Chapter 20: Battle of the Dragons

During the battle against zombies on the sixth day, Jayden was able to reach level 100. When the message popped about reaching level 100, Jayden ran back to the tower and sat cross legged as he saw more messages appearing in front of him about evolution.

Soon after, he felt his consciousness fading away, as he was lifted in the air about 4 to 5 meters higher than the tower. Soon he lost consciousness and went into the world of oblivion and darkness.


As Jayden was lifted in the air, he was surrounded by a red cocoon. The cocoon was made of blood, and looked like a big red egg. The cocoon was hovering in the air above the tower, it was releasing a dark aura, forcing the zombies to stay away from it.

Seconds passed, soon seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, Jayden had no idea what's going in the world, as he lay in the cocoon unconscious and entered a dream state.


Not knowing how much time have passed, Jayden finally opened his eyes, but in spite of what he thought he didn't find himself on the tower.

He found himself in the body of a toddler. He was being carried by a man and was tied to his back with a cloth, Jayden couldn't see him properly as he was behind the man.

The man was running with a speed Jayden couldn't comprehend at all, still it felt like he was holding back due to the baby.

Many men were following the them, running behind him at incredible speed. As Jayden observed the men following them, he saw scales on their body, like a reptile or a dragon.

A shout came from behind, from the men chasing them: " Hand over that child, Richard, if you don't want your family to suffer. "

The man called Richard, didn't stop and instead increased his speed. After running for more than 10 minutes, they had almost lost their tails, but on the way came across against more than 20 men, who were waiting to Ambush them.

Richard stopped and in a few moments the ones following then from behind caught up with them too. They were surrounded from all sides by about 30 men with strange scales on their bodies.

The one which looked like their leader came forward and spoke in an arrogant and disdainful tone.

" Richard Draco, the patriarch of the Draco family, running like a dog, unable to protect even his son. Aren't you the arrogant one, why don't you stop and fight instead of running like cowards. "

" My friend Lizard, aren't a hypocrite bringing 30 men and calling me a coward. You're saying I can't protect my family, when right in front of you I killed your father, your elder and younger brother, your servants and many more. " Richard spoke with a mocking tone.

Lizard's expression became ugly, he gritted his teeth, and spoke with a cruel smile: " Don't worry, I will take my revenge by taking your son away from you. "

A serious and brutal expression appears on Richard face, as he takes his long sword out from its scabbard, releasing a killing aura so heavy and thick, that Jayden felt like less than an ant. He felt Richard level must be in millions. if not more.

Richard waves his sword bringing it in front of him, under his killing intent more than 20 men were on the ground kneeling and panting. Just the casual wave of his sword turned two men into a bloody paste, killing them instantly.

Jayden was shocked to the core, and looked at everything with wide eyes as a sound left his mouth.

" Wooobooo " being in the body of a baby Jayden felt it hard to speak and only a baby's voice came out of his mouth.

Hearing the sound, Richard turns his head to look at the baby, and with a tender look on his face spoke:" Don't worry, my son. Everything will be over soon. Sorry to give you such a hard life. You can't grow up with your family, your mother, everything is because of my powerlessness. But I promise at least I won't let them take you away. "

Richard spoke with a determined look on his face. Then he turns his head back to the Lizard and spokes in a bone chilling voice:" If you so much seek death, I shall grant you salvation. "

With a little fear in his eyes, Lizard ordered his men to attack Richard all at once, and focus their attacks on the kids, giving a handicap to Richard.

Following Lizard's command all remaining men rushed towards Richard, who stood there motionless, all of which scared Jayden a little. Jayden tried to speak again, but was not able to.

Before any attack could reach them, Richard raised his sword and all of a sudden, all the men attacking them were cut in half horizontally, his sword didn't even seem to move.

All 27 bodies fell to the ground lifeless in 54 pieces making a pool of blood around them. Richard turned his gaze towards Lizard, making him cry in fear.

