Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 6: The Royal Academy Of Silvara - Meeting Her Nemesis

Chapter 6: The Royal Academy Of Silvara - Meeting Her Nemesis

Asura knew where their classroom would be, dragging Xue'er and Xavida with him, rushing towards the third floor to avoid the annoying instructor of their class.

He was quite a strict man who judged everything by time and punctuality.freёwebnoѵ


"What's the matter, Asura?" Mu Xue asked.

"I just want to enjoy this life..." his whispered voice absorbed by the wind.

She wondered why he was rushing to get to class. Although they would have a lesson today, it wasn't that important and would likely be an introduction class.


Xavida was silent as she looked towards Asura's delicate fingers tightly wrapped around hers, her desire to peel them off fading as she felt a strange tingle.

She felt somehow relieved of her constant pain the longer he held her hand as the thick, black miasma from her uncle and his traitor's curse began to ooze from her body into his, giving both relief from the pain and immense pleasure.

Asura wasn't doing this by accident because her curse and cause of death were a huge thing after she died, and it was revealed. He believed his devouring ability might work as it could absorb blood, corpses, and mana to transform them into purified mana.

So, a curse created by the putrid blood of a dead dragon flooding Xavida's body should be the same.

'This way, she will feel interested in me and won't need to search for a treasure that doesn't even exist.'

However, a strange sight greeted the trio as they approached the classroom, causing Asura to become momentarily confused.

Reality began to diverge from his memory because the person standing at the door wasn't the teacher he expected but a tall beauty with a shapely figure, alluringly round bell-shaped breasts, and crimson hair that shone in the sunlight.

"Look at the cute trio coming to class while holding hands, hahaha!"

"Let go of my hand!"

Xavida's eyes widened as she realised the stupidity of letting a strange male touch her body and holding her hand for so long, quickly pulling back and stepping forward with a snort.

More than twenty other students stood quietly to the wall's right as if scared of the woman and her prestige.

Students attend class first to avoid students who might be lazy or use the grants given by the Royal Academy to pay for things other than their education, forcing them to attend or receive nothing.

'This woman feels familiar—her long crimson hair, that scar across her cheek, muscles filling her body, and an aura rejecting anything she dislikes.'

"Line up!"

"Hah!" All the students intimidated by her aura lined up together.

'It had to be her...' Asura remembered who she was and quickly lined up without any backchat or arrogance.

Although she sounded rough, this woman was one of the strongest beings in the kingdom, sworn to protect it from danger as one of the rare Supreme Knights should a disaster arise for the realm.

There wasn't a single person who didn't line up against the wall; even Xavida stood against the wall obediently with a sigh as she felt the attention from others.

"Haa, annoying"

"She's so cute..."

"Who is she?"

Xavida's cold aura made people avoid her. Yet, in the same breath, her beauty seemed to charm several guys, who were now unable to keep their eyes away from her attractive body as she watched the instructor quietly.

Asura could only smile bitterly at these guys, all acting like monkeys in the zoo.

'Ah, there he is, the one who tricked and killed Xavida in the end.'

Suddenly, a male with tanned skin, curly blonde hair, and glistening blue eyes stepped towards the instructor, wearing a special uniform.

Normal students wore a black uniform with the colour of their year as a small tie or ribbon. In contrast, the royal family of Silvara had a pristine white uniform with a golden tie or ribbon to symbolise Princess Vela and Prince Valos.

He was the person who originally helped Xavida through the gates in Asura's past life and began to form a strong bond with her. Asura found it strange that they singled her out as she was still technically royalty despite her uncle's betrayal.

Meaning she was exempt from being checked in the first place.

'Whatever, right now, it's nothing to do with me; he's still the nation's crown prince.'

What was more interesting for Asura was the ashen-haired girl with crimson eyes and a long eastern sword on her back who stood quietly despite her brother wearing the white royal robe. The heroic princess of Silvara was wearing a red cape over her shoulders.

"Now, enter the classroom and sit at the desk with your names!"

Everyone entered quickly to avoid upsetting their new instructor because her gaze was quite fearsome as Asura rushed to his seat, wanting Mu Xue to have some space, hoping she might make friends in this life.

Mu Xue was important to him; that was a fact.

However, that didn't mean she needed to dedicate her whole life to him and do nothing when he was absent, losing the precious chance to finally attend the Academy because Asura knew she never got the chance before.

"Young master?" She called to him with a soft voice.

"Don't worry, Xue'er, just enjoy your first chance at academy life."

"But master..."

Asura found his desk and sat down before leaning back on his chair and smiling at the beautiful eastern knight.

She looked at him, stunned because her age was considerably older than most students, and she felt it was wrong for her to pretend to be a student.

The slight blush on her cheeks showed her true feelings as she bowed to him with a smile and sat down quietly before several girls quickly approached Mu Xue and greeted her happily, seeming to find her likeable.

'It seems my maid has made friends before I could.'

Asura leaned back, watching Mu Xue converse with them and smiling, noticing her scolding them as the girls peeked towards him several times.


He turned around to see Xavida sitting beside him, her face looking at him with a strange scowling look, which annoyed him before he realised what he was doing, so Asura leaned over, whispering into her ear.

"Hey, why are you being so strange? I just want to become friends with you."

"Hmph, using my family's salute and pretending to be kind, who knows if my wretch of an uncle hired you?"

"As if that fat man could hire me~ don't be shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to speak because words wouldn't get through to her completely right now as they just met.

