Chapter 10:Until Dawn

I GAVE A LIVE INTERVIEW AND AUTHOR Q & A about me and the BEAST. Check out Destiny Aitsuji on YouTube and watch it there!



He turned to face Aymora who was a Leonine wise-woman. As such, she carried her own dignity and authority. He would do well to take care with her. "Yes, Mother," he said gently, using the title she'd earned even before he went to the human world.

"The Royal Line—you must have an heir!"

He nodded. "And there is a great deal of time until I'm stalking the tundra in the sky, Mother."

"But if she isn't mated—"

"You doubt my ability to tempt a female in heat?" he said with a smile. The tribes laughed—a couple of the women shrieked their giggles.

But Aymora gave him the flat-lipped stare of a parent unimpressed. "Do not be childish. The whole point of taking a mate is to enjoy both the union and the fruits of the mating, Reth. I know your mother raised you to understand this."

"And should my mate choose to take me, I'll enjoy the union greatly, Mother, I assure you," he said dryly. Many of the men laughed this time, but his attention was caught elsewhere.

He could smell Elia's embarrassment as blood rushed to her cheeks. Ah, that was right, he'd forgotten how much more careful the humans were in speaking about the acts of love. Their customs were different. Speaking of the mating was generally done in private, between couples. Ah well, she'd need to get used to this. She was Anima now.

"None of us knows the future," he called to the gathering. "We know only what the Creator has chosen to reveal today—and that is my queen. So let us return to the caves, then to the ceremony, and celebrate!"

As his people cheered—even if it was half-hearted—he turned back to Elia, approaching slowly, then offered his arm for her to take.

She looked at him, and hesitated.

Everyone was too busy talking or gathering their things to have noticed yet, but it wouldn't take long.

"I understand that this has been a difficult night for you," he said, under the guise of pulling a piece of her hair back behind her ear. She flinched when he touched her, which made him feel sick. "But you must understand that unless you're known to be under my protection, you will not be accepted here in our world." He stared at her then, willed her to remember him, to sense the truth of him, to trust. To at least feel the sense of safety that rested in him. "I spoke true, Elia. I will never force you to anything. Please, come with me back to the caves." He offered his arm again and she looked at it like she wasn't sure what it was. But her throat jumped, then she wiped her hands on her jeans, and took his arm in both of her hands.

He tucked her arm under his and started back in the direction of home. He could feel her trembling under his touch and huffed his displeasure, though she didn't catch it.

He just prayed he could drag her through the rest of the night—which would seem even more foreign to her than the Rite had. Because some of his people were staring at her with looks he did not like.


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