Chapter 303: Closer


Lerrin waited while every wolf in the tent froze. Including Daryn. Though the male did not let his fear show, it threaded into his scent.

There was a shining moment, a shivering breath where the younger male considered his chances and Lerrin let himself smile the shining, fanged smile of the hunter.

But a breath later Daryn dropped his gaze and shook his head. "I know you are a not a liar, Sire," he muttered. "Forgive the offence."

Lerrin didn't drop his gaze for a moment. Let them all see the male submit and know that they would do well to follow his example. But when nothing else was said, he turned back to the task, ignoring the way his heart thumped painfully when Suhle's head dropped further as if she wished to disappear.

"We are here to develop a strategy for taking the Tree City. I do plan assault, but we must first weaken their defenses. We must choose between assassination, or continuing to bleed them slowly. I would hear what you all think."

"I say burn the fuckers to the ground," Faryth growled. It was the first time he'd spoken in days and Lerrin wasn't the only one to blink from the surprise. When he had everyone's attention, he continued. "Their weakness is in their numbers—and their young. They are attached to their homes, their lives. Remove it from them and they will scatter pollen in the wind. The Cat will be taken with finding and holding his people and unable to protect them all… which will drive him mad." The smile the male gave at that statement was chilling, even the Lerrin, though his own crept up too at the mental image of Reth standing among his people, twisting and turning, unable to spread himself thin enough.

Stupid, emotional, pussy.

There were nods and murmurs of affirmation around the circle, but Lerrin snapped out of the dream and shook his head. In truth, he had never been able to abide destruction purely for destruction's sake. It seemed not only wasteful, but… lacking in control. He'd never been a part of the youth parties that used to sneak out at night just to cause havoc. But that had made him stand out then among his peers, and he didn't wish to do the same here and undermine himself.

"Any resource we remove from them we remove from ourselves when we defeat them," he said dismissively. "If you think it's difficult living here in the encampment, wait until we have to try to rebuild an entire city while bringing the people under new rule. No… Not unless it becomes our only option. I still believe we can take the throne without killing the people."

"Then the only route open to us is assassination. Cut the enemy off at the head and let it bleed all over its people. They will soon be cowed. They will welcome us in to fill the gap and stop the chaos that will result."

Lerrin nodded. That was his thought, also. Not to mention that it satisfied his taste for revenge. And there was nothing better than a strategy that achieved two goals in one swipe. "I agree," he said. "So let us turn our thoughts to who, and how. I believe we should have three attempts planned. The Cat is wily and his guards are devoted. We will need to use the best of our hunters to get close to him…"

Lerrin was relieved to see the males settle into the plan, rather than continuing to argue for the destruction of the Tree City, bringing their knowledge of people and hunting, rather than their lust for destruction.

But he wouldn't soon forget that they'd begun to challenge his measured response to the circumstances. That they echoed Asta's thoughts earlier, and were spoken openly before each other meant they'd been discussed outside of his company.

He would need to keep his ears perked for dissension. Ensure they didn't have any youths getting hot for bloodlust and running off to burn the city down.

It was that kind of oversight that had ultimately ruined his father. Lerrin would not make the same mistake.

He turned his full attention the males around him, and kept them focused on this plan.

Kill the Cat. Move in behind, in the confusion, and take his people.


It was minutes later that Lerrin stretched and found Suhle in his eyeline. He grieved the sadness there, but he would soothe her later. He would make sure she understood that the male's jealousy wasn't specific to her, but born of their frustration with these circumstances.

She did not need to worry. She would not be removed from his cover. He would make absolutely certain of that.


When they were finished, and everyone's blood racing with the joint excitement over seeing the Cat taken down, Lerrin found himself… fidgety. It wasn't a feeling he was accustomed to, but as the last of the council farewelled him, then stepped out of the tent to the salute of the guards, he stood near the door, too energized to sit down, but too worn out to turn his mind to getting something else done just then.

"Here." The quiet voice at his elbow, combined with the wafting steam of a lavender tea, took him by surprise. He'd forgotten Suhle was there. She was very good at disappearing into the background.

"Thank you," he said, staring at the hot cup warily, but she nodded towards it and he grasped it, taking a hesitant sip.

It was pleasant. Soothing.

Suhle smiled. "It cools the blood," she said with a knowing wink. "I can have it ready at the beginning of Security Council next time, if you like. For everyone."

The mischief in her eyes didn't entirely cover the tension in her shoulders. He took another sip of the tea, but held her eyes.

"You do not need to worry. The males only voice their frustrations to solve them." And Asta, as well, he supposed. "I will not remove you."

She shrugged, but he saw relief on her face as she turned away. "That is well. I… I had hoped to ask you something. But now I wonder if it is unwise."

"What's that?"

She had returned to the corner where she began to make him a plate. Was it dinnertime already? He should go to the campfire and… but he didn't want to make her more nervous by turning down her preparations. It wouldn't harm the people to have one meal without him. Most would assume he was simply in meetings anyway…

He realized she was staring and must have spoken, but he hadn't heard her. He blinked and suddenly took her in.

Her hood was pushed back now so her brown hair fell in soft lines down to her shoulders. Her bright blue eyes fixed on him, but the skies of them were cloudy.

"I'm sorry," he said genuinely. "I was distracted. What did you say?"

Her throat bobbed. "I… I brought my bedroll. The tent I have been using has taken a male in, and… I did not feel comfortable sleeping last night. I wondered if I might rearrange that corner… to be more available to you?"

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