All he could do was slowly convince her.

'Who wants to be friends with a sweaty old man over a beautiful woman.'

He thought as the instructor entered the room with the prince and princess following after her. They probably asked her questions before entering while everyone returned to their desks.

Asura grasped Xavida's hand, ignoring her intense reaction because his dragon obelisk was just underneath the first stage marker, thanks to her wonderful magic density.

'Even if it makes her beat me into a pulp. I must unlock these stages; something great should happen, I am sure of it!'

Asura was filled with excitement and anticipation, not just from touching a beautiful woman like Xavida so freely. Rather, because soon his first monolith would unlock and grant him new knowledge or something greater.

"Let go."

Xavida pouted, her hands clenching tightly despite her having the power to crush my bones completely, yet he only felt a slight twang of pain before it faded completely.


'This woman isn't as thorny as she seems; why does she not just use her cone of cold spell to force my hand apart from her?'

"Why not? It feels good, right?"

He smiled with a cheeky grin, watching as the dragoness looked away, sulking, but her fingers started to move along his palm on her own, writing the words 'idiot' and 'let go' several times.


"Yeah... I am."

Unlike Mu Xue, who hadn't advanced mana detection abilities. Xavida was closer to a mage and could feel the changes in her body, not just the pleasant feeling of his touch sending a warm, tingling feeling through her body.

But the poison in her body—she could feel it slowly being sucked from her body and flowing into the body of this annoyingly handsome human; what annoyed her was rather than becoming sick and weakened, he became stronger and more charming!

His raven hair seemed to grow glossier and softer the longer he held her hand, and the scent of a dragon began to seep from his pores, causing her to feel a strange attraction of the same kind.

Xavida bit her soft pink lips, trying her best to avoid letting out a whimper of pleasure as the feeling of bliss caused by the decreased size of her curse.

This allowed her mana being able to circulate through her body like normal.

Something that hadn't happened for over two months caused her to endure a pleasure close to masturbation, so she hid her red cheeks using her magic and pretended to be just fine!

Sadly, their sweet moment didn't last long as a strange white robe billowed.

The prince approached the pair, walking down the aisle where they held hands, his eyes briefly looking at Asura with a rather unpleasant gaze.

However, the person in question continued to stroke the dragon's soft palm, enjoying her reactions too much.


Xavida's beautiful purple eyes glowed as she shuddered, a light burst of magic leaving her body as she reached a strange climax and felt a chunk of the curse dissolving into the idiot's body.

For a moment, she felt a sense of guilt, worried that he might eventually become sick the more he absorbed, but her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden stranger.

"I think you should stop that because the lady dislikes you touching her."

"Eh? She seems pretty content to me."

The prince seemed to have an issue with Asura and Xavida holding hands.

"As a gentleman, you should know not to touch women needlessly."

"Ah, this prince is such a hypocrite..." Asura whispered enough for the prince to hear, causing his face to sour.

While his reasons for doing this were unknown to most, Asura knew this prince was an ambitious snake that had already joined hands with many dark forces to deal with his genius sister.

'Whatever, it's not like I need to care about this womanising bastard.'

Because Asura was no longer holding her hand, but she was grasping his.

[Xavida POV]

Now, Xavida grasped his fingers as her supple fingers slid along his long, delicate digits. She listened to the two arguing before finally speaking as the prince became hostile.

"Who asked."

Xavida's cold voice sounded as her purple tail tapped the ground while she scowled at the prince instead of feeling annoyed because the scent of a dragon now oozed from Asura's body as if he were a true dragon.

His scent was weak, something like a brand new dragon who didn't awaken fully, but she could smell him, which caused his touch to become more acceptable, not to mention he didn't do anything other than benefit her.

"Excuse me, fair maiden, but this man touched your hand, so I thought..."

"Don't care; go away."

'Why does this male come to me now?'

She peeked at his face but found he was ignoring her completely, but the eyes he stared at the prince with were ice cold; there was no anger, kindness, or desire to curry favour.

They were just empty...

"Ahem... but I..."

'Those eyes are just like the ones I see in the mirror every morning.'

Xavida felt a strange feeling, a cold chill down her spine. The words from the prince's mouth sounded positive and like he was seeking to become friendly with her. Yet, in his eyes, there was no such feeling.

"Prince, go sit down; you're making a fool of yourself."

"Bad guy, don't taunt!" Xavida scolded Asura.

To him, she was nothing but an object, something to use.

"Uhm... Very well. If you need assistance, please come to me anytime."

Showing a fake display of reluctance, the prince moved away, casting a fleeting look at Asura, showing momentarily anger before it vanished. This also made her doubt his intentions, as Asura did not do anything worth such fierce eyes.

'Strange man.'

Xavida felt her first day was a little irritating but somehow enjoyed it and began to look forward to her academy life.

She looked towards Asura, wondering why this man was fine and felt strange. This male could absorb a curse that would kill any living existence it touched.

'Maybe life in this place won't be so boring; let's hope he isn't someone working with my uncle.'

A loud bang sounded the next moment as the instructor finished writing on the blackboard with magic and an annoyingly proud face while the rest of the class turned away from the prince to ignore the situation.

"Are you done with your stupid romantic comedy? If this happens again. I will crush your bones, understood? Now, my new students, I am your instructor for this year."

"My name is Lorem Reggius! Lady of Crimson Steel!"

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