Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 62 3 – Unexpected Gain

Book 62 Chapter 3 – Unexpected Gain

Seeing Liexia’s back disappearing into Ming Tang Wo, Ba Fenghan spoke in heavy voice, “Turns out this kid likes to gamble a couple of games.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong’s heart was moved, he said, “He doesn’t look like a gambler, perhaps he is looking for someone?”

Frowning, Ba Fenghan said, “Looking for who?”

The two men crouched on the roof ridge of the shop across the street, monitoring the main gate of Ming Tang Wo where people were coming and going.

Kou Zhong said, “Just now when you mentioned about liking to gamble a couple of games, you reminded me of the Sha Family’s Da Shaoye [eldest young master] Chengjiu, Sha Zhijing’s eldest brother. Since because of Ziling, Sha Si Xiaojie [the fourth lady of Sha Family] had a falling out with Liexia, Liexia had no choice but to make his move starting with Sha Chengjiu, hoping to reconcile with Sha Zhijing. If Liexia wants to make a name for himself in Chang’an, Sha Zhijing is an ideal choice.”

Ba Fenghan said, “I hope your guess is correct, if we let Lie kid slip through the back door, we will suffer the painful loss of a golden opportunity.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Just like Ziling, at the moment I’m full of inspiration, knowing that I can’t possibly be wrong. Since Laotianye already let us accidentally running into him, naturally He can’t possibly make our spirit be dampened. Ha! To have our spirit dampened?”

Ba Fenghan said, “If he and Sha Chengjiu return to the Sha Mansion together, we can accurately grasp his route and find the best place to make our move. This aspect, naturally you will be in charge.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “No problem.”

After a short pause, he went on, “In the past, when Ziling and I were little pickpockets in Yangzhou, every day we longed to see other big cities outside Yangzhou, the vast world outside, hoping to encounter some special and exciting things that would break the daily routine and humdrum. We did not stop making a fuss about joining the rebels, or perhaps taking the exam [referring to the exam to be civil officer]. In short, we wished for new change, we did not want to pass our days in obscurity.”

Ba Fenghan did not expect him to suddenly change the subject to talk about old affairs; a bit unable to make any sense of the matter, he responded, “Now that hope has become a reality, one might well ask, who could match your current many-postures, many-color, perilous situation [orig. startling billows astonishing waves] and ever-changing life?”

Kou Zhong’s eyes were still fixed on Ming Tang Wo‘s main gate with its endless stream of horses and carriages, but Ba Fenghan was certain that he was looking without seeing, his mind flew over his spirit wandered, only to hear him murmuring like he was in a dream, “To this day, this heaven and earth is still unbounded to me, there is another earth outside the earth, there is another grassland outside the grassland. In this vast and boundless world, there are countries with different customs, countries with their own beliefs and characteristics, the mysterious source of the Yellow River, Great River [Huang He, Da Jiang, the latter usually refers to the Yangtze River], the highest mountain, the largest ocean, and then there is the Qiuci Kingdom, with its singing and dancing that is known throughout the world, producing beautiful women in abundance. All of these are enough for us to exhaust the strength of our lifetime to seek serenity and to explore the victory. When your heart and spirit transcend the earth like this, the hatred of the world of the living will become insignificant. Our success tomorrow will represent the arrival of a new era, Xieli will be driven back to his old home, the rise of Li Shimin will mark the reconciliation between nations, military force will be used to maintain peace instead of to invade and plunder opportunistically. Do you, LaoGe understand what I mean? The differences between Badai’er and you will no longer exist, if you still can’t let go of some his Niang’s hatred or social class, you will just spin a cocoon around yourself, watching helplessly as happiness is flying away from your hands, letting the woman you love continue to suffer torment, and wasting away your precious life!”

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “Turns out you are circling around a big corner, unexpectedly to preach to me, to scold me ruthlessly.”

