Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Five

Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Five

I spend much of my morning watching Coda and my ratlings working on Rockys ring, though I do check in on Violet, too. Im trying to not get impatient and rush her, especially after Rezlar saying Ive been growing way faster than other dungeons.

Shes actually sending centipede expeditions to scout the area before she expands, being cautious. To be fair, I dont know what will happen with the scythemaw eggs in the area when she expands. They scythemaws proper are delvers, so would they become Residents? Dwellers? Delvers? I think Tarl said the townsfolk would become Residents if I expanded or did he say Dwellers? Id think Dwellers, since Residents seem a bit more connected.

Violet doesnt seem too concerned about them, though, and seems more like someone looking to buy a house, and wanting to make sure they dont discover the pipes are garbage or something. Whatever the eggs do, I just have to be patient and not push her too hard. Shell get there.

Around noon, I feel familiar feet, with an unfamiliar set joining them. I smile to myself as I see Freddie and Rhonda, along with Fiona and Lucas, as well as an elf who feels familiar, but I cant quite place him. I dont need to send Teemo to go say hi, as hes already on his way.

The kids are looking eager to do some delving, while the new elf is looking a bit nervous, but doing his best to hide it as Rhonda points at the porch.

And theres the notice board and the quests from the aranea!

We should get a quest. Itll be a good way to help him get used to how Thedeim works, points out Freddie. Teemo walks out from under the porch and grins as he sees the new elf.

You guys snagged a newbie, eh?

The kids look a little confused at the term, and the elf blushes a bit in embarrassment, so Teemo continues. Nothing wrong with it. Everyone has to start somewhere. And with these two, youll be just fine.

Hell be a great help to us, too, points out Freddie. Hes a fencer. Weve been missing a good damage dealer.

Could have fooled me and the Boss. You kids can pull out some serious hurt when you need to. freewebnσvel.cѳm

Rhonda waves that off. We have to do a team up attack to do most of that kind of stuff. I only beat Rocky that one time because I tripped him up and basically made him hit himself.

The elfs eyes widen at that, as does Teemos grin. You think the new guy could go toe to toe with Rocky?

Freddie and Rhonda exchange a look, before Freddie shrugs. We havent really seen him in action yet. I think the three of us together could at least give him a proper challenge.

Teemo is definitely enjoying the poor elfs misery at that idea. Whats your name, anyway? Sorry about talking about you like youre not here. Freddie, Rhonda, Lucas and Fiona are friends of Thedeim, and any friend of theirs is a friend of his.

He looks even more terrified at that thought, but Rhonda and Freddie smile and motion for him to introduce himself, so he tries to steel his courage. Im Re- er Larrez. Uh just Larrez, he manages, tripping over his words a bit.

Teemo eases up on him a bit at that and nods. Im Teemo, Thedeims Voice. Just Teemos fine, heh. Anyway, you kids were looking for a quest? he asks of the whole group, and everyone, even Larrez, nods. There should be one to do something down in Violet. You kids could take that one and take the long way. You know, show him the ropes and what all the Boss has to offer, maybe introduce him to a few of the other scions.

Is Rocky available for a sparring match? asks Freddie, clearly wanting to actually test if hes right about how theyll fare.

Eh kinda. The Boss is working on a new arena for him. The big lug wont say no, of course, but he might be a bit distracted by the call of his new ring.

Freddie looks interested at that, and Rhonda speaks up. Maybe well just stop by to say hello, then. Id love to learn more magic from him, too, but I wouldnt want to interrupt.

Teemo shrugs. I dont think hell mind if you drop in. Anyway, Ill let you get to it. It was nice to meet you for the first time, Larrez. Just take it slow and learn to work together, and youll all be fine. Larrez pales at Teemos exit, which makes me certain Ive seen him before, but I still cant place him. Teemo chuckles as he heads down a shortcut, and I decide to keep watching the young party as they look over the quests.

