Chapter 202: Angry King


When Lucine came at him this time, Reth used a lightning-fast knife hand to take her at the throat. She dropped coughing and choking as he whirled to meet the snarling attack from Lerrin coming in behind.

But Lerrin had stopped, his eyes open in shock, watching his sister struggle to breathe. Then his eyes snapped to Reth's and his lip curled up in a disgusted sneer.

"She will live," Reth panted, his hands up, ready to block whatever attack Lerrin was preparing to throw.

"Life under your rule is no life at all!" Lerrin screamed. "You would use her, shame her, then break her body?"

Howls rose from the crowd, snarls, barks, and hisses. Reth's heart went cold. He wiped the blood from his brow and snorted the scent of it from his nose.

"I chose no such thing for her," Reth growled, his breath heaving. "I chose peace with the wolves despite their machinations! I chose to answer petitions, despite their petty, deceptive nature. I let you, Lerrin, carry the burden of your people, instead of teaching them a lesson—and this is what it has brought me. Brought us."

Lerrin growled, but didn't attack and Reth straightened, though he kept his weight on the balls of his feet. He shifted just a little to his left so the crowd could see his face, though he never took his eyes off Lerrin.

"Anima is a place of peace. Of the Creator's blessing. I will always choose peace over war—when those who disagree are willing to speak, to find common ground. But it is clear to me, those days have passed," Reth intoned. "Do you hear me, Lupine!?" he roared.

A great roar responded—a cacophony of calls, howls, and chirps. His people were caught in the lust for dominance.

Well, he would give it to them.

"My name is Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn. I am the King of Beasts. I am Clan Leader of the Anima. And I am Alpha of all."

The people screamed—some in support, others decrying his claim, but Reth let himself feel his own strength, the certainty of his power, and let them scent it on him.

"My mate is Queen, and together we rule Anima, WildWood, and the Tree City. Any who question, any who do not wish to submit to our rule have this night. By daybreak you may leave of your own choice, and you will not be disturbed. You may travel to find your own land, build your own homes, rule in whatever manner you choose. Or you will be removed. But I will not stand for this mutiny a moment longer. The time for patience and grace has passed. Leonine, hear me!"

The Leonine roared from every corner of the amphitheater and Reth nodded, his skin prickling with the desire to shift and show himself.

"This day will be marked by history. The day the Lupine forced the Tribes to split—forced the King to declare war on his own people!" he spat the words in disgust. Lerrin's face was wide with shock, and Behryn had slipped up behind him, so Reth turned to face the people. "I did not want this, but I will require it. No matter your tribe, no matter your stripe, tomorrow at dusk, you can come and make your submission. You will be scented for honesty, and if you are true, you will live here, under my rule, under my strength, and in peace. But if you do not…" his voice puttered off into a growl that the Leonine echoed. "If you intend threat, or malice, and you do not leave WildWood, I will end you," he snarled. "Do you hear me, Anima? Do you hear your King?"

The noise rose again, though not as loudly. Reth's heart sank to see so many closed mouths, so many set jaws and resistant faces.

Wolves, primarily. But Serpents too. And goats. But here and there, even among the others… His people were at war in their hearts.

His heart grieved. But then he set his teeth and roared until everyone was silent.

Striding to the front of the stage, letting them see all of him, know he spoke truth, he glared at them.

"Do not question my resolve. There is no peace in a people that would attack their own rulers, risk the offspring, or harm their King out of petty spite. Those days in Anima are finished.

"Leave your neighbors, leave your tribe, make no decision lightly. Follow your heart, and submit. But know this: If you have been swayed by these wolves, if you believe they would rule as I do—if you convince yourself that their intentions for you include compassion or mercy, you have let go of your God-given instincts and followed the stink of your own making.

"These Anima will terrorize you. They will rule by force. They will take from you for their own gain, and demean you if you complain about it. But if that is what you would choose, you are welcome to them. You will travel beyond the borders of the WildWood—our people will ensure it is so. And you can build your own world there. But you will not turn eyes here. Because I declare war on any Anima that does not submit."

"Reth!" Brant's voice was quiet, but it reached him along with Behryn's gasp. But he ignored it. It was too late. Too much had happened. Too many risks taken.

The time had come to let the Tribes split.

"You have the night, Anima. Make your choice and make it well. Then tomorrow, walk after the leader to which you submit. I am done fighting to prove myself to you."

Then he turned and shoved past Lerrin to prowl off the stage, holding himself in check so he wouldn't limp, wouldn't let them see the harm he'd taken.

Elia's eyes, wide and grieving, followed him. He nodded to Behryn, and the guards brought her as others—Equine mainly, but Leonine as well—poured up from below the stage to follow them and stand in solidarity.

No one was going to hurt the Anima under his care anymore.

Most especially, his mate, and child.

No one.

No matter what it took.

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