Kou Zhong looked at him, his pair of eyes emitted blazing expression, he said, “Don’t deceive yourself any more, the woman you like the most is Badai’er, hence at the Helian Fort, you only cared about her, one person. This moment she is at an inn in the city, waiting painstakingly for you to change your mind. You can choose to be a heartless swordsman, or you can shake your body and transform yourself into a lovely sweetheart. Loneliness and happiness will be decided by your, LaoGe’s thoughts. Trust me! Immediately get lost for me, go in front of Badai’er’s knees, throw away your pride and unyielding character, kneel down and confess to her in the most humble and sincere way, to seek for her understanding, to ask for her forgiveness. Xiaodi nearly, because of some his granny’s major undertaking, the task of establishing and maintaining hegemony – lost the happiness of the second half of my life. I really don’t want to see you following the tracks of my overturned cart.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely for half a day, Ba Fenghan sighed and said, “Can I decide everything after tomorrow’s matter is completed?”

Shaking his head, Kou Zhong said, “If you cannot regard Badai’er as your top priority, you are not going to show your love and sincerity to her. Liexia, this stinky kid, leave him to me to handle, Lao Ba, you should go to see Badai’er immediately, follow laozi’s instructions, and then take Badai’er to Qin Wang‘s mansion, so that Xiongdi [brother] can take a good look at her.”

Ba Fenghan returned his scorching gaze, momentarily he was speechless.

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Only by removing the obstacles of the mind, facing one’s true intentions, and putting it into practice, you can eliminate the clinging to self. Otherwise, like you are right now, you will definitely die in Bi Xuan’s hands. You still have not taken a hike to the place you are supposed to be, do you want me to let Liexia off and strongarm you to her presence? What kind of a hero is that? We are all brothers, I can’t possibly let you go the wrong way. There is no other way to make a breakthrough in the way of the sword.”

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “I now finally understand why you succeeded in persuading Chang He and Liu Hongji. You, this kid indeed have a set of skill to be a lobbyist, to affect the seven emotional states [joy, anger, anxiety, thought, grief, fear, fright], ay!”

Kou Zhong said, “You can’t resist me because I took out my heart to show you. What are you still doing here? Are you afraid that I won’t be able to put Liexia in order?”

Ba Fenghan was silent for a moment, finally he nodded and said, “Very well! I’m going! Keep your hands and feet clean, you must not influence the major events of tomorrow.”

His expression calm and collected, Li Shimin came in and sat down by Hou Xibai’s side, he said, “We have caught the enemy within our own ranks, it’s all thanks to Ziling reminding us.”

Xu Ziling deduced, “So the well water is really poisoned?”

Hou Xibai was baffled, “What’s going on?” he asked.

Li Shimin smiled and explained, and then said, “By the time the well water is poisoned, there won’t be much time left, so we made our move to directly confront the water officer named Zhang Yuan, searched his body first, and then when we found nothing, we searched his lodging house, and found this bottle.” Finished speaking, he took out from his bosom a gray-blue porcelain bottle, about four cun tall, sealed with a porcelain lid.

Standing erect in the hollow of Li Shimin’s palm, the bottle gleamed with strange rays of light under the illumination of the lantern light. Thinking about Liexia and the Da Ming Zun Jiao, it gave some kind of evil and sinister feeling.

While with satisfied expression Li Shimin stared at the vial in his hand, he spoke calmly, “Don’t look down on this bottle of venom, only one drop can poison dozens of people, it is colorless and odorless, and it will only flare out nearly one sichen after the fact. The poisoned person’s hands and feet will lose strength, he will be dizzy and vomiting. Even those with outstanding power will have their combat power greatly reduced, it is extremely potent.”

Xu Ziling cheerfully said, “Listening to Shimin Xiong, it sounds like that water officer named Zhang Yuan has already confessed the inside information.”

Li Shimin nodded and said, “How could he not confess? He even wrapped the vines around the tree, and the vines pick up the melons; he told us the people who were bought by Wang Xiong together with him, it is indeed worrisome. Ziling reminding me, there is no end of virtuous achievements [idiom].”

Xu Ziling laughed and said, “It’s definitely too late for regrets for the enemy in mounting a sneak attack at me with a steel needle dipped in poison.”

