Chapter 112: Love in High Places


Creator's Light, he loved when she got that look on her face. Like she wanted to devour him whole. He'd seen the light go on behind her eyes when he pulled his shirt off, so he ran his hand through his hair, pushing it off his face so he could see her clearly, and sat back, leaning on his hands and smiled the lazy smile that always made her smile back. He straightened one leg so it lay against her hip and waited to see what she'd say.

He could see her chest rising and falling more quickly, and his own quickened too. But she didn't move. Her eyes started on his, but dragged down his neck, his chest, his stomach… and down. He felt it like a finger on his skin, and his body leaped to meet the touch. If he didn't get these pants off soon he was at risk of losing bloodflow.

"Elia?" he said softly a moment later, letting his tongue roll over her name.

She blinked and snapped her eyes back up to his. "Hmm, what?"

"Your list?" he said. "What's on top?"

"The better question might be, who," she said with a wicked grin and Reth huffed. But she didn't move. He raised an eyebrow in a question and she took a deep breath. "I don't know where to start," she said finally.

"That's easy, tell me what makes you light up. I'll take care of the rest."

She blinked again, several times. "Just… tell you."

"What you like? Yes."

"In words?"

Reth had to swallow a laugh. "Well, I'd have a lot of fun trying to figure it out, but I think words would be much more efficient. And possibly more fun for you."

Elia tipped her head. "Is this what you Anima do? You just sit around talking about sex until one of you decides that it's time to do it?"


They stared at each other and his heart pounded on his ribs, that thrill of desire dancing low in his belly.

"Then what are you doing, Reth?" she asked finally, breathlessly.

He sat up and leaned forward so their faces were just inches apart. "I'm telling my wife that I burn for her—but I burn to make her burn. Tell me, Elia. What makes you burn? I want to set you alight."

"You do, Reth."

"Then show me."

"Show you what?

"Show me what makes your blood heat, what makes you lose your breath. What makes your skin feel too tight?" he said in a low growl.

Her eyes never left his, but to his surprise, when she lifted a hand, it was to touch his hair, to claw her fingers into the front of it and pull pieces forward over his face. When he tried to lift his chin, she shook her head and used a finger to tip it back down until he was staring at her from behind strands of his own hair. "That," she whispered. "That lights a spark."

Reth locked his eyes on hers, but didn't speak, because she wasn't done.

With her lower lip slightly open she trailed the hand down his neck to the flat of his chest, spreading her fingers and palming his pec for a moment, then turning it to drag down his ribs, but as she did, she ran her thumb over his nipple and when he tensed she nodded. "That, too."

Reth breathing was quick and shallow, but her attention was wholly on him and she was thinking. He didn't want her to become self-conscious, so he forced himself not to move, just watched the flames begin to climb behind her eyes as she dropped her knee and sat cross-legged so she could bring both hands up to his chest. She held her breath and repeated the touch on his nipple—on both sides at the same time—then brought her hands up to his shoulders and shifted so she could kneel in front of him. The temptation to touch her was overwhelming, but he didn't want to distract her.

She was scanning him, searching, as if choosing where to go first. And he was fascinated.

"Show me," he whispered hoarsely.

Her cheeks colored and he traced the hair back off her face as she met his eyes again. "Your neck?"

"It's yours, Elia," he rasped, his loins leaping.

She nodded and guided his head back to bare his throat. He closed his eyes when she dropped her mouth to it and sucked.

He groaned and shuddered.

"Me too," she whispered. Still gently kissing her way up his neck, she leaned in closer until her breasts were brushing his chest, but she was higher than him now. "Your hands," she said.


"Put them on me. I never want to feel like you aren't touching me."

Without hesitation he sat up and reached for her, turning and unfolding his other leg so she knelt between his knees. "Where?"


He growled his approval and took her hips in his hands, but as he pulled her in, intending to give her that attention, he was blocked by her blouse. He tipped his head up to ask and she took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. Almost frantic.

Taken aback by her need, he wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her in, the other sliding up to cup her neck, his thumb at her jaw. And he kissed her back with every yearning within him—all the remorse for her pain, all the heat for her body, every ounce of love that pulsed in his veins. He poured it all into her, gasping when she leaned into him and answered with everything inside herself.

Then she lifted her head and stared into his eyes as if she was afraid. He pulled her in tighter, afraid she was going to run. "Elia, I—"

"It burns, Reth," she said in a pleading voice. "Everything I feel for you, it all burns. I just want you. That's all. That's what makes me heat. Stop thinking you'll break me. Stop acting like you're afraid to go too far. You can't," she whispered. "I want all of it with you. Please… just give me you. You without the leash."

The mating huff erupted from his throat and he swallowed a roar—they needed to be quiet!—as he pulled her down to the blanket and cradled her under him, kissing her with a desperation he'd never felt before.

His skin trembled in something like the feeling when he wanted to shift, but instead it was the need to be against her, over her, within her, to be one.

He needed her like air. And he was going to make sure she knew it.

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