As they peruse the hanging pieces of wood, Rhonda speaks up. Oh, this reminds me! She levels a finger at both Freddie and Larrez. You two should get a gathering skill! Larrez looks confused, while Freddie looks thoughtful.

We probably should, yeah. I dont think Im interested in any crafting skills of my own, but gathering could be useful. What do you think, Larrez?

The elf, still looking a bit uncomfortable after having talked with Teemo, slowly nods. It would probably be smart, yes. I do not know if I would be any good at a crafting skill, but gathering is a good way to supplement adventuring income. He gets a little more confident as he speaks, and I can practically see him reading it out of some book or another on adventuring.

Anything stick out to you two? asks Rhonda, excited her suggestion is getting followed through on. Freddie shrugs.

I think the classic for a paladin would be mining or maybe lumberjacking. I even have an axe. But neither really sounds that interesting to me. Larrez?

Um I have always been intrigued by mining, he admits, to the curious looks of his party. After a few moments, he continues. It just seems relaxing? Slow and methodical, nobody around to bother you while you work? freeweɓnovel.cøm

Freddie nods at that. You could even take up smelting to turn your ore into ingots. Its not the most glamorous crafting job, but theres no shortage of demand for metals.

Larrez looks relieved for the support, and is even bold enough to ask his own question. And you, Freddie? If not mining or lumberjacking, what gathering skill would you like to pursue?

Freddie considers as his eyes wander the quests, before he picks one. Field dressing is interesting. Theres a lot of magic in the herbs Rhonda gathers, but theres also a lot of stuff in the things we fight, too. If nothing else, most skins and hides are worth something to a tanner. And maybe cooking as a crafting skill. He chuckles as he nods to himself, and smirks at Rhonda. If were going to be a party, someone should learn to cook. Alchemy doesnt count.

She sticks her tongue out at him. Alchemy soup totally counts, she says with mock seriousness, before giggling and not arguing the point. She grabs a quest plaque to gather mushrooms in Violet, and Freddie shows his to skin three cave bunnies.

How about you? Violet doesnt have any mining nodes I think, but Thedeim has ones all over in the tunnels and caverns, says the goblin.

I do not have a pick, admits the elf, but Rhonda doesnt accept that excuse.

We can get one from a ratling. Or, if they dont want to let us have one, you can use your water affinity to erode the rock and get some ore, right?

...in theory?

Great! Then grab a mining quest, and well give you the grand tour of Thedeim!

He reaches out and takes a quest to mine some tin, then looks confused as he looks over at what the other two accepted. Why do your quests say Violet?

Ah, says Freddie, realizing they havent been explaining things very well, and motions for Larrez to follow him off the porch. Violet is another dungeon, one pretty deep down. Thedeim found her and has taken her as his protege.

His eyes widen in concern. Another fast-developing dungeon!?

Rhonda giggles and shakes her head. Nah, shes a lot more mild than Thedeim is, at least as far as Freddie and I can tell. Though she was kinda stuck behind the scythemaws for a while, so there wasnt much expanding she could really do anyway.

But now the tunnel horrors are gone, points out Larrez, still looking worried. Freddie smiles.

Sure, but shes still young, and Mr Tarl says shes still acting like it. Thedeim is helping guide her and giving her advice, but if she was like him, she would have expanded as soon as the maws were gone. Im pretty sure she still hasnt.

Shes also looking like shell be a toybox, points out Rhonda as they round the house and head for the simple herbalism nodes. Her quest might be for mushrooms in Violet, but the simple herbs seem to be a base for a lot of things, so might as well get some on the way.

A deep toybox, emphasizes Freddie. Apparently, most deep dungeons are belligerent at best. If she keeps this up, the Dungeoneers will probably expand their guild here to ensure shes safe and happy. The kind of resources she could provide could end up putting Fourdock on the map, even if Thedeim wasnt here. With him here

Larrez sighs and I finally recognize him as he speaks. With them both, the Mayor is going to have his hands full.

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