Hou Xibai excitedly said, “Qin Wang should use this to counter the enemy’s scheme, to make them miscalculate greatly.”

Li Shimin smiled and said, “Exactly. This bunch of people have now become good chess piece for us to confuse the enemy, to lure the enemy. I will send false information through them. When the other side thinks that it’s in the bag, they will realize that they are the ones who are falling into the trap.”

A bit impatient, Hou Xibai said, “That kid Kou Zhong, why hasn’t he come back yet? And Lao Ba, where did he go?”

Li Shimin said, “Don’t worry, they are the only ones who can provoke others, who would dare to provoke them? Especially tonight, before dawn, the other side absolutely will not dare to act blindly without thinking.”

Xu Ziling could not help thinking about Fu Cailin, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

A carriage drove out of the main gate of Ming Tang Wo, which, for this establishment with a long history, was something that happened hundreds of times every day. Originally, it should not have caught Kou Zhong’s attention, however, the driver had his hat pressed down so low that his brows and eyes were covered in darkness, looking so mysterious. Kou Zhong could not help casting his gaze, and immediately recognized that the driver was surprisingly Yang WenGan. Toward this gentleman, he has only seen him on occasions like at Yan Yan [lit. prolong/extend feast, I don’t remember this], otherwise he would have seen through his disguise early on.

There was a moment of hesitation in his heart, the fish and bear’s paws, you can’t have both at the same time [idiom from Mencius]; should he abandon Liexia and pursue Yang WenGan? Which hallowed figure was actually inside Yang WenGan’s carriage? Why did Yang WenGan not choose his own territory’s Six-Happiness Casino but pretended to be in contact with supernatural beings [idiom: engaging in hocus-pocus] at Ming Tang Wo? Thinking to this point, Kou Zhong knew that it was hard to resist the temptation; sighing inwardly, he decided to figure out Yang WenGan’s shady business first.

Leaning back in his chair, relaxing with his eyes closed, Xu Ziling was awakened by the sound of footsteps. Opening up his eyes, he saw, accompanied by Hou Xibai, his face showed excitement, Kou Zhong entered the room.

Astonished, Xu Ziling said, “Xibai has not told you about Shigong’s appointment?”

Kou Zhong and Hou Xibai sat down separately on his left and right, the latter said, “I already told him! But he still doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “How could I not understand clearly? His granny’s bear! Counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir; Shigong wants me to come, at most I can … hey! I can bow respectfully with clasped hands [Translator’s note: this is hard to carry over to English; he started to say ‘da’ (beat, strike, fight), but continued ‘da gong zuo yi’, same ‘da’ character], it’s useless to be anxious. Ha! This time one move, three gains. However, even if your, Ling Shao’s intelligence goes through the heavens, at most you can only guess one. The other two, even if you split your little brains, you won’t be able to guess it.”

Hou Xibai spoke cheerfully, “Don’t keep listeners in suspense [in storytelling], quickly make a long story short. Qin Wang is gathering the high-ranking military officers and the imperial strategic advisers under his command in the council hall, waiting for us to discuss the big plan.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “Let’s talk about the first gain first, I finally concluded our affair with Ge Suwen in friendly manner, this kid agreed to leave the city and return to his home country tonight, to no longer get involved in our affairs. It was fortunate that we ended up like this, otherwise I might kill him, and then I’m sure there would be a heavy price to pay.”

Xu Ziling happily said, “Good job! At least we can give a good explanation to Shigong!”

Kou Zhong said, “That’s why I’m not too worried about the zi hour [midnight] appointment with Shigong. Before leaving the city, Lao Ge ought to report the reason to Shigong. Shigong’s anger should be reduced in half; the other half will be much easier to deal with!”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “That sounds about right.”

Kou Zhong said, “The second gain is even more gratifying. Relying on my silver tongue, Xiaodi reasoned with Lao Ba, I told him to let go of the animosity between peoples and nations and social classes, to go to Badai’er to kneel down and beg for forgiveness.”