" Hieeeeekk, don't c...come near me, if you kill me your family will be punished for it. Just hand over that kid. " Lizard spoke between cries stammering.

" Ha! you still dare to say that, you really don't want to live. " Richard scoffed and said while shaking his head.

Richard took a step towards Lizard making him stumble backwards, fear gripped his heart as he turned and tried to flee, thinking ' If I survive now, I'll make sure to kill every member of your family, Richard, OfCourse, except your beautiful wife. she'll be mine. '

But before he could take one step, Richard moved his hands at incredible speed, and cut Lizard into so many pieces, that it'd be impossible to solve the puzzle.


Sheathing his sword Richard was about to run again, when a very loud roar rang out. He stopped in his tracks and looked back into the sky, which was completely covered by clouds by now, electricity running through them.

A big shadow appeared in the sky, which with another roar revealed a big black dragon. The dragon spoke between its roars in loud voice.


Richard gritted his teeth and said:" You're getting too involved in this. I always looked over your family atrocities till now because of our friendship. Now, I understand how wrong I was, you snake bastard. "

Hearing Richard call him names, the black dragon roared in anger, and spoke again.


Richard untied the cloth and put the baby near a big rock. He looked at the baby and spoke in a tender voice:" This will be over soon, I'm sorry. "

Saying those words Richard turned his face towards the black dragon and jumped high into the sky, after coming at the same altitude, he turned himself into his dragon form.

Jayden watches in astonishment as he sees Richard turning into a big golden dragon, who even looked a little bigger than the black one.

They both roared at each other shaking the entire land, both released elemental energies from their mouths. The black dragon released electric energy and Richard released fire.


A loud explosion occurred as the two attacks met. The space around them started to crack, Richard seemed to have the upper hand in the battle.

After the first exchange the black dragon was thrown back a little. Looking at Richard he roared again and behind him appeared three more black dragons, who were a little bigger than half his size.

Richard roared and didn't back down as he exchanged another attack, the other five dragons now seemed to have met Richard's power level.

As Jayden was looking at the fight, he saw a woman approach him silently and took him into her arms before running away. Jayden felt her soft mounds pressing against him, making him blush a little, which created a strange sight of a perverted baby.


As Jayden was being carried away by the woman, he noticed something strange into the sky, there were clock hands. He looked at the big clock hovering in the sky facing down, covering the whole sky.

As all the clock hands aligned at 12, the clock turned into a big strange face, with a drawing of clock on it. It has only one black eye, like a cyclops, mouth full of sharp teeth, and two holes for a nose.

It averted its eyes towards Jayden, and blood started to flow from them, both of them looked directly into each other's eyes, Jayden felt like someone else was controlling his body.


The clock face made a large scream in the sky, almost blasting jaydens' ears. Jayden noticed he was the only one affected by it. The face started to recite a strange incantation.

" @#&$#& ^$^¢¥|••`. ... " the face kept reciting into a strange tone.

The more Jayden listened the hazier he was getting, his pupils started to change, they started to resemble a clock. After a few moments of confusion, Jayden's' pupils looked like two clocks, they were light blue in color, with a dark purple Circle surrounding then and three purple click hands in them.

Oblivious to the changes, Jayden looked at the clock face and noticed it has changed back to a normal clock, with just two words written on it,

' TIME GOD ' .

Jayden was scared, astonished, surprised, awe and had many more expressions. Under his face, the clock started to shrink, and it kept getting smaller and smaller.

Jayden noticed that the entire world had stopped, the time was not moving. The clock size stopped decreasing, when it became around 3cm in size. It shot from the sky towards Jayden, and before he could even blink, a purple clock tattoo appeared on the back of his hands, near his knuckles.

The world around Jayden started to shatter like glasses, he felt his consciousness fading away. And in a few moments, he was in the world of oblivion, yet again.


As Jayden opened his eyes, a few messages popped in front of him.

[ Evolution Complete ]

[ Class 'Vampire Infant' achieved ]


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