“They’re going to die?” Arvel asked as he looked at Gunnar and Mykel back and forth. “How did you know that they’re going to die? Keir, Bitria, and Armata saved that world though?” he continued.

“It’s simple, do you think how hard can the sixteenth floor be? Remember that even if the world is saved by Keir, Bitria, and Armata the demons still can go outside the tower and a breakout will occur,” Mykel answered as he looked at them.

“Breakout happened to your world for decades, doesn’t that mean the previous world that those three saved now belongs to the demons again since you experienced a breakout in your world?” Mykel explained.

“So they’re really going to die then?” Rinon asked.

“Do you think they’re stronger than you guys?” Mykel asked back as he looked at Rinon.

Rinon looked at Euros and the others. “No, I don’t think so,” he answered.

“Then they’re going to die,” Mykel answered and sighed. “The next time you see heroes from another world, stop them from entering the tower because it only fueled the demons and might become a fallen hero as well that would give us problems in the future,” he continued.

Euros and the others nodded with understanding and then suddenly a trumpet was sounded. All of them looked in the direction of the sound whose only purpose was to inform the people that a hero from another world just entered Helmga.

Kastor and the others heard people running past the dining hall and heard Mykel’s voice. They decided to go outside to check what happened and followed Mykel from behind.

Mykel stopped as he squinted his eyes to look at dozens of people entering Helmga in the distance.

“What’s wrong?” Caesar asked as he tried to squint his eyes but couldn’t see anything but dots in the distance.

“Awakeners from another world entered Helmga, they’re like us,” Mykel answered and it was enough to make them shocked and confused at the same time. “Let’s hear from which world they came from,” he said to Euros.

Mykel and the others went to the south and left the city to meet with the Awakeners from another world.

Mykel was standing at the front as he watched people in futuristic armor and cape behind it with white and black colors. Their sword, spear, and bow looked a bit futuristic and Mykel could tell those weapons were high-quality weapons.

“Those people that entered the sixteenth floor wore the same armor like them,” Phirzia said to Mykel.

“I see, let’s approach them,” Mykel replied as he walked toward those Awakeners.

“Mykel, what’s this? I don’t understand at all why there are people from another world that came here?” Caesar asked and Kastor was looking at Mykel with curiosity as well.

“You heard that the world that failed to defend itself from the demons will be taken by the towers, right? That also means there are other worlds like us that can still hold off the breakout and cleared the first ten floors,” Mykel answered as he looked at Caesar. “There will be a lot of people like them in the future, so don’t be surprised if you see different kinds of people,” he explained.

Caesar groaned as he held his head. “I can’t handle all the revelation, my head hurts…” he said.

A big guy as big as Gunnar with dark blue hair was walking in the front with a spear in his right hand.

“Greetings,” The big guy said with a deep voice as he looked at Mykel and raised his left hand.

“Greetings,” Mykel answered as he looked at him and the people behind him.

“Are you perhaps the leader of this world?” The big guy asked as he looked at Kastor and Euros.

“No, it would be these people right here, they’re the kings and queens of all the kingdoms in this world,” Mykel answered as he pointed his hands at Euros and the heroes next to him.

The big guy hummed with understanding and walked past Mykel and immediately ignored his existence.

“Greetings,” The big guy said to Euros.

Euros and the others furrowed their eyebrows as they stared at him with a contempt look.

“We came to help where are the demons?” The big guy asked as he looked around and noticed how peaceful the place was.

“Our world has been saved by Mykel,” Euros answered as he pointed his hand at Mykel. “If you’re looking for demons there are still some of them out there hiding inside the forest,” he continued.

The big guy stared at Mykel from the corner of his eye and suddenly scoffed. “He saved your world? This little guy? What a joke,” he asked as he chuckled mockingly.

“Let’s go straight to the next floor, we don’t want to waste in this primitive world,” The big guy said to his team.

“I suggest you not go to the tower. You guys are too weak to clear the floor,” Mykel said with his hands in his pockets.

“What did you just say?” The big guy looked at Mykel and pointed his spear at him.

Euros and the others looked at the guy’s spear pointing at Mykel was enough to make them furious. Costrezeir walked toward the big guy and jumped to knee the big guy’s face.

The big guy got knocked out and his team immediately pointed their weapons at them. Euros and the others were also doing the same thing including Caesar and Kastor.

“If you dare point your weapon at him, that means you’re all ready to die for it!” Euros said with his hands clenched and readied his stance.

[Activate [Tyrannize]?]

[Yes.] [No.]

Mykel tapped the [Yes] button before those Awakeners from another world could land an attack to him. Everyone immediately fell to their knees and their hearts pounded really fast except for Lyneth who looked normal while the others were trembling in fear.

“Manners, didn’t anyone teach you guys any of that?” Mykel asked quietly and calmly as he walked through them.

“I don’t need people like you in this world,” Mykel said as he grabbed a guy’s face and slowly clenched his hands.

The guy’s scream was so loud it added more fear to everyone since they couldn’t see anything but the ground below them. A cracking sound came from the guy’s skull because Mykel was slowly crushing his face to warm the others.

“If I see a single one of you dare look me in the eye, I will kill you immediately,” Mykel said as he slammed the guy’s face on the ground and made him unconscious.

Mykel deactivated his [Tyrannize] skill and finally, everyone could breathe again. Mykel knew something like that would happen and that was why he raised Euros and the others’ level so those people didn’t dare to look down on them.

Kastor and the others looked at Mykel and realized how scary he truly was and understood how he managed to create a strong team. Mykel didn’t just train them physically but mentally as well and that was what made his team the strongest in their world.

“It seems that everyone understood, now follow us and follow our rules or you can leave and never come back,” Mykel said as he walked past them.

After Mykel showed them fear, everyone didn’t dare to say anything and just followed him to the castle.

The big guy woke up and he looked so confused when he realized he was inside the castle. His team was being interrogated by Mykel since he wanted to know from which world they came.

“Barika, you’re finally awake,” A guy with light brown hair and yellow eyes said as he stood up and looked at the big guy.

“What happened, Henos?” Barika asked as he rubbed his chin and looked at his team at the dining table.

“It’s better if we listen to them, they’re stronger than they look,” Henos answered. “We heard everything from them and it’s better for you to listen to it as well,” he continued as he patted the chair next to him.

After Euros was done explaining, he brought everyone to the Jahne Kingdom or it used to be to see the tower that led them to the sixteenth floor.

“You said there were a group of people who wore the same armor as us who entered the tower a few days ago?” Barika asked and looked at Euros with curiosity. “What are they looked like?” he continued.

“Four men with dark blue armor and two women that looked like in a priest robe or something like that,” Euros answered as he tried to remember.

Barika looked at Henos. “That’s Yudias’s team,” he said. “They’re like us but knowing they entered the sixteenth floor on their own, I don’t think they would be able to survive,” he continued as he looked at the tower.

“Are you not worried about their safety?” Rinon asked as he looked at Barika and the others that didn’t seem to be worried about those people.

“Why should we? They’re from a different fatherland so it’s not really our business since we have nothing to do with them in the first place,” Barika answered with his arms crossed.

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