Staring blankly, Hou Xibai said, “Ba Fenghan kneels down to Badai’er?”

Xu Ziling said, “Don’t listen to his exaggeration.” Turning to Kou Zhong, he said, “Lao Ba is really willing to listen to you?”

Kou Zhong spoke with serious expression, “Don’t you think that after he died under Bi Xuan’s hands and came back to life Lao Ba has changed a lot? Not only his sword technique changed, his temperament and thinking are even more different. If it were the previous Lao Ba, even if you put a knife on his little neck, you wouldn’t be able to force him to make appointment with our Yu Yi. Luckily Yu Yi was unwilling to forgive him, which made him even more aware of the Ba Meiren‘s unchanging love in life or death for him, hence I had the ability to persuade him.”

Hou Xibai sighed in praise, “This time Shaoshuai did very well, Zaixia appreciate it very much.”

A joyful feeling welled up from the bottom of Xu Ziling’s heart. The fact was that Ba Fenghan was a person who attached great importance to friendship; it was all because of his painful experience that he hid everything under a cold-hearted outward appearance.

Kou Zhong said, “The third gain is even more brilliant, and it was an accidental head-on encounter. I was going to follow Liexia straight into Ming Tang Wo, but when I was waiting painstakingly outside the door, I saw Yang WenGan, that kid dressed as a driver, driving a carriage away. His Niang’s! Can you guess who was inside the carriage?”

Spreading his hands, Hou Xibai said, “Don’t you know that we are all listening with respectful attention?”

Lowering his voice, Kou Zhong said, “If I did not guess incorrectly, that person should be Lin Shihong, because the one who accompanied him was the ‘Yun Yu Shuang Xiu’ [cloud and rain (fig. sexual intercourse) double cultivation] Pi Shouxuan, and Lin Shihong called Lao Pi as his Shizun.”

The two men were stunned, how could Lin Shihong have the leisure to travel all the way to Chang’an?

Hou Xibai had his doubts, “Could it be Pi Shouxuan’s other disciple?” he asked.

With ample confidence, Kou Zhong said, “How could I mistake him for somebody else? This person was composed and relaxed, the air of a sect leader or commander-in-chief, and his martial arts’ level of mastery seems to be even more outstanding, it should be close to Wanwan’s caliber. Even more clearly, the person he met in secret was Li Yuanji.”

Xu Ziling nodded and asked, “Where did they meet?”

Kou Zhong said, “They met in a magnificent mansion at the west side of the city. I did not see Li Yuanji, that kid, but because among the people keeping watch there were Xue Wanche, Yuwen Bao and Longxi Pai men, I inferred that it was Li Yuanji.”

Hou Xibai did not understand, he asked, “How did Lin Shihong get on with Li Yuanji? You did not sneak in to eavesdrop?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “I was dying to try that, but I was afraid that Yang Xuyan, that kid, or our Wan Meiren was also inside the house, hence I did not dare to take chances to enter the house.”

Knitting his brows, Hou Xibai said, “What ghost thing are they up to?”

Xu Ziling said, “Supposing in the tomorrow’s uprising Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng return to heaven together, what is going to happen?”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “Heroes usually agree. This is precisely Yuanji’s delusion, he is hoping to fish in troubled waters and ascend to the throne himself. His own strength is too weak, so he can only rely on the demonic school’s power, while the demonic school wants to use him, therefore, they are together from the first beat [idiom: hit it off].”

Xu Ziling’s countenance changed, “Not good!” he said.

Kou Zhong and Hou Xibai jumped in fright, they questioned closely in chorus.

Xu Ziling said, “Lin Shihong definitely will not come alone. If I am guessing correctly, there should be a team of his elite army in hiding outside the city, waiting for an opportunity to move.”

Kou Zhong sucked in a mouthful of cold air, he said, “The Duke Yang’s Treasure-house!”

Hou Xibai still has not grasped what they were worried about. Bewildered, he said, “With Li Yuanji providing cover, it should not be difficult for Lin Shihong to sneak into Guanzhong the gods did not know, the ghosts did not perceive, but what does this have to do with the Duke Yang’s Treasure-house? Under the circumstance, what role can Lin Shihong play?”

