Chapter 19: Ability Assessment - Mu Xue

Asura felt sad that these kids didn't understand that her words weren't lies. This time next month, they would fight in the southern wilds against monsters just to participate in a ranking assignment that affected their grades and support for the first year...

'Damn Academy, I almost died of necrosis and malaria!'

'I mean, we have healing magic...'

The difference between healing for a person with high and low magic was like heaven and earth because the people with low mana couldn't resist the pain and symptoms using their mana.

So when the healing magic amplified the disease's natural cycle it was gone faster.

Those with low magic would be forced to endure the pain they would normally feel for a week or more in two days... Many people with low levels of magic would instead opt for natural healing because of this pain.

His face turned pale at the thought of that hell he suffered.

Originally, just two weeks of extreme muscle cramps, fever, and all sorts of nasty symptoms became three days of hellish pain, vomiting and suffering more than double the intensity...

For Asura, with no magic core or the ability to protect himself, the treatments were as painful as his flesh being torn apart by blades and claws.

'Never again!'

'Lorem, wipe that smug look on your face!'

'One day, I will be stronger than you and spank your fat ass!'

Lorem didn't care about Asura's stupid thoughts.

He couldn't help feeling the resentment of twenty years after losing one of his toes to that horror trip.

However, as a man with no mana, he survived. That was the true amazement of the staff at the time because hundreds of students who could use magic died!

"Now then, my dear students, I can see how excited you all are!"

Some were pale in the face because, like the now unconscious male who wet himself, they came here for an easy ride as it would bring them prestige and allow them to inherit their family property or name.

Lorem clapped her hands together as people began to whisper together, a shockwave flowing from her palms, causing everyone to shut up and straighten in their seats.

"Head to the main arena and prepare for battle. You are permitted to use your weapons and magic to the fullest."

"There are no rules," Lorem added.

Her eyes gazed around the class once more, again showing a strange look to Asura before she stepped away from the desk, her seductive body swaying her large buttocks as she left the classroom and headed towards the arena herself.

Mu Xue looked towards Asura with her worried amethyst eyes as she left with the friends she made, seeming to want to rush to him at any moment.

'Have fun, I'll come soon.'

Asura squeezed the subtle fingers of Xavida while mouthing a response to Mu Xue, who opened her mouth before smiling and nodding. It seemed she just wanted some attention.

Such a cute maid; why is my lover so adorable?

"Let go."

Xavida's voice sounded like a gentle chirp from a songbird, only speaking after the room was mostly empty, with the prince giving her a fleeting gaze before leaving.

"Do you feel better?"

Asura dropped the pretence that he didn't realise anything. It wasn't very kind to her when she knew he had reached the first stage and was a dragon, just like her.

'Well, technically, I'm a dragon, right?'

[In fact, you are a dragon, a devil and many other things.]

[Your blood is like a beautiful mixture of perfect synergy and fusion thanks to the devouring monolith keeping them all in check.]

'I see, but will other races find it strange if I am a devil and dragon?'

[Fool, you will appear as whatever race you possess in common to other people, a Devil to devils and a dragon to dragons .]

[But your dragon bloodline will be more obvious the stronger you become. You are the greedy and all-devouring Black dragon, after all.]

Brian was more helpful since he summoned Lumeris and Nova and reached the first stage completely with a perfect foundation and state.

His voice sometimes seemed a little effeminate and worried, but Asura didn't have much experience with females being kind to him or showing this kind of worry, so he just put it down to Brian being a hologram.

'Quite accurate...'

[Then why haven't you devoured that little maid? She's practically screaming for you.]

"Fine... Let go?"


Asura imitated Xavida and held her fingers tighter while pulling her up and dragging the cold-faced dragon girl towards the door with a smile on his face. He knew it was forceful, but his aim wasn't anything other than to increase their strength and stop her from experiencing the pain in her body.


[Such a kind man, don't you want to taste the forbidden meat of a dragon princess?]

He ignored Brian's strange talk, different from his usual banter, and noticed that despite her mouth saying to let go, Xavida's fingers were tightly pressing into the back of his hand, making it pale white from the pressure.

In silence, they both walked down the busy hallway with some students looking at them, causing the demon queen to blush, turning her head away from the smirking Asura and pouting.

"Stupid, let go."

It didn't take long for them to reach the arena, which was now filled with all first-year students and faculty, with some of the second-years standing proudly at the top of the arena, watching down from the VIP boxes.

In the centre of the ring was some young female instructor who was very pretty and lacked the muscles and scars that Lorem had, but she was just as deadly, using illusion and her shadow element to reach the top one hundred mages in the kingdom.

"Now then, everyone in the stands! It's the awaited hazing you all look forward to!"


"Let them burn!"freē

This event was one that all students would remember closely as they first came to the academy and then had their hopes of a smooth life vanish on the first day as they were pitted against each other to decide their grades and talents.

"Newbies have so many fresh faces and wonderfully high-class figures this year! Give me a cheer!"

Her voice was high pitched as she danced around, nothing like a normal instructor, but this kind of thing was how she cultivated her charming and illusive art to a higher level.

Each cheer or yell was worth it, letting her stay youthful, beautiful and more powerful, and she only needed her to act like this.

"Wow! Marry me!!!"

"Fufu, you want to marry me? I am an expensive, handsome fan!"

"Now join me, Lucretia Verdant, as we summon the first contender!"

Her hands were spread out as she bounced on the spot; Lucretia's breasts weren't held down, so they swayed and jiggled with her movements, causing the males to become excited.

Filled with hormones and affected by her charm now shouting and screaming at her while the man who shouted to marry her was beaten in the stands.

In the most extravagant VIP box was an elderly male with a silver crown on his head, two large lions roaring into the skies and a golden robe with several thick necklaces wrapped around his neck. This man was the king, and he looked amused by the act of Lucretia.

"Oh, ho-ho. My student never changes since meeting that old woman to tutor her in illusion and charm."

His mood was upbeat as he sat beside the prince with a smile, but the princess stood at the door like a guard or maid.

"I hope you win the top spot, my son; you are not like them."

"You are special, my heir and the hope of all Silvaria!"

"Father! I won't let you down!"


Many of the retainers close to the princess showed a dark face, especially the young women who suffered from the prince and his daily actions.

In contrast, Vela bit her lower lip, feeling angry, but couldn't do anything as she looked out the clear glass, the announcing instructor calling the first student. Her fist was clenched so tightly that blood began to ooze from her pale white gloves.

A helpless princess who held no power in the current state of the monarchy.

"First up, from the Fenix Territory, a lovely female Second Rank Blade Knight Mu Xue, please head to the main arena."

Instantly, the crowd exploded in cheers from both males and females alike.

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