Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 325: Winter King (Rex Hyemis) (13)

* * *

I was helplessly put into a period of time where I would wake up and fall back asleep over and over again.

My consciousness was like a wine cork drifting on the ocean surface. It would sink powerlessly whenever a wave crashed over it, but it would eventually pop back up all of a sudden. Between the waves, when my mind would be a little at peace, I would occasionally hear the sound of talking. They sounded like seagulls squawking.

“His Lordship’s condition…….”

“According to the mages and priests……need…….”

The voices belonged to Laura and Ivar.

She most likely used magic to come all the way here to Amstel. I had told Laura about the plan beforehand. She came all the way out here even though there was no need for concern in order to make the situation appear critical to those around us.

His vassal urgently came all the way here to take care of him. That was how bad the situation was. There was a need for people to think this.

Laura instantly became legendary during the previous war, so she was naturally a target of interest right now. She was the perfect person to showcase the urgency. Laura followed my orders well.

“Miss Jeremi gave her guarantee, but are there truly no problems?”

Laura asked nervously. She sounded worked up. Her tone sounded a bit vivid even though she knew that I was going to be fine.

“Look at how dark His Lordship’s complexion is. Is he truly fine?”

“We are past the most dangerous part. Military Affairs Minister, please calm…….”

“Do not make me laugh! Do you think I can calm down when His Lordship looks like this!?”

My ears rang. I thought that my expression had contorted, but it actually hadn’t budged an inch. It almost felt like my face didn’t belong to me.

How troubling. I won’t have anything left if you take my face from me. I’m worried that the ladies of the continent and the demon world will fall into despair because of this. Truly, I am a sinful man.

……I must not be in a bad state since I’m thinking of stupid jokes.

Well, it was probably a side-effect of being pumped with anesthetics. My consciousness felt sharp and murky at the same time.

“I have been against this ridiculous plan since the beginning! Ivar, you were also confident that there would not be any problems!”

“That is correct. Minister, the ingredients that I provided Miss Jeremi with were undoubtedly safe…….”

“Hah. His Lordship has been unconscious for an entire week now. It seems that even a situation like this is not considered a ‘problem’ for a mere maid.”

Laura growled like a wolf.

“I vow that if even the slightest bit of misfortune falls upon His Lordship—I will personally throw you, the Civil Militia Leader, and the Head Maid to the death knights. I will show you hell where you cannot die even if you want to!”

Despite the blank state of my mind, I was a little surprised. It was actually rather difficult to hear this kind of tone from Laura. I remember hearing it a long time ago……a really long time ago…….but I don’t remember when.

No. I can’t remember. It felt like the thought wasn’t in my brain but inside my skull.

More importantly, Laura, I know Ivar is lower than you in terms of rank, but you’re treating her too harshly. Ivar is rather fragile despite her appearance, so be more considerate.

I was worried since, other than Lapis, Laura didn’t exactly have anyone else she was close to in our army. People seemed to be a bit cautious around her since she was also Barbatos’ lover…….

“Please keep it at that, Laura.”

“But, Big Sister Lapis……!”

“We cannot put the blame on Ivar.”

I heard Lapis’ stern voice. I could hear them speak, but the meaning of their words didn’t come to me immediately. There seemed to be a slight delay between my perception and awareness.

“Laura, you and I had agreed to this. Most importantly, His Highness was the one who personally pushed this idea forward. Laura, you are aware of this as well.”


“Or are you perhaps doubting Miss Jeremi’s ability and loyalty?”

This was strange.

Lapis’s situation was different from Laura’s. Laura was honestly no different from a NEET whenever there was no ongoing war. There was nothing for her to do during these times, after all. Thus, it was fine for her to leave the Demon Lord Castle and come to visit me.

But Lapis is constantly swamped with work every day. She isn’t exactly renowned compared to Laura, so her coming here wouldn’t have that much of an impact. Why did she go out of her way…….

“I am not. I do not doubt Miss Jeremi…… but, Miss Jeremi did not deliver the poison herself. The Head Maid acted as an intermediate. As we all know, the Head Maid tries to poison His Lordship at every opportunity!”

“Laura, Head Maid Daisy cannot do anything because of her slave seal…….”

“Who knows what kind of trick she could have pulled!”

Laura shouted angrily.

I appreciate the concern, but I wish they would keep in mind that there is a patient here.

“His Lordship would always laugh it off, but it has always bothered me……. I knew an incident like this would occur. That child must have delivered the herbs wrong. I will kill the Head Maid……!”

“Laura de Farnese.”

It was rare for Lapis to raise her tone. Her voice rang clearly throughout the room like the cold winter air. However, Laura didn’t back down.

“Do not deny it! You must have thought the same thing as well. If that were not the case, then why did you make the Head Maid act as the Saintess’ attendant while you made the new maid take care of His Lordship?”


“The Head Maid is a child who cannot be fully trusted. It is because you thought this that you reversed their roles! Tell me if I am wrong!”

A chilling curtain of silence fell over everyone.

Only the sound of Laura’s panting filled the room. Everyone looked uneasy.

I wanted to open my mouth and tell her off. Laura, you fool, how do you expect to set an example if you’re talking back to Lapis, a person who is higher than you, despite being just a military affairs minister? Get on your knees and apologize. No, get on your knees and kiss Lapis’ toes.