Xu Ziling spoke heavily, “The Duke Yang’s Treasure-house is a shortcut to enter Chang’an. Since Lin Shihong knew about the Treasure-house’s existence from Wanwan, he could transfer a large number of men and horses into the city via the secret passages when necessary, and use the ten-thousand-jun thunderbolt momentum to control the whole city. Under normal circumstances, Lin Shihong’s move is naturally like striking a stone with an egg, the will is there, but not the strength. However, if he met a situation like tomorrow, where the whole city is in great chaos, as long as they have a thorough plan, plus with coordination of outside and inside offensives, he may have a chance of success.”

Shaking his head, Hou Xibai said, “How could Li Yuanji be so stupid? This is called showing the wolf into the house, and nurturing a tiger invites calamity. Even if he can sit on the throne, once it is revealed that he colluded with Lin Shihong, his subjects will definitely not accept it.”

Kou Zhong analyzed, “The current situation is complicated and chaotic, but there are still arteries and veins to be found. To sum up, Li Yuan has Li Yuan’s ideas, Jiancheng and Yuanji each have their own crafty scheme; the demonic school has also split into two big camps, headed by Wanwan and Zhao Deyan, respectively, each one harbors sinister design on their bosom, their goal is to control Chang’an, with the ultimate target to obtain the world. If we can figure out the methods that the five sides’ power is plotting and carrying out focused counterstrategy, we could become the ultimate victor.”

Xu Ziling said, “Don’t let Qin Wang wait for too long, how about leaving these matters for later that we can discuss at the conference table?”

Kou Zhong sprang out of his chair, putting his palms together, he said with a laughter, “Thank Laotianye, if it wasn’t for his, the Senior’s grace by letting me run into Lin Shihong by accident, we would definitely be miserably harmed by Wanwan, to such an extent as to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful!”

Xu Ziling rose up to his full height, smiled wryly and said, “If Wanwan finds out that we have removed the weapons in the warehouse, and except for the top two layers the chests only contain rocks, I really do not dare to imagine the consequences.”

Slapping his forehead, Hou Xibai suddenly understood; he said, “No wonder Ziling cried out ‘Not good!’ just now.”

Full of confidence, Kou Zhong laughed and said, “But it is possible that not until Lin Shihong’s men enter the treasure house, and open the chests to get the weapons that they realize that they can only take out rocks and use them as secret projectiles to throw randomly around the city, ha! Really amusing. Even though we, due to early definite opinion, open the chests and see the chests full of weapons, we wouldn’t rummage over the chest and waste our time to inspect, didn’t we take a couple of glances and then latch the lid and call it good? Ling Shao, no need to worry.”

Kou Zhong took the lead to leave, they met the returning Ba Fenghan head-on. Seeing him coming back alone and was not together with the beauty as expected, the three men cried, ‘Not good!’ inwardly.

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong asked, “Where’s our Sao Furen [madame sister-in-law]?”

Laughing indifferently, Ba Fenghan replied, “She went home!”

“What?” the three men blurted out.

Ba Fenghan laughed aloud and said, “I really wanted to deceive you, but now I am in a good mood, I am unable to act craftily and swindle you. I can tell you honestly that from now on, Badai’er will be my lifelong companion; as long as I am lucky to be alive, I will go back to her side.”

The three men were overjoyed at unexpected good news, they congratulated him in chorus.

Ba Fenghan spoke in heavy voice, “Kou Zhong was right. Badai’er’s understanding made my heart no longer has any barrier. Now I have more confidence than ever to confront Bi Xuan head-on. Where are you going?”

Kou Zhong put his arm around his shoulders and took him out, saying, “You came back just at the right time. We are going to hold the most important military meeting since the fall of the old Sui Dynasty. Tomorrow, Chang’an will become the battlefield that decides the honor and disgrace of the Central Earth, only those ruthless enough will be able to survive, there is no other possibility.”

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