"So you guys are saying that the only reason the Diluvian tribe was able to win the war was because of Berigard who had formed a contract with a Demon Noble"

A mighty and pressuring voice sounded out. An ogre with a single purple horn protruding from their forehead was sitting on a throne overlooking the orcs.

He had a leaner build than most of the ogres around him and had a bright crimson hair that looked like it was on fire. He was donned in a sturdy looking armour and carried a big bastard sword around.

If not for the horn, he didn't look much different from a human. The fact that he was sitting on a throne, established his identity.

There was only a single ogre in the tribe of black ogres that could sit on that throne and that was none other than the king of Black ogres, one of the seven kings of the western region of the forest, Gil-Garna.

"Your lordship, we are not lying, it was the appearance of the demon that changed the course of the war. He was the one that killed Giz-Bozo and Giz-Mogo" under the pressure of that gaze, the orc general unhesitantly confessed.

"Are they speaking the truth Gish-Bagh?" the king of the black ogres turned his eyes towards his second in command.

An ogre with an indigo horn stood below the throne, nodded his head.

"My lord they are speaking the truth, I have investigated these orcs individually and all of them have given me the same answer. As such it cannot be false".

"I see" Gil-Garna nodded his head then pointed at a scrap of metal that was also found in the territory of the orcs.

"What is that thing?".

"Although it looks peculiar, I believe that is a golem. I found them mining near the territory of the orcs. When I asked the orcs about it, they told me that it was part of the agreement with the demon for saving them" Gish-Bagh reported.

"Is that so… What about the Ancient Inheritance? Were you able to find some leads as to who might have taken it?" As much as he tried to keep his aura in control, a faint trace still leaked out of the ogre king's body intimidating all life forms in this area.

Gish-Bagh was shaken too; however, he was quick to regain his composure as he replied by shaking his head.

"I am not sure as to who took the ancient inheritance, since we do not know who killed the orc king Belgarious. But I did find some leads. According to what these orcs told me, the demon had emptied all of their treasury as payment for saving them. I believe the thing my lord is looking for, might be with that demon".

Hearing that, Gil-Garna's eyes involuntarily turned towards the eastern direction of the forest. "The demon huh" he slowly muttered as he closed his eyes.

"My lord if it's your command, I shall immediately attack that demon" Gish-Bagh stated, his indigo horn glowing for a moment.

"The phenomenon that appeared in the eastern skies a month ago, was from that demon's dungeon. Although I don't know much about dungeons, that convergence of mana was definitely not ordinary".

"If we want to siege that dungeon it would take some planning. Besides the other seven kings and that Gufardus is also very suspicious. Wait till I completely assimilate with the Six Nether Flower, we can advance our plan after that."

Gil-Garna was more practical about it. He got up from his throne and was just about to enter the enormous temple behind him when Gish-Bagh stopped him.

"In that case my lord, what should we do with these orcs," the latter asked.

Gil-Garna didn't turn his head and simply left behind a few cold words "kill them".

A scene of carnage ensued next. The ogres did not have any idea that the Andromeda that they had captured, was still working and sending all the information back.


Meanwhile, inside some cave in the tall alps of the snow valley, a figure quietly sat on top of an enormous carcass of the ancient beast that had died a long time ago.

Even though that was the case, the aura released by the carcass was still extremely powerful, speaking volumes of the power the beast had when alive.

"So they arrived"

The figure who sat quietly until now muttered. He had a head of a lion, the lower body of a minotaurus, tail of a serpent and the wings of a demon.

The hulking figure who looked like some chimaera, was none other than Gufardus, one of the seven kings of the forest.

"Oh?! Number 001 you are already here. It looks like you brought the thing we asked for?" a new presence that walked in from the entrance of the cave, spoke.

Unlike Gufardus, the new entrant was completely covered in bandages and looked just like a mummy. They wore a black gold coloured pharaoh's headdress, a pair of bracers and greaves.

They were tall, taller than even Gufardus and their eyes along with the gaps in their bandages, glowed purple indicating that they were not human.

"To think that one of the Named ones would personally show their face here. Did the Creator send you here? Do they still not trust me enough?" Gufardus commented in a not so friendly manner.

"Haha, what are you saying… of course we trust you. It's just that in the off case you do betray us, none of the Numbers would be able to handle you. It was either 000 or the Named ones like me, one or the other was bound to come to retrieve the item. Though I don't think you will ever betray us because we have her… isn't that right?"

The bandages around the face of the person wrapped, forming a hollow smile.

"YOU!!!... huff… huff… don't forget our agreement. You cannot harm her or else..." His mane blazing with fire, Gufardus roared in anger.

"Hehe, the name is Khep Tutan. It would do you good if you remember it the next time" the mummy introducing himself as Khep Tutan, simply laughed off at Gufardus' warnings.

"So that is the thing Creator wants huh? Hmm, I can feel an enormous power emanate from it. Perhaps, it might even be possible to create another Named one with it. You did well bringing it to us. However, why did you choose the snow valley as the location instead of your territory the Ghastly Winding Forest?" Khep Tutan asked.

"Did you think that it was easy getting the item from that orc under the eyes of those beings? Hmph, even if I elude them somehow, the Ancient Titan Treant would still be alerted from your presence" Gufardus explained begrudgingly.

"Hoh" the purple glow in the eyes of Khep Tutan glowed brighter when he heard the other party mention the Ancient Titan Treant.

"That old remnant of the ancient times huh? I don't know why the Creator is so wary of him but I don't believe he is such a big deal. Right Gufardus, who do you think will win if that old remnant and I fought?".

He suddenly posed a question.

"Don't kid yourself" Gufardus scoffed.

"Hehh… I thought so, well it would be fun to fight that guy some day" Kehp Tutan smiled merrily not taking any offence.

"Anyways, can you get down, I have to store that thing" the bandages around him came loose and a suction force immediately pulled the enormous carcass of the ancient beast towards him.

To be able to store such an enormous thing inside him, one had to wonder what was hidden inside those bandages.

Khep Tutan after storing the item, turned around to leave when Gufardus suddenly spoke.

"Bring a message from me to the creator. You better keep her safe or else he can forget about the thing he wants".


Soon after both the parties left the cave became empty once again.


Central continent—Somewhere in the Mainland, a tall tower pierced the very dome of the sky. It was so huge that, its top couldn't be seen with human eyes.

The striking appearance of the tower evoked awe and respect from the people around it and also gave it its name, the Tower of Babel.

Inside one of the many rooms of the tower, a girl with long black hair could be seen reading a book. She was wearing a loose white shirt with puffy sleeves, a long black skirt, black stockings, high heels and some kind of a necklace on her neck.

A black hat rested on her desk, and aligned next to it was a beautiful staff inlaid with seven sparkling stones of varying colours in the pattern of a star.

Numerous books, and blackboards recording complex formulas could be seen all around the room. The place was a study; however, it was so messy that there was no room to even walk.

FLIP… FLIP… the turning pages of the book sounded in intervals bringing some noise into an otherwise silent room. Just when it seemed like it would continue, the door to the room was knocked.

"Come in"

The girl replied keeping down her book.

"HAAA… seriously, what is this place, a stable? How can one even live here? you have numerous bookshelves why don't you use them" A tall boy entered the room while scratching his hair.

He was similarly dressed in a simple white shirt and black pants. He was not overly handsome but he was nevertheless good-looking. If there was something that gave others a lasting impression, that would be the numerous complex markings covering his body that not even his shirt could cover.

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