Chapter 23: Madness

In his training ground, Cedric remained focused on his goals, mostly unaware and uncaring about what was happening around the center.

Well, he had some idea at least, it was difficult for him not to notice anything with how sharp all of his senses were but he didn't care about it and was also not curious at all so he didn't know everything.

What interested him though, was the work those visitors of theirs were doing to the walls of this place. Don't get him wrong, he's not entertaining the idea of escaping from here. If this was before he got these eyes, then he probably would, but then again he'd be too weak to do anything so he'd just be dejected about it.

Cedric was sound in mind, he knows and accepts that he is a risk to society and he's not someone who would want to endanger the lives of innocent people just to make himself comfortable.

What interests him the most was the job of their supposed visitors. He had seen them of course, and although he didn't analyze everything about them using his senses, he knew enough to know that most of them weren't combat-oriented.

He had seen their badges, and after searching the web, he discovered that they were from the Lifestyle Guild, particularly in the Heavenly Seal Branch.

The Lifestyle Guild was an organization created for people who didn't receive a combat-oriented Job Class, such as; Merchants, Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Tailors, Miners, Farmers, Oracles, and so on...

This organization stood to protect them and contribute to society because even though its members couldn't actively participate in the fight against Demons, their services were too valuable to ignore.

The Heavenly Seal Branch, on the other hand, are the Inscriptionists of the guild. They are the experts when it comes to Mystical Languages such as; Runes, Arrays, Formations, etc.

Blue Jewel Valley's branch of the Risk Management Center probably called them for maintenance. That electric current, which was rumored to be strong enough to fry even Tier 3 experts to a crisp in mere seconds, was the result of a formation built within the walls. This group was most likely here to perform maintenance to it.

And that's what got Cedric interested. He wants to learn more about Inscriptions.

It wasn't so much of a desire to be one of them of course. This was mostly his curiosity urging him on. He just wants to know more about it since he's always eager to learn more but it's not a necessity for him. He can obviously make do without it.

There's also the System Shop for that, but he knows that they won't sell introductory books in there since it's available to the public anyway. Sadly, he's not in public right now, he's in prison, so he doesn't have access to it.

Anyway, Cedric didn't think much about it. It wasn't a big deal. His goal still remains the same with or without it. Since he doesn't have access to it, he might as well focus on what he has.


Cedric opened his eyes, pupils gleaming slightly as he did so. He released a breath which caused a gust of wind to disturb his surroundings for a bit. He placed his sword away and took out a towel to wipe his sweat off.

Practicing using his sword while under a Lv.5 Restriction was truly draining. It was hard for him to move at all, yet at the same time, it was also rewarding. He could feel his body adjusting to the pressure in real time and he could also feel himself getting strong.

It's still unknown how explosive his overall power would be should he release the restriction, but he could tell that it would be quite astonishing. He should really try it out sometime.


Cedric paused in his actions. He sensed a presence nearby. Frowning, he unfolded his field of senses and saw who the intruder was.

It was a man who was wearing the uniform of the Heavenly Seal Branch of the Lifestyle Guild. Even though it's currently dark around, Cedric could clearly see his expression.

His 『Intuition』 alarmed him about the man's behaviors, and as such, he didn't hold back and released the full might of his senses to analyze everything about this man.

From the man's expression, his walking and breathing pattern, how much he sweated in anticipation, his quickening pulse, his dilated pupils that seemed distracted...nothing escaped Cedric's senses.

Cedric's frown deepened as he realized that this man had most likely escaped the watch of the wardens. And that got him confused for a couple of seconds.

'Why would he do that? Wasn't he warned about what kind of place this is?'

After that thought though, Cedric shook his head. No, it's impossible for them to not be warned. These are no kids, they are adults with sound minds, even before arriving here, they should already know what they're getting themselves into.

'Yet, why? Why did he ditch his escort?'

Cedric then recalled a certain rumor around the center. He didn't know everything about it, he just heard snippets. Something about them being harassed by a sexual deviant...

'Oh shit!' Cedric's eyes widened upon realizing it. 'Emilia! She did to them!'

Of course, Cedric knows about Emilia. How could he not when he had become her target once upon a time?

Recalling his memories of those times was embarrassing for him. He suffered greatly because of her. Thankfully though, he coincidentally discovered a way to resist her charms.

'But that's weird...they should be warned about the lasting effects of her charm, but looking at this guy...'

Cedric was once again confused. Were the wardens really that sloppy? They can't be right? Especially under the supervision of the current Chief? There's just no way! But...why is this guy still like this?

'Oh, I'm not looking forward to this.'

Cedric scratched his head and pursed his lips in displeasure. It's also too late to escape now so he could only confront this.

"Hey, you!!" A deep and ragged voice sounded in his ears.

From the nearby shrubs, the man from the Heavenly Seal Crew appeared. He was looking at him with a fake smile, but Cedric obviously didn't fall for it.

"Yeah, what's up?" Cedric asked.

"I need...I need Emilia! Tell me where she is!" The man demanded, causing Cedric to groan in irritation already.

'Oh, he's too far gone. This is bad. How did he even know her name? Did she tell them?' Cedric inwardly complained.

"Emilia, who?" Cedric feigned ignorance. Not wanting to deal with this at all.

"Who? Who!? What do you mean 'Who'!?" The man agitatedly exclaimed, "Emilia! The most beautiful and alluring woman that ever graced this wretched place! The fairest and sexiest maiden of them all! My one true love and vixen! How can you not know who she is!!? Are you an idiot!? You must be blind!"

"..." Cedric was speechless. Really, he's actually speechless.

"Actually, it would be better if you were blind! Because if you are, then you wouldn't see how beautiful she is and wouldn't be attracted to her as well! That means I wouldn't need to deal with you at all! Ha! Hahaha! My god, I am so smart! But you can see...that's not good! I need to remedy that. Sorry buddy, you made me do this!"

'!' Cedric was really stunned with how that went from 0 to a 100 real quick. Man, Emilia was truly something else, huh?

"Trust me, man. You are not that guy." Cedric sneered. "You really don't want to do this. Snap out of it."

"Oh yeah?" The man sneered back, "You can talk some shit, but you're just a mere criminal. How can you ever compare to someone such as I? Enough talk, time for your eyes to go, Bud!"

The man then yelled and charged at Cedric. And Cedric, for all that it's worth, just sighed at the man's irrationality.

Cedric was of course not threatened at all. He only needed one glance at the man to tell that he'd never killed anyone before. Even the way he's holding his dagger is too clumsy, but that might also be a result of his lust-addled mind.

Just as he was starting to get tired of waiting, the man arrived close enough to him. He raised his dagger but Cedric simply tilted his head aside, looking bored and so done.

Then, he moved slightly to the man's side, he then tripped the man and slapped his dagger away as he was falling.

The man landed on the ground with a loud thud, frozen in disbelief for a few seconds, looking as if he couldn't accept what just happened. Cedric could almost hear his thoughts, but he simply had no desire to do so. He had seen enough already.

Trying to get up, the man's wind was suddenly knocked out of his lungs when Cedric kicked him at his sides. Now, lying on his back, the man froze as he felt Cedric stepping on his chest.

He then saw Cedric's chilling glare and felt cold steel pressed on his neck. Before he even realized what was going on, a sword was already pointed at his neck.

And just before Cedric moved his hand to cut off the man's head, they heard a shout nearby:


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