Chapter 18: The king


A few hours have passed since Jayden left the Earth. Inside a dark room, a man was sitting on a throne, looking at the man, prostrating in front of him.

" King, I've just recieved the news that Lenny is dead. " the man with rabbit teeth spoke.

" Cause of death? " asked the king.

" His body was found from a sewage. He drowned in it. " rabbit spoke.

" Someone threw him? " King

" N...No, we found from the CCTV that he fell himself, it looked like he was running from something. " rabbit.

" Who's behind it? " king.

" We haven't f...found who was behind it yet." rabbit spoke without looking up.

A strong killing intent was released from king's body, as he stared at rabbit.

" h...hieeeek " a cry came out of rabbit's mouth, as he smashed his head on the floor and spoke.

" B...Before he was killed, he called us to inform about some 'person with aura' killing around fifteen of his men. " without stopping for a breath he continued.

" We found out he was searching for a woman before his death. After investigating a bit about this woman we found out, her name is 'Sasha Garcia', she's from the Garcia family. Before Lenny's death, her fiance 'Tom' was found dead, killed by his own men and, her uncle and uncle's son were found mentally ill all of a sudden. "

" I'm 100% sure, this woman is involved in Lenny's death. " he stopped finally after speaking all that in a single breath.

The king raised his brows and spoke: " Although Lenny was replaceable, but he's doing his job well, and he's working under me. Find out about this woman, put all of our men to the work, I can't let ants trample over me and destroy my image. "king spoke as his face became slightly beastly.

" Yes, my king. We're already on it. I've sent the photo to every member already, they're searching for her. But... " spoking the man Bowed deeply and walked out of the room.

" What's wrong? "king asked looking directly at rabbit.

" Y... young master, he got caught by police for killing two men, for bumping into him. " rabbit spoke with trembling voice.

" That's nothing new, just get him out. " king replied whole waving his hand.

" A...Also ... " rabbit said stammering.

" Also? " king asked with a hint of annoyance.

" H...He saw 'Sasha Garcia's' picture, and he w...wants to add her to his pack as his mate. " rabbit.

" Don't be already have 3 mates? " king asked.

" He have. But Sasha's beauty is unparalleled, upon seeing her young master have h...himself taken the lead in search party. " rabbit.

" Show me her photo. "king ordered

Rabbit took out his phone, and after opening the photo in it, he respectfully handed the mobile to the king.

" Ohh, indeed she's beautiful. Search for her as fast as possible, don't kill her, and don't let Derick get her hands on her, bring her to me. "king spoke with visible lust in his eyes.

" Yes, my king. "rabbit said while thinking:' This pair of father and son is totally same when it comes to women. Look at the naked lust in this bastard's eyes, he can't stop drooling. '

After that rabbit left the room after bowing to king, and seeing king's excitement he knew he have to work fast or he'll be punished.

The king tapped on the armrest of the chair and spoke:" Let the hunt begin. "


An ear-piercing growling sound echoed throughout the mansion.



In a small castle, hidden far away from the zombie castle, Cyrus, the beast king was sitting, with a tensed expression on his face. He looked at his generals and spoke:

" How many returned this time? "

" Out of five groups only four returned. We aren't sure if last group is survived or not. Going out to hunt is getting harder and harder. " Arthur, the first general spoke.

" My Lord, we need to do something, or else at this rate the beast race will either be killed by those freaks or die out of hunger. " Red, the third general spoke.

Cyrus closed his eyes while looking down, the room fell silent for a few moments, then Cyrus voice rangs in the room.

" How long will the food in storage last? " Cyrus spoke while looking at Jin, the 2nd general.

" Seven months, atmost. " Jin replied calmly.

Cyrus fell silent again, all generals and ministers were looking at him, waiting for his commands. After contemplating the options, he spoke with a bit of bitterness.

" For five months, no hunting team will be sent out. We'll stay hidden and wait for it. "

" But my lord, that's cowardly, we don't need to hide from those wretches. We can't put everyone life on a prophecy. " Red spoke with hidden anger.

Cyrus looks at Red, and spoke with glowing golden eyes: " Elder have never been wrong, as said in the prophecy, the dragonborn will come here, and fight with us. And I've already decided, there's no need for further discussion. "

" Yes, my Lord. "Red spoke while keeping his head down.

" Prepare to defend against any possible attack from the Habilis race. " Cyrus said.

" Yes, my lord. " all generals and minsters spoke.

Everyone left the room after bowing, leaving only Cyrus and Arthur in it. Arthur looks towards Cyrus and asked:" My lord, do we not need to search for the lost hunting party. "

Cyrus closes his and replies with sadness in his voice:" Don't send anyone out for now, we can't risk losing any more of us. "

" Yes, my lord. "Arthur

Cyrus looks down and asks Arthur with a bit of anticipation:" Arthur, do you think the prophecy will come true? "

" As you said before, the elder have never been wrong. I think dragonborn will appear sooner or later. " Arthur replies with a confident voice, relaxing Cyrus nerves a little.

" Now, our race's fate lies in the hands of a person we don't even know. I feel really powerless. "Cyrus spoke with a downcast expression.

Arthur didn't comment and after bowing to Cyrus, left the room. He too was feeling sad and powerless, as he watched countless of his brothers fall in battle against the Habilis race.

Now they can only wait, wait for the unknown...


Jayden was holding Andrea, his weapon, he was truly astonished at the sight of its status. Though seeing it's next upgrade condition, his mood sank a little, but he wasn't too worried.

He turns it into a long katana, and moves his hands, performing martial arts. It felt light and easy to move, and it's sharpness was like nothing before. It's lustre greater than ever.

He looks down at the zombie hordes inside the city, and a distorted smile appears on his face. He takes a step forward, and jumps from the tower, and lands on the ground whole making a large bang sound.

All zombies around him turns and starts to run towards him, he looks at them with disdain, even without him noticing it, the 'Psycho Ego' have replaced him.

[ Psycho Ego activated ]

" Hahahahahahahahaha" he laughs maniacally with joy and excitement flowing their each fibre of his body. Each voice echoed far, attracting even more zombies.

He don't waste a moment and stamps forward launching himself towards the zombies. As he starts decapitating the zombies, he felt like he is cutting butter with a hot knife, as he sliced zombies neck, exiting him even more.

With a crazed expression on his face, he kept cutting zombies to bits and pieces, without even trying to protect himself. As he killed more and more zombies, message kept popping in front of him.

[ You have killed a zombie, level 20 ]

[ You have killed a zombie, level 22 ]

[ You have killed a zombie, level 7 ]

[ You have killed a zombie, level 48 ]




[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]




He didn't give any of his attention to the messages, but kept killing zombies, with a super fast speed.

Bodies of zombies kept falling to the ground, though the size of zombie hordes didn't seem to decrease one bit.

with a distorted smile, he kept laughing manically, as he cuts zombie left and right, giving him a demonic look.


Thanks for reading and have a great day... ?? Also I could really appreciate some comments

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