Forma pulled and pulled on the arrow, and finally let go. It launched into the air, and formed a giant red ball in the sky. It could be seen by multiple of the Demonic Faction members, and some of them had even heard rumors of such a thing, appearing in the battle against the Behemoth Clan.
A lot of them thought it was rumors until they saw the outcome of what was to happen. The ball started to fire away arrows all heading down onto the battlefield. The red arrows swarmed and moved as if they were alive, piercing the targets in the vital spots.
Some of them going through the head, some of them going through the chest. The golems appeared to not have such a clear mind as warriors that Forma had used this skill on before. They would quickly catch on and find ways to defend against the arrows.
For the golems though, it appeared to catch them all by surprise as they were crumbling extremely quickly on the battlefield, until there were finally no more of the golems left on the battlefield, all of them had perished.
The warriors were twisting and turning their heads, looking at what had just happened. Who had performed such an attack, who was capable of doing such a thing.
“Is this the Dark Magus, did he do this?”
The warriors could see though the Dark Magus seemed to be locked in combat off to the side, shaking Qi reaching where they were. The two’s fighting had been pushed further out from the main battlefield, so it couldn’t be him.
The second question started to appear in their minds though, was that it, was the fight over?
That thought didn’t last long though, as the golems started to come out of the fissures again, rising as if nothing had happened.
“That was your plan?” Fixteen asked. “That was useless. Even if Forma isn’t hurt by this, it would have taken an incredible amount of energy out of her, and now the golems are back.”
Alba was seen smiling, just staring in one particular direction.
“You know, when you have been in as many fights as us, you realize quite a number of things. One of them is how people act. You see, they tend to panic when an unexpected situation occurs and they subconsciously do something that they wouldn’t usually do.”
Alba noticed it as she was looking. Out of all of the warriors, there was one that was twisting and turning their head more than others. Sure, there could have just been a panicked warrior, but the way one acted if their golems were defeated and those disappearing were different.
That was the first part of action, the second part, was even more obvious, a subconscious thought. If in a panic, the person feels as if their life is being threatened, and if that’s the case the first place they would raise golems is near themselves.
Put those two things together, and they would have found their target.
Right as Cronker went to attack one of the warriors in the vicinity, his body had appeared. The item knew when he intended to attack, so he couldn’t help but be seen. One of the men, wearing robes, had quickly pulled out a large particular staff.
As he held onto it, he tapped the floor, and a wall raised right in between the two of them. At the same time, part of the flooring lifted to the side, and went to snap shut on Cronker. They had managed to finally find their target.
The Deleter was indeed wearing the same warrior clothing as the others, and in his hand he was holding onto a spear. The spear itself was just an encasement for the real item that was hidden, which was a staff with a bright gem on the end.
“How did they know it was me, how!” The Deleter thought. “This is ridiculous?”
When the Deleter turned around, he could see another one coming right for him. This one looking far younger. He hit the bottom of his staff on the floor, and the ground shifted. It pulled the very area beneath the Dark Hand member and pulled him all the way back.
Breaking right through the original trapped rocks, Cronker had gotten out, rocks and rubble scattered in every direction.
“We can’t let him disappear, we have to get him now!” Cronker shouted.
The third member had jumped from behind, dagger in his hand, ready to pierce the Deleter’s chest, until a golem had grabbed the back of his foot, and flung him back in the direction he had come from.
“That was a close call,” the Deleter claimed.
Thankfully, through the special use of his staff, he could not only amplify his earth magic to do special things like creating the mass amount of golems, but it also allowed him to see through the vision of all of the golems on the battlefield.
Not just anyone would be able to use the item, as seeing too much would get confusing. One wouldn’t know where their position was, where to summon fissures and place more golems. This was only capable, in the mind, of this very capable Deleter.
Now that he had been caught, it was time for him to move to a more safer area and get away. Another wall was raised by his side and a dagger had been thrown out, getting stuck in the rock. Quickly, the Deleter looked through his vision.
‘Where did that man go, do they really have the vision to just disappear and reappear. It has to be some type of unique trait or artifact of some sort.’ The Deleter thought.
Then he saw Cronker appear again, but it was too late. Only in his hand he didn’t have a dagger. Instead, it was a round vial. It smashed, hitting the Deleter’s legs, and liquid poured over him.
Right after, the Deleter’s own body sunk into the ground, disappearing from sight.
“So I guess that’s how he was able to move around the battlefield so fast and stay so safe, is he a mole rat of some kind?” Cronker asked. “But it’s no problem, I threw the vial on him, so we know now exactly where he is. We will get rid of, every single one of you Deleters!”
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