Chapter 121: Toe-to-Toe with a Lion


He was late to dinner, and so grateful that Elia now had her Cohorts to share meals with when he was busy. Convincing Behryn that his refusal to share wasn't a personal offence had taken longer than he'd expected. His friend was tired, and Reth had given him many unpleasant surprises lately. But he felt certain they'd be back on even footing tomorrow when they met. Now he had to get back to Elia, to watch out for her as she tried to navigate this new resolve to win the people's hearts.

He knew she could do it. He just prayed she didn't put herself in danger in the process.

His mind turned back to that afternoon they'd spent alone and his chest swelled. He picked up his pace. He wanted to be close to her, even if not that close. He needed to see her and smell her and be certain she was well. He needed to look his love on her.

It was selfish, but he told himself it wouldn't hurt, just this once, to use the back entrance to the market so he wouldn't be stopped by the people, or forced to chat. He needed to see her and make sure she'd kept her resolve.

So it was with a lightly racing heart that he trotted up the short stairs from the back of the stage area. No one knew he was there, he would surprise her.

But it was he who was surprised. And not pleasantly.

He topped the stairs at a trot, smiling, looking for her… and was slammed to a stop by the view of Gahrye, leaning into his mate's ear, his hand on her arm and her bright smile in return.

Every inch of his skin trembled with the desire to shift and bite out the throat of this male who sat so close and touched his mate.

He froze, gripped in a war against himself, his mind screaming at him that Gahrye was not threat, that Elia's smile was only an offering of friendship. But then the Creator let a breeze bring her scent, mingled with his, and a snarl that started in his toes ripped out of Reth's throat.

Elia's eyes went wide and she whipped around to face him, her face flashing relief when she recognized him, then alarm and confusion when Reth leapt towards them and Gahrye threw himself from his chair, debased on the wooden floor before him.

"Reth! No! Don't! We were just talking—he hadn't done anything—"

"You… touch… my… mate?" His voice was a guttural growl, half-man, half-beast. And he knew his eyes glowed with the light of his Beast. He stood as large as he was capable, hands open at his sides, teeth bared.

Gahrye didn't lift his head, kept himself flat to the floor. "I-I'm sorry, Sire. There was no intention. No meaning. An offer of friendship only. She is yours, Sire, heart and soul."

"Yes, she is." He glanced up to find Elia standing, wide-eyed behind Gahrye, her hands over her mouth. "Only mine."

"Reth! Please! Don't hurt him! He did nothing wrong!"

Gahrye turned his head slightly and hissed at her, "Stop talking!"

"You touch her, and now you give her orders, prey?" Reth roared, his shoulders hunched and tense and Gahrye froze. The entire market went quiet, most of the male's dropping to a knee as Reth shifted to hover over Gahrye on the floor, his voice a chill and quiet threat.

"I am her advisor. She doesn't understand—"

"When my mate speaks to me, you have no place in the conversation!"

"Yes, Sire. I'm sorry. She is yours"

There was a tense moment where Reth's back rippled and he almost gave in. Aymora made a small noise and stepped forward, but he breathed deeply and swallowed it back. His heart pounded in his chest and he knew if he stayed here, he would end up hurting someone, so he tipped his head at Elia. "Come," he snarled.

She blinked. "What?"

"Come with me, wife," Reth growled. "If you want me to leave your advisor alive, we're leaving. Now."

She didn't move immediately and Reth's beast roared. But Aymora nudged her and whispered something, and she stalked forward, reluctantly.

Without taking his eyes off of Gahrye, he took her hand and pulled her behind him. "You will see her tomorrow. You will not touch her," he snarled.

"Yes, Sire. I understand. Please don't be concerned."

Reth snorted the man's scent from his nose and turned on his heel, nudging Elia ahead of him, who kept looking back. But the women must have been motioning for her go, because she made a face, then sighed and started down the stairs without further complaint.

They took the back door back out into the city, then Reth swung her up into his arms and growled again.

"Reth! What are you doing!"

"I need to wash the stench of that male off you," he growled.

"Put me down. I can walk!"

"Too slow."

And he started to run. Elia shrieked, but threw her arms around his neck. If only her arm didn't stink of another male, he would have been soothed. Instead, it just pushed him faster.

He was so focused on getting her through the city without running into another male, and getting her back to the cave, at first he didn't notice her tension. But as he weaved through the trees and they got to the path home, he took a breath and smiled at her. "Almost there, Bathing pools first, I think."

She gave him a flat look. "I'm here because my helpers told me I need to be, but don't you get any ideas, Reth. I'm very angry with you."

"What? Why?"

"Because you just humiliated my friend and advisor."

"I didn't humiliate him."

"You put him on his face in front of the entire city!"

"I did not. He put himself there."

"Because you would have killed him if he didn't."

"True," he said smugly. Then, "What?" he asked as her expression got fiercer.

"You enjoyed it! You liked making him do that!"

"No, I promise you, there was nothing pleasant about coming to find you with a male touching you and whispering in your ear," he growled.

"He wasn't whispering in my ear, he was leaning it because the room was loud and he wanted to tell me something."

"He touched you."


"So, you're mine, and—"


He was so startled he stopped running. They were on the edge of the meadow, the guards spread out around them, no doubt listening to this. Reth's teeth clenched.

"Elia," he said, still gripping her to his chest.

"Reth, you told me you would never touch me uninvited. Well, you are uninvited right now. Put me down!"

Reth fought the beast in him that wanted to put her in her place, remind her that he was King. He was also mate, and mates gave to each other. Even when one mate was very wrong in what they were asking. Very wrong. Very wrong indeed.

Grumbling to himself, he put her to her feet on the grass.

She immediately turned her back and stalked for the cave. "And don't get any ideas about joining me in the pools, I'll see you after I've cleaned up."

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