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Silence ensued.

What shattered the silence was Nora’s wide-eyed exclamation, “What in the world…”

Lillia, who was sitting next to Nora, also widened her eyes and trembled. However, the most stunned of all was Ricky, who was now face to face with Rubette, right before him.


Even though he was staring directly at Madame Ruby, who had removed her mask, he couldn’t believe it. To be precise, he couldn’t comprehend the situation at all.

Rubette, turning back with a sly grin, addressed the staff, “It seems we have guests today, so please take good care of them. These two… are like family.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Understood, ma’am!”

“We will assist with utmost sincerity!”

The main branch employees who knew Rubette’s true identity bowed their waists at a perfect 90-degree angle and replied in unison. Only after seeing this sight did Ricky Diollus realize.

‘Madame Ruby…’

The high nose noblewoman nobody could ever please. The “perfect” woman who had first entered his heart and was considered his first love, Madame Ruby…

‘Is Rubetria?’

Everything fell into place.

Somewhere deep in Ricky’s heart, something shattered into pieces.

“Why are you standing there with such a dumbfounded expression?” Rubette, openly mocking Ricky, lightly gestured for him to step aside. “Get out of the way, you wretch.”


Ricky, who had stood there with his mouth agape in a daze, soon snapped out of it. Confusion, anger… Overwhelming emotions tormented him, but unfortunately, he couldn’t utter a word in front of Rubette right now.

Carefully lowering his gaze, Ricky trembled as he stepped aside slowly.


Rubette mocked his pathetic state, once again donned her mask.

A quick-acting employee opened the door. “Ma’am, please walk carefully.”

“Please go safely, ma’am!”

“Please return safely!”

Escorted by the enthusiastic staff, Rubetria Diollus, the owner of Blanc de Ruby, gracefully left the shop.


Same moment at the imperial palace, banquet hall.

Here, the annual diplomatic event between the Descarde Empire and the Rohben Kingdom was in full swing.

“Hehehe… To host a humble person like me in this manner, I am at a loss. Which king from any nation could enjoy such a splendid banquet with the emperor and empress of this great empire, along with your noble highnesses?” At the head of a grand and opulent dining table, King Robben VIII of Robben, seated shoulder to shoulder with the emperor and empress of the empire, chuckled heartily while stroking his long beard.

“Humble, you say? Rohben is our brother nation, isn’t it? It’s only natural to treat you with great hospitality.”

The island kingdom of Robben, known as the ruler of the seas, was a country of great prestige, shoulder to shoulder with the empire. And the current ruler, King Robben VIII, was a shrewd and astute leader who knew how to assess profits and negotiate well, making Robben the wealthiest it had ever been since its founding.

“Hahaha! Your words are very kind; I appreciate it.”

He flaunted his wealth unabashedly, wearing a top-quality silk cape, a jeweled crown, and gold adornments on every finger.

“I hope we continue as we are, just as we are. My Robben, the great ruler of the seas, and the empire, the unchallenged authority of the continent! Hahaha…”

“That’s a delightful sentiment. Let’s have a toast.”

“Haha, certainly!”

The emperor and King Robben VIII filled each other’s glasses.

Upon doing so, the princes and princesses seated on either side of the head table raised their glasses in turn.

There were at least twenty members of the imperial family present.

Prince Lark, seated in the first seat on the right side of the head table, momentarily recalled a memory from one month ago.


The day of Rubette’s debutante ball was precisely one month ago. It was the day they had fooled Nathan with their acting skills.

“The Nathan I knew will surely find a way to approach you tonight. He’ll at least come to see your face.”

“Hmm, I see.”

As Rubette checked her attire in the empty dressing room just before their late arrival, Lark added while assisting her, “But don’t worry and enjoy yourself. As long as my spirit’s power can reach, I can detect his location and movements…”

“Yes, I know.”

As Lark fastened her necklace, his brows furrowed slightly. “You seem quite at ease… If anything happens, just come running to me right away. No, I’ll keep a close eye on you at all times.”

“I’m not too concerned about the 2nd Prince causing trouble for me. As you mentioned, your spirit is keeping a close watch. What worries me more is…”


“Well, it’s October now, right? There’s something that’s about to happen, and I want to tell you before I forget. We can’t afford to be unprepared like we were with the 1st Princess.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“In the winter of 1520, around this time, there’s something we need to do. Let’s try to save the 8th Prince.”

“…The 8th Prince? What’s happened to him?”

“During the diplomatic banquet with the Robben Kingdom, he gave quite a witty response.”

“A witty response? Oh, are you talking about Robben’s Riddle?”


The Riddle was an event that always took place at the diplomatic banquet with the Robben Kingdom.

Robben’s ancestors were known as cunning merchants, and one of them had risen from a commoner to become a nation’s overlord with remarkable intelligence. Inheriting this cunning, the Robbens were known for their cleverness, and they took great pride in it. To showcase their brilliant minds, the successive Kings of Robben would always pose a perplexing riddle at diplomatic events with other nations.

“The response from the 8th Prince at that time caused quite a sensation in the newspapers.”

[The 8th Prince, the greatest contributor to friendship with the Robben Kingdom.

Robben VIII was very impressed by the clever response from the young prince, noting, “I was greatly astonished by the intelligence reminiscent of the crown prince. Indeed, the bloodline of Descarde…”]

“It was because of his statement that made people recall the crown prince who was long gone at the time. Since that dinner, the 8th Prince has garnered considerable attention. Even the emperor noticed him.”

[The 8th Prince; the little star falls.

Attacked by assailants while leaving the banquet.]

“And precisely six months later, he was assassinated. It seems the unexpected threat posed by his younger sibling to the succession worried the 2nd Prince, so he got rid of the 8th Prince.”

