Chapter 12: The Punishment

Imagine there's a person you hate to the core, hate him enough to enjoy his screams and cries while that person burns to death. If you could get the power to punish him, what kind of punishment would you give him?

Will it be an instant death, or will you make him suffer for a long time? Well, that also depends on the level of hate. Let's say he hurt someone very dear to you and is still enjoying his life; then surely he deserves the most painful death. A Punishment worthy of his sins, Jayden was thinking about what to do with Lenny.

After leaving Tom's house, Jayden went to search for Lenny. But after reaching his house, he found out Lenny wasn't at home. Though Jayden was able to get the address of hotel, he's staying at.

Without wasting any time, he turned into mist and flew towards the hotel. It's a famous 5 star hotel named ' The New World. ' With his super speed, which was even faster after turning into mist, Jayden reached the hotel within 10 minutes.

After checking at the reception, using his 'Charm' ability, Jayden found out Lenny's room number. After reaching his room, Jayden saw Lenny getting a body massage by a masseuse.

After making the girl leave the room, Jayden sat on the couch in front of Lenny. Lenny opened his eyes and saw a man in a black cloak and wearing a red mask staring at him.

" Wh...who are you? Is it about Sasha? " Lenny spoke while jumping back.

Jayden was a bit surprised; he didn't think Lenny would guess it so easily. The corner of his lips rose slightly.

" Oh, I didn't expect you to find it out so fast. "

" D...Don't do anything stupid; the people backing me up are very powerful; you don't stand a chance in front of them. Just bring Sasha to me, and I'll let you live. " Lenny spoke, acting tough to intimidate Jayden.

Jayden made a frightened expression though Lenny could only see his quivering eyes, making Lenny even more daring.

" B... backup? will you spare me? "Jayden spoke with wide eyes.

"Yes, tell me where that bitch is hiding, and you can leave with only a few injuries. " Lenny spoke while lighting a cigarette.

" Ah, Sh... She's staying at a hotel. "Jayden spoke while backing a bit.

Seeing Jayden's state, Lenny's full confidence returned, and he spoke with even more arrogance." Tell me the name of the hotel and her room number. "

" Oh, it's ' fuck you ' hotel in room number 'as*wipe.' So you can check 'fuck you, as*wipe.' "Jayden spoke while showing a middle finger.

At the sudden change in Jayden's behavior, anger rose inside Lenny, as he shouted:" You fuc*ing bastard, you'll regret refusing."

Jayden struck his neck, making him unconscious. He then took Lenny out of the hotel and brought him back to his house. After reaching there, the first thing he did was to make Lenny transfer all his money and property to him.

After the first part of his plan was done, Jayden looked into his eyes and gave him some commands, and left his house.

After Jayden left, Lenny woke up and looked around, only to find himself in his house. But everything seemed different to him; it's like there was a light film of red mist in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes, but nothing changed. Everything was still red. He ran out of his room and saw zombies in the dress of his bodyguards running towards him. He pushed and punched them away and ran out of the house.

Wherever he looked, he saw silhouettes of people he had killed in the past. There were men, women, and even children. Outside his house, he saw a big Cerberus-like monster growling at him, trying to break its shackles to attack him.

Lenny ran away with all his strength, he was going crazy, there were strange creatures everywhere. He ran to the main road, and a big bull-like monster ran towards him while roaring. He dodged the monster, aka truck-kun, and jumped into the big sea; that's the sewage.

Inside the sea, his leg got stuck with something; he felt some monster was pulling him down. He tried his best to free himself, but the more he tried, the more he drowned. After struggling for a bit, he drowned in the sewage and died.


[ You've killed a human, Level 0. ]

The message popped in front of Jayden, and a sadistic smile appeared on his face. He has given a similar punishment to Albert and his son, Sam. But they would occasionally see such things in a day or two. But Lenny was seeing much more than them and continuously.

He was rushing toward his home in the mist form. He was thinking about the memories he saw in Lenny's mind. There was someone strong backing him. All the info he got, it indicated that it was a wolf pack.

Jayden asked Anna: " What's the hierarchy system of werewolves? "

" Why? Do you think werewolves were Lenny's backers? "Anna's voice came.

" Yeah, it feels like that. Though I'm not sure. "Jayden said while shrugging.

" Well, we'll find that out soon. As for their hierarchy..." She paused, and Jayden was waiting for her; she began to explain.

" The highest is the wolf king, their progenitor. He's the alpha of the biggest wolf pack, which could be said to be tier 1. Under his pack are countless other packs with alpha as their leaders, and that is tier 2. In those packs, the werewolves can form their smaller packs, but the leader could only be a 'beta,' and that is tier 3. "

" The omega is the weakest, most work as servants or canon fodders. Luna are strong female werewolves and mate with alphas. They all are very protective of their pack members. "

" So, I think the wolf pack supporting Lenny must be a tier 3 pack with a beta leader. And it must be a rogue pack, which means he's not a part of the king's pack. "

Jayden kept silent, digesting the heap of info. After a few moments passed, a quest message appeared in front of Jayden, making him stop in his track immediately.

The more he read the, the bigger the frown in his face got. Seeing his expression, Anna read the quest and gasped.

" Isn't this too just much for a noob. And that difficulty is 9, if not above. "Anna spoke with a surprise-filled voice.

" You're kidding me, right? " Jayden said with an unreadable expression.


[ Quest: Conquer Graham, the world of zombies ]

[ Task: Kill at least 1 million zombies ] [0/1,000,000]

[ Time Limit: 1 year ]

[ Location: Graham ]

[ Difficulty level ]: [8/10]

[ Reward: ???? ]

[ Penalty: Death ]

[ Time till quest starts: 2 hours ]


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