“Call the Head Maid here.”

“……Laura. Seriously.”

“Chancellor Lapis Lazuli.”

Laura’s voice was cold.

“I am not acting as one of His Lordship’s lovers right now, but as the third highest ranking member of Dantalian’s Demon Lord Army.”


“Captain Jeremi promised that it would only last three days, but currently, His Lordship’s condition has not changed for a week now. Of course, His Lordship might wake up fine tomorrow. However, the fact that we have gone beyond the expected date is a problem in itself and someone must be reprimanded for it.”

Lapis let out a sigh.

“If His Highness were to see you now, then he would be very disappointed.”

“It does not matter. Big Sister Lapis, you are more than enough to be His Lordship’s comprehender.”

Laura remarked. There was a dark tone underlying her voice.

“This young girl is His Lordship’s sword. If there is something that is potentially dangerous to His Lordship, then I will cut it down without any hesitation.”

“……There is no value in a soldier who acts arbitrarily.”

“His Lordship ordered me to be a soldier who can think for herself. I am simply acting as His Lordship instructed.”

Lapis let out a deeper sigh.

“Laura, your fanaticism toward His Highness is almost dangerous. To think that the person who always acts calm and composed in front of His Highness is actually the most fanatical. I bet His Highness is not even aware of this himself.”

“I am simply standing at His Lordship’s side.”

Laura immediately retorted.

“If anything, you are the true fanatic, Big Sister. I know why you are not forming a closer bond with His Lordship.”


“I heard that succubi have a tendency to become overly obsessive over their first loves. They say that their excessive desire to monopolize their first love actually pushes their first love to ruin.”

Laura scoffed.

“You are afraid. You are worried that you might be unable to control your emotions.”

“……You are jumping to conclusions.”

“His Lordship loves people who can stand firmly on their own. If you are unable to control your emotions, then you will most likely be scorned by His Lordship. That is what you are afraid of. Coward! How could you not know that running away from your emotions like that is something His Lordship hates!”

Slap, a clear sound resonated throughout the room.

A denser silence than before settled over everyone.

Lapis’ calm voice rested on top of that silence.

“You are misunderstanding something. First, if you genuinely believe in His Highness, then you would not be making a fuss like this. Do you think His Highness left the delivery of the drug to the Head Maid by mistake? Sir Dantalian is not that sort of person.”


“You are the one getting swept up by your emotions, Laura. You are being uneasy and anxious about a worst-case scenario and allowing your emotions to run free. How pathetic.”

Ah, this is it. This is Lapis.

I couldn’t see her before me, but I was certain she had her usual cold and impassive look on her face.

“A person’s true value is revealed in a time of crisis. During His Highness’ absence, Laura, you are going on a rampage after having become a bulbous monster who was eaten by your emotions. What lunacy. I am starting to doubt His Highness’ sanity when he appointed you as the minister of military affairs.”


“And second.”

Lapis didn’t give Laura the chance to retort.

“Denying one’s emotions is not the same as running away from them.”


“I make my decisions after facing my emotions straight on, deliberating over them, looking back at the life I have lived thus far, and the life I will live in the future. Even if that decision causes me to stop my emotions, that is not escapism. That is who I am.”

Lapis carried on emotionlessly.

“Whether something is right or wrong, natural or unnatural, the order of things is incorrect. This is the right that I decided and the naturality that I accepted. ……There is only one problem and that is whether I can meet someone who can forgive what I think is right and natural. That is all.”

Laura shut her mouth.

Sorry, but Lapis is the only person on the continent whom I can’t beat in an argument, so it would be impossible for Laura.

“Laura, you are tired. You have not slept for five days already.”

“Sister…… this young lady…… I am.”

“It is great that you want to nurse His Highness, but you need to also get some rest. I will take care of nursing him tonight.”

I heard the sound of a clap.

“Bring the Minister to a guest room.”

“Ah, yes. Understood.”

“Ivar. The same goes for you as well. Get some sleep until tomorrow morning.”

Laura and Ivar tried to argue, but Lapis didn’t budge.

“You are talking and creating a ruckus in the patient room where His Highness is resting. It would be illogical to take care of a patient when you are acting like this. This is an order. I will resort to military law if you continue to behave indecently.”

In the end, I heard the sound of the door opening shortly after. The two individuals must have left the room.

The room finally became quiet. My consciousness was finally able to relax and return back to sleep.

I was already starting to forget what everyone had been arguing about, but who cares? If something truly important was mentioned, then I’ll most likely remember it later. I trust my memory.

I heard a faint voice right as my consciousness was about to fade away.

“……Please do not make us worry so much.”

The tone of the voice was too soft to say that they were nagging at me.

It was a voice that I would’ve responded to automatically if I weren’t sedated.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. It’s pretty nice being able to take a peak at how Laura and the others genuinely act when Dantalian isn’t “around”. Laura getting rather emotional and Lapis showing a slight glimpse at her inner feelings. In any case, this chapter came out a day late cause I was just so annoyingly busy. I even had to get some work done during the weekend. It’s mostly over now, but there was obviously more work waiting for me as I finished the Chinese project. Now I’m working on like 20 pages of info about some virus scanner. It’s not terribly hard, but I’m obviously not very knowledgeable about IT lingo, so it takes me a bit to piece things together. Just gotta keep suffering until things settle down.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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