Rubette proposed a simple solution.

“I can tell you what the 8th Prince’s response was on that day. It might be best if Your Highness intercepts it.”

“No, I have a better idea.”

“What is it?”

Lark suggested setting a trap.

“Give that response to Nathan with your own hands.”


“Let’s deceive Nathan, who’s eyeing you.”


“Make him think that you’re holding his rope over mine.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Then you can escape his threat. If he thinks you’re on his side, there would be no need to kidnap or intimidate you.”

“This is a good idea. The timing is perfect, and today, the 2nd Prince will likely—”

“Exactly. He’ll approach you.”

“Alright! Let’s set the trap like this!” Rubette clapped her hands and then gestured to Lark.

When Lark lowered his head to lend an ear, Rubette whispered something. Startled, Lark shook his head. “Oh, I can’t do that.”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“No, I can’t…”

“Oh, come on, don’t be shy. We don’t have time, so let’s start practicing the act now.”

“Princess, hold on.”

“Now, treat me like a slave. Grab my shoulder roughly and turn me around with force.”

“…” Lark hesitated. Rubette, who was so small by his standards, looked so fragile that he might hurt her if he grabbed her roughly.

He applied a bit of force to Rubette’s small shoulder and turned her around.


Rubette turned around, looking bewildered, and Lark raised both hands as if surrendering.

“Sorry. I got carried away.”

“…What kind of glass were you trying to move?”


“Don’t play around! Again!”

“Again? You want me to do it again?”

“Again! Stronger! Make it convincing enough for the 2nd Prince!”

Under the guidance of Rubette, the acting instructor for that day…

“More aggressively!”

“Like you’re handling a slave!”

“More! More!”

…Lark managed to slightly improve his acting skills.

In any case, that day was a resounding success.


“… Your Highness?”

“Oh, yes!”

Lark snapped back to reality at the gentle voice of King Robben VIII.

King Robben VIII, who had been observing Lark piercingly, smiled and said, “The rumors of the next crown prince, who will one day lead the empire, have also reached Robben across the sea. Strong, intelligent, and kind. Truly a man befitting a leader of the great empire.”

“Is that so?” The emperor looked pleased.

At the same time, all eyes turned toward Lark. Amongst many noble siblings, he was shining distinctly.

The white uniform that wrapped his well-built physique exuded a commanding presence, and his distinct facial features captured everyone’s attention. He had a gentle and affectionate tone of voice. Yet, his gaze remained firm and unwavering, radiating the strength and dignity of a noble and a leader.


As King Robben VIII, who had been continuously gazing at Lark, nodded in admiration, the emperor and empress, who had been watching Lark, smiled with satisfaction.

This was a very familiar sight.

From the moment of his birth until now, Lark van Rashmagh Descarde, the perfect crown prince of the empire, had always been at the center of admiration, discussion, and reverence.

A life that had never gone unnoticed.

A man destined to live as the protagonist.

‘I really want to tear him apart.’

Nathan, the 2nd Prince watching him from across, thought inwardly. The familiar situation where everything revolved around Lark was so tiresome and infuriating.

‘If only he would…’

For a brief moment, their gazes met as if grazing in the empty air.

That’s when…

“Well, I have a dilemma these days…” Robben VIII, playfully raising an eyebrow, rested his chin on his hand and looked around the banquet table. After one last glance at Lark, he continued, “If it’s alright, may I seek advice from the intelligent crown prince?”

“Of course,” Lark readily agreed.

The time had finally come. Although he had playfully mentioned having a dilemma, everyone at this gathering knew the real reason.

The riddle that appeared at every diplomatic event with the Robben Kingdom.

“A few days ago, a man came to me, crying and seeking help. While he was studying abroad in another country, his father passed away, and he received a strange testament through a slave.”

“What was the content of the testament?”

“He said he would give all his property to the slave. However, he only allowed his son to choose one item from the property.”

“I see.” Lark furrowed his brow.

“The son mentioned that the slave was quite greedy and suspected that the will had been forged. But it wasn’t. It was indeed a testament left by the man’s father.”

“Why would he leave such a testament?”

“That’s what I’m curious about as well. Anyway, he has to follow the will, so he can choose only one item from the property, and he doesn’t know what to choose. What advice would you give, Crown Prince?”

Lark had to provide a satisfactory answer here. Failing to do so would have consequences. King Robben VIII would subtly mock him, and the emperor would be displeased.

“Hmm, well…” Lark pretended to ponder for a long time with a serious expression. “It’s difficult… Among the property, perhaps he should choose the most valuable item.”

“Hmm, I see…”

It was a response anyone could come up with.

As expected, King Robben VIII wore a somewhat disappointed expression.

The emperor, who was watching, looked displeased.

But at that moment, Nathan was trembling with delight.

[The 2nd Prince will have to answer this question sooner or later.]

The note given to him by Vista’s contractee, Rubette, had the answer to this very question.

[The answer is the slave. The slave is part of the property, and having a slave is essentially the same as having all the property.]

“Um, if it’s not impolite, may I share my thoughts?” Nathan smiled and interjected.

[The answer from that day will soon become the 2nd Prince’s little maneuver. It will catch the eye of the emperor, and it will start to create cracks in the power struggle toward the future successor.]

“Oh, 2nd Prince? Right, you’re the one who’d advise this man, right? What should he choose from his property? Gemstones? Bars of gold?”

[If this note is helpful in any way, please…]

“No, I would advise him to choose the slave.”

[I hope you can somehow repay the favor in the future. I am in a situation where I desperately need your help.]

Upon Nathan’s response, King Robben VIII’s eyes widened.

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