

He stopped kissing her and straightened, the mating call erupting from his throat with every roll of his hips. His entire body trembled like he was the one who was fighting.


"Elia… oh, Elia…"

"Don't stop! I want you."

"I don't want to hurt you—"

"You won't. I want this. All of you—oh!"

He roared, slipping whatever tether he'd held and Elia could do nothing but give herself over to the storm of him as he lifted, pulled her knees off the furs, and held her hips, pounded into her, roaring and calling, his breath ripping out of him and a strange, deep resonance in his chest, as if two voices tore out of his throat together.

Elia's skin washed in tingles as her climax approached, but this wave threatened to crest not at that bundle of nerves he played so expertly, but deep inside her, a flip switched by the weight and pressure of him inside. Her body shook.

"Elia… Elia!" he groaned through his teeth.


Then, tilting her hips again, he leaned forward, resting her belly on his broad thighs as he leaned over her again. The skin at her back prickled as it was teased by his chest. But she was so deep in pleasure she could only cry out with every movement of him.

Twisting her hair around his fist, he laid his mouth at her ear, his breath thundering on her skin. "Hold on to me, love!" He put his free hand down next to hers and she grasped it, the noises still tearing out of her with every roll of his hips.

"You're mine," he snarled.

She screamed as her body was overwhelmed, a wave of pleasure crashing through her that almost took her out of her skin. In the same moment, Reth latched his mouth at the point where her shoulder met her neck, biting down as he roared his own climax.

His teeth pierced her skin and when she sucked in, stiffening against the pain, he roared again, holding her there, his body pressing hers into the furs, his teeth in her skin.

As he shook and groaned, his breath heaving, Elia slumped into the furs, exhausted and sated and lightheaded with sheer pleasure. As if it had stolen her oxygen.

His weight on her back was delicious and she wished they could lay that way forever.

Reth still panted, gasping, growls and groans breaking out of his throat as he shuddered back to sanity. He slumped too, but took some of his weight on his elbows, dropping her hair to curl his arm around her head. Like he was holding her safe.

His breath fluttered against her cheek when he finally released her with his teeth, kissing and licking to sooth the half-moon wounds in her skin.

"You're bleeding," he said in a voice so rough and deep, it came from the rock beneath them. "I'm so sorry."

He moved to roll off of her, but she whimpered and put her hand to his head. "Don't. Not yet," she whispered. "Stay close."


"Reth, I… I've never felt this way before," she whimpered, her voice cracking. "I…" She was embarrassed to be fighting tears and he shushed her, kissing her neck, her ear.

"I know," he murmured. "Me too."

He rolled off of her and she complained, but he only rolled to his side, then gathered her in, curling her into a ball, and wrapping himself around the smallness of her. She sniffed and he shushed her, stroking his hands down her back, kissing her wound, her cheek, her hair.

"You're mine now," he whispered.

"I thought I already was," she said in a quavering voice.

"Even more, now," he said, his voice thick with satisfaction. "This has nothing to do with the kingdom or mating. This is the claiming. Male to female, regardless of position in the pride. It's my vow to you—wherever you are, no matter what you face, I go with you. My body for yours, my blood for yours, my life for yours. You're mine, and I'll die to protect you."

She sniffed again and lifted her head to meet his eyes that still glowed, but with a soft light now. She touched his face. "I don't have words, Reth."

"Neither do I," he said, softly. "That's why I bit you."

And the words were so foreign, so out the realm of anything Elia had ever thought she'd hear from a man—let alone anything to make her heart swell—she burst into laughter.

Reth smiled. "I'm glad you find it funny," he growled, pulling her in tighter and kissing her.

When he finally pulled away, Elia sighed with a happiness so complete, she almost wept again.

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