Chapter 132 - Trust in Marriage

"Chen, are you a member of an underground organization?"

Lu Chen’s eyes quivered. She was sitting closely beside him so she immediately noticed the slight changes in his expressions. He looked very uneasy as if she caught him doing something bad.

And seeing his reaction like this, maybe she really did?

Did Lu Chen really work with an underground organization?

"Are you working with them?" She pressed.

Admittedly, she wasn’t the smartest one in the family. If she was, she wouldn’t have failed to save herself and Ying Yue years ago. Her twin brothers entered the military and politics respectively, climbing into a stable and important position. Even when they were young, the two of them were exemplary people who would always rake awards and praises no matter where they go.

Xiu Mei was quite the laidback one. She was pampered and spoiled at a very young age so she didn’t need to do anything to be praised by people. She was a bit arrogant, just like any other rich kids out there. That’s why when she decided to live independently, she had to work her hardest.

Her academic foundations weren’t bad, but they are average if compared to others. Then when she started interning at the Lu Corporations, she was desperate to learn even more. She felt inferiority seeing how talented the people in this company are.

Her hard work paid off and she became a trusted employee of the Lu Corporation.

That’s why right now, how she pieced all of it together was something she honed for years. It wasn’t intuition, rather, it was her trust in the data that was in front of her.

Lu Chen’s subordinates that she would often meet but he wasn’t keen on introducing them to her entirely. His interest in armory and ability to fight. He wasn’t fazed by the shooting exchange back then. His background didn’t have any information about his involvement in these kinds of things when he was younger.

That’s why she was suspecting that somehow, Lu Chen has connections to an underground organization. At first, she thought that he hired his own men for protection and security. But the vast amount of information he knows, and his random disappearances without any communications are quite similar to her eldest brother whenever he goes to his undercover missions.

But he’s not in the military. Then she can only conclude that cutting off communications means the possibility of being traced meant danger and the only place that fits in that criteria are people who are involved in the underworld.

She knew a little bit about it. It’s a place filled with violence and crimes but the vast amount of connections and information that they could gather there are something that is an advantage they use.

This kind of thing... if she was right, then does Lu Chen do things like this as well?

"Chen, can you be honest with me this time?" She looked at him straight in his eyes.

This time, Lu Chen avoided eye contact with her and fell into silence. He was clenching his fist because of anxiety and for the first time in his life, he was scared of how the people would judge him. He was afraid of how Xiu Mei would look at him.

Her parents weren’t exactly delighted to know that he was the chief of the top organization in the underworld. Who wouldn’t be? His hands are stained by the blood of the men he assassinated before. Even if the reason they kill is to suppress the people aiming for the power of the underworld, he still couldn’t justify the fact that he killed people.

Seeing that Xiu Mei is not receiving any response from Lu Chen, she became more upset.

’I guess... this is just where their relationship can really go.’ Is what she thought.

She stood up from the couch and walked for a few steps. She looked back at Lu Chen who looked downcast and spoke.

"I... We’ll finish the one year contract then we���ll divorce. It’s for the sake of Lu Qiang." She declared. "Then, goodnight."

And with that, she left the room and that’s how their conversation ended with the final decision of Xiu Mei to divorce him after a year.

She returned to her room with a heavy heart. Sitting on her bed, she thought about a lot of things.

Her relationship with Lu Chen and Lu Qiang. How reckless and impulsive she was. And no matter how much she feels secured with Lu Chen, it wasn’t enough to save their relationship and continue on their marriage.

She realized that the true pinnacle of marriage is trust.

She feels secure and safe every time she’s with him. But what about him? Does he really trust her?

Xiu Mei thought that one-sided trust wasn’t enough to continue on this relationship.

She was hurt. But then, if he had told her the truth, would she really be able to take it?

If Lu Chen honestly told her that he was involved in such activities, she couldn’t promise that she will be able to fully accept it too.

She’s just a human ah. Who wouldn’t be cautious and scared if the person they knew very well have killed a person before?

She wasn’t like her brothers who are matured enough to handle this information.

Right now, she feels like a hypocrite.

Her family in the military are people who are used to getting their hands stained with blood. They eliminate people because it’s an order to make their country safe, or when they need to defend themselves.

She herself is stained with the blood of her best friend.

And even if it’s just a possibility, how could she discriminate against Lu Chen like this?

If Lu Chen did confront her that he killed countless men before this, how would she react?

She was torn.

Thinking about it, she realized just now. How could she confront him like this when she wasn’t even prepared for the answer?

Is it because of the frustration she felt every time she feels clueless about the dangers she was in?

Does she actually feel bothered thinking that Lu Chen has so many secrets that he wasn’t willing to share with her?

Or is it because of her guilty conscience that she’s always on the receiving end of his help every time she becomes weak?

Xiu Mei, Xiu Mei. You’re really shameless.

Ever since Lu Chen decided to marry her, she already became indebted to him. Because this cold and unapproachable emperor she works for is the type of guy that would do anything for you once he decides you’re under his wing. That you are one of his people.

He has been protecting her ever since no matter how many times she declined his proposal before. And she promised to marry him because he promised that he wanted to protect her.

And right now, she is feeling uneasy about the possibility that Lu Chen is protecting her in a completely different way than she thought it was.

She... is really a bad person ah. A heartless at that.

Xiu Mei felt frustrated because she was stumped. She didn’t know what to do at all. She wanted to hear the truth from his mouth but what if she isn’t ready for it? At the same time, she thought about how ungrateful she is for doubting him like this.

That night, Xiu Mei lost sleep thinking about that.

On the other hand, Lu Chen was in despair.

His silence almost affirmed her that he was involved with underground activities.

How could he not even speak a word? Or lie even a little bit?

How can he let their relationship be over like this?

After Xiu Mei declared that she wanted to divorce him after their contract, all he wanted to was to grab her and chain her in here so she wouldn’t be able to escape from him.

He wanted to clip her wings and put her in a cage so she wouldn’t leave his sight.

But he couldn’t do so.

Thinking about the possibility of Xiu Mei knowing how dirty he is, he wasn’t prepared to see the fear and disgust in her eyes.

If she pushed him away and looked at him with that kind of look, he didn’t know how he would be able to take it.

How would he be able to take it? He.... loves her.

He fell in love with her passion and dedication. He fell in love with her flaws and fragility. He fell in love with every bit of her side.

He desired her because she was someone who seemed so perfect but broken. He thought that he was the right person that could fix her broken self.

But in reality, he may be the most undeserving person to have her.

He stood up and stopped outside of Xiu Mei’s room. He stood there but he was hesitating whether to knock on her door or not.

He wasn’t really ready to reveal himself to her. All he wanted to do now is beg to take her back.

But how? When the answer she is looking for is a disgusting truth?

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