As the generals disappear from the Lower Realm, all of Alveron’s orbiting arrays and surveillance systems watch every moment of it.

They track how fast the generals disappear, the density of the mana and divine threads that formed and were used, the process in which the unstable green threads left behind collapsed back to their natural, less dense states, and lastly calculated the direction in which they shifted with as much accuracy as possible.

Of course, using normal means, this shift between realms is impossible.

To create such a flawless and large-scale shift, one would need to have a personal connection to the source, claiming a planet that is already connected, which triggers their welcome into the Upper Realm. Or, a forced ascension using a throne fueled by Silver threads.

Alveron has witnessed these two normal ascension types in the past from a distance before. Though, he has never seen beings that have not claimed worlds or used external technology from the demons ever do such a thing.

From deep within the ice prison where 24 Demons are frozen solid, a final last-ditch effort pulses outward from Helix, the leader of this attack squad.

After sending a warning about a Berserker Race to the Demonic Realm, he also allows for the advanced tech that scanned Brymia to fall out from a microscopic rift inside his own brain that is rapidly freezing.

This takes place after the seal on the cubic prison is made, as his entire body is frozen, yet small portions of his mind are still resisting the cold.

In a final act of defiance, a scan of his surroundings is pulsed outward.

It doesn’t make it far, but it registers the fluctuations in space where the generals used to be.

This information is transmitted back into the black cube that rests inside of the demon, but his mind is already frozen, just like the other 23 demons.

He cannot manipulate or send this information anywhere, as he is not conscious to do so.

This pulse was too weak and non-intrusive, as it doesn’t scan any living beings, so not even Alveron sensed its presence.

This is clear by the Silver Knight and Bri celebrating a success while watching the data from this strange event they just witnessed replay over and over again in front of them.

Neither can explain how it worked or what exactly the mechanism that fuels the Rising Emperor’s Domain really is…

I do not pay attention to their conversation.

My concerns are far more focused on the four bright orbs of light rocketing through the Upper Realm toward the Ellipsia Citadel.

Hundreds of thousands of Lords in the citadel are instantly affected as I tear their towers in two.

Many of these towers are businesses, homes, and public spaces.

The larger towers closer to the center of the Citadel hold mostly 2nd and 3rd Class Lords, while the smaller districts further out hold tens of times more 4th and 5th Class Lords.

Though, compared to my speed and control over this Citadel, they are all at my mercy, even with three seals holding back immense levels of my power.

I trigger small ether-imbued Fast Travel orbs to activate almost half a million short-distance rides at once.

Instead of falling to the Citadel’s new road, hundreds of thousands of bright white orbs form all throughout the sky, safely transporting many Lords that were present in the center of the towers that I split apart.

While a very low percentage of these Lords actually needed saving, I still have over a week to keep the facade of a regular functioning Citadel running. Even if only a handful were weak enough and fell to their deaths or suffered fractured avatars, it’s not something I want to worry about.

There are some screams and frightened Lords, but I immediately send over 8 thousand pulses of telepathy out to my Demonic Servants, instructing them to calm anyone that sends in reports of this oddity.

“Tell them it is a routine automated maintenance system, and things will be back to normal in a few minutes. Compensate businesses or any Lords that were somehow hurt in the split.”

It isn’t very urgent in my mind, the processes working hundreds of times faster than many Lords here; many that have ascended to the Upper Realm at below level 1000.

So, the few minutes I need to clear the way before impact seem as though I’m planning far ahead, but from an outside view, it appears I’m cutting it close.

As servants scramble to calm the citizens, the last of the fast travel orbs clear, some Lords still try to conceptualize their situation as they look over the edge of the split buildings they’re in now showing a completely open wall that leads down to the empty street where the other half of a room was moments ago.

I don’t really care. In fact, the absurd sight is kind of funny to me. The only thing I spend my true mental power on is the four green orbs that show up in my mind as the white flashes of light clear the way.

My pulse of ether that manipulated the Citadel does not stop at the outer rings of towers; it continues to fly forward through the bubble of ether commands that create surveillance systems around all of Ellipsia.

In my mind, it looks like an arrow parting white silky clouds.

Though, in reality, visually nothing is changing.

I am merely taking control of a long and narrow portion of the ether bubble and manipulating it to not register any new additions to the Citadel.

I know what it did to me when it couldn’t detect a valid world token, dropping me into the exile zones; so I can’t have the pre-built Citadel system interact with these orbs at all.

They finally come within range, and surprisingly, long green and pink tails of divine threads and mana trail behind each of the orbs.

I could visualize how densely packed these contraptions were in my mind when they left the Lower Realm, but once they actually plunge into the surveillance bubble, I can actually try to dissect and understand them.

To my surprise, as the orbs rocket through the surveillance bubble, nothing out of the ordinary makes up these spheres holding my generals.

They seem to truly only be made of mana.

Even the green divine threads tethering them together are no stronger than average. Their density is hardly double the pressure of the green clouds they soar above.

However, a strange link pulls me to each orb, urging me to look deeper.

Something else is tethering them together, something that allowed them to shift through Realms… yet, my 3rd Seal holds my advanced ether senses and full Noble Vibration analysis back, not allowing me to understand it fully.

Though, with my foresight true core still passively activated in the background, I can perfectly predict these orbs’ flight paths and their rate of decay by tracking the trails of mana behind them.

They’re set to use up all of the energy siphoned into them just as they arrive here around me.

It only takes a matter of seconds for them to fly through the translucent white bubble and rocket through the 10-kilometer-wide empty street I’ve created in the Citadel.

The four orbs slightly shift their paths the moment they’re about to hit the tower’s base, and in this moment, I take hold of the entire ascension chamber to edit its walls. The Noble Vibrations I used to form this tower leak out for a moment, and the dense layers of ether within the walls seep out as well.

This is different from myself just phasing through the structure; I need to allow foreign objects in while keeping the incredibly dense atmosphere out.

I can’t manage it without some small interference, in this sealed form at least.

So, as the four generals stop moving an equal distance away from me on each side of this tower, the opening to the outside is closed off again.

Though, the echoes of old noble vibrations imbued many days ago create a shockwave, leading to a momentary Citadel-wide blackout. Many Lords get flashbacks to the day this new Demon became their Lord, as millions lose access to their systems temporarily.

This doesn’t make calming the citizens down any easier for the demonic servants when systems come back online seconds later, as this does not feel like a routine maintenance procedure.

Inside the tower, four dense balls of mana and divine threads completely unravel.

The generals, whose senses were completely cut off from the outside, can now feel their environments again.

They’re full of dense, low-quality ether and mana. Though, Arie’s chamber is filled with demonic energy instead.

On this lowest first floor of the 1000-floor ascension chamber, there is little to no divine threads.

It is almost entirely pure energy and ether. The remaining green threads from their orbs even manage to unravel and decompress into yellow threads to fill up the space they stand in.

There are three bright true cores burning in my vision from Arie, Raven, and Abby. Maria’s is protected behind her dark soul energy core.

It is quite an odd sight to see yellow threads and yellow cores like this up here in the Upper Realm.

However, just one floor above them, I know that the pressure begins to increase, and they will be exposed to their first dose of green threads.

None of them can physically see each other, but they can see what I see through my spectate perk that is still active, which gives a visual of all four of them from my center position in the tower, and the in-depth visuals of the 999 floors above each of them.

All eyes turn to me as I smile and turn around in a circle, looking my generals in the eyes.

“Welcome to the Upper Realm… As you can see, I’ve done my part, but to truly assimilate to the elements up here, all of you have a long way to go.”

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