Chapter 201 - Lu Qiang's second school day

Xiu Mei rested her hand on her palm as she realized this anomaly.

Albert Chen? Is he and Wan Wan working together?

Or was it just a coincidence? It’s not like Albert would have known that she was still around the area the first time they ate and split up in the cafe back then... still, she couldn’t shrug off this bothering feeling because he was the only common link that she could think of.

Especially on the day where she was forced to stay at the hotel. How would Wan Wan even know that she would be there when she would always tell her that she was always busy.

Xiu Mei hummed while she fell into contemplation.

The afternoon passed smoothly and it was already the time for her to pick up Lu Qiang from primary school. Lu Chen was bombarded with work as soon as he returned to the office so Xiu Mei already expected that he will be delayed today. And so, Xiu Mei went to Lu Qiang’s school with the driver to pick him up.

On the other hand, the mentioned child is staring outside the window with a bored gaze. He tried to listen to his teacher for the last fifteen minutes but realizing that it was something he had already learned before, his interest quickly decreased and he opted to just watch the figures playing outside.

He would glance at his smartwatch from time to time, eager to see his mother again.

"Psst, Lu Qiang." A whisper sounded behind him. Lu Qiang glanced to look at his classmate sitting behind him. He raised one of his brows as a response.

"Do you want to play at the arcade after class?" Xing Lu Yan replied in a hushed voice, scared that the teacher in front would catch them not listening.

Arcade after class?

Lu Qiang wanted to decline at first. Look, he was more excited to return to his mother’s arms okay?

But then, he recalled his classmates’ chat this morning about how they all went to the arcade and park to play after class. Admittedly, Lu Qiang wasn’t at all interested in the lessons being taught in their grade. Because his lessons during his homeschool were way more advanced than what was being taught in school but Lu Qiang couldn’t deny the fact that he enjoyed meeting his classmates and playing with them during Physical Education class.

And right now, hearing the word ’arcade’, he felt his ears perk up because he hadn’t gone there before at all.

Lu Qiang bit his lower lip, torn on how to decide. But his mother promised that she would pick him up after school though...

"What about tomorrow?" Lu Qiang proposed. If he couldn’t go today, then tomorrow should still be fine.

His deskmate, Bai Yi Yi who was eavesdropping on their conversation butted in.

"Tomorrow it’s basketball day."

"Basketball day?"

Well, that sounds fine too. Then he could just go to the arcade with them next time.

"Okay, I’ll go tomorrow."

"Cool! Then let’s play basketball tomorrow." Xing Lu Yan exclaimed in a loud voice, completely forgetting that they were in the middle of the class.

"XING. LU. YAN." The teacher slowly spoke his name after making a racket in the middle of his discussion. The three children quickly paused their chat and looked in front of the classroom again.

"Oops!" Xing Lu Yan quickly covered his loud mouth and gestured a peace sign to the teacher as if to apologize for his actions. "Hehehe, sorry teacher."

The teacher eyed him for a few seconds before resuming his discussion. The other classmates giggled in a hushed tone before listening to their teacher again.

Lu Qiang didn’t turn his head to Xing Lu Yan but replied in a low voice, "I don’t know how to play basketball though."

If they wanted to play guns or online games, he could definitely play that but basketball isn’t exactly one of the things that his father taught to him.

"Don’t worry we’ll teach you! It’s quite easy actually." Bai Yi Yi commented as he pretended to read their textbook.

Xing Lu Yan and Bai Yi Yi is one of the few classmates that Lu Qiang got close with yesterday. Even though he started attending the classes quite late, his classmates were particularly welcoming to new kids. Especially the girls.

Lu Qiang didn’t expect the girls to suddenly start giving him snacks in the middle of their break and annoy him to play with them. If it weren’t for her mother’s reminders to don’t fight with your classmates and to always be gentle with girls, he would have surely already spouted intellectual words that could probably bring these little girls to tears. That is if they understand what he was saying.

And so, Lu Qiang stuck close to the boys throughout the day yesterday and today to stop the girls from clinging onto him. Actually, the reason he got close to these two was that they helped him yesterday when Lu Qiang was suddenly cornered by some big guy during their break.

Lu Qiang wasn’t intimidated at all. Of course, he was someone who already handled guns at such a young age and he is being trained by his father’s subordinates with martial arts. Still, his mother’s reminders take priority. He was sure that his mother would be sad if she knows that he gets into a fight with someone on his first day in school and so Lu Qiang just stood there, listening to the big guy yelling some nonsense as if to scare him which is not working that well either.

It was Xing Lu Yan and Bai Yi Yi who appeared and tricked those guys that they had called the teachers. The big guy and his followers immediately got scared and ran away after that. But then, he’s Lu Qiang, the son of Lu Chen. So he didn’t easily let them off after what they did. And he’s doing it in a way that his mother won’t know.

After Lu Qiang asked them what were the names of the bullies there, he sat down with his tablet on one side and started hacking their phones and knowing their information. And then after searching for some video recording of their bullying of other children, he didn’t hesitate to send it all to their parents and school administration for investigation.

The two children were watching in awe beside him as Lu Qiang played with his tablet. And that’s when the two of them decided to shamelessly hug the thigh of this genius classmate of theirs.

The school bell rang as a sign that the classes were now dismissed. After saying goodbye to their teachers, the children started packing up their things.

"Don’t forget to bring your change tomorrow so we could play." Bai Yi Yi reminded him.

"I know."

"Then what should we do the day after tomorrow?!" Xing Lu Yan exclaimed. A few of their male classmates heard their conversation and started raising their suggestions. Since it was just a children’s conversation, they weren’t as sensitive as high schoolers and a.d.u.l.ts who hates it when people try to butt in someone’s conversation.

And as easily as that, Lu Qiang stared at the after-class schedule that his classmates decided on for this week and next week. He blinked as he wondered whether his parents would allow him to hang out with them daily after-class like this.

Should he ask his mother?

Lu Qiang stood at the entrance and diligently waited for his mother’s vehicle to come. There were guards stationed at the entrance and they also have a parking lot where the school service and other vehicles could park to safely pick up their children.

After waiting for a few minutes, he finally saw the familiar car entering the school premises and parking the car. The backdoor opened revealing his mother’s figure.

"Mom!" He jumped down from the steps and started running towards his mother. His mother quickly pulled him into a hug while peppering him with kisses.

’Did you have a nice day in school today?’ Xiu Mei wrote.

Lu Qiang nodded. After taking a quick scan of her son’s appearance, she quickly brought him back to the car. Lu Qiang started telling his day to his mother, as usual, skipping and beautifying the other parts where he thought that his mother might get sad or angry. It’s not like his mother would know that it wasn’t all true. Besides, based on his father’s reaction yesterday, he was more than willing to help him cover-up to not make his mother sad.

As soon as they arrived home, the little kid changed out of his uniform and started unpacking his homework. After checking his tablet for notes, Lu Qiang finally remembered his promise with his friends to play with them tomorrow. He brought his stuff to the living room where his mother was waiting for him there.



"Tomorrow, can I play with my classmates after class?"

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