Born in apocalypse

Chapter 3: Cosmic evolution

Chapter 3: Cosmic evolution

One month before the meeting,

Dhruv was headed towards his cell when, as he was about to drift off to sleep on his bed, a surge of weakness engulfed him. His legs went numb, causing him to collapse headfirst into the ground, losing consciousness.

After a few hours, he finally gained conciseness.

And when he opened his eyes, his eyes widened at the sight of whatever was in front of him...

He could not believe his eyes because, the area under the bed between him and the wall. There was literally a crack in space in front of his eye. This crack was almost like a miniature version of the portal that Doctor Strange uses to make transportation, albeit blue in color.

"Wait!! what the fuck is this thing doing here, Shouldn't all the Marvel movies be pure fiction?"

He waited for some time for Dr. Strange to come out of this portal and save him from this hell hole, but even after waiting for a few minutes, nothing happened.

"I guess we ain't going to see Doctor Strange today,"

'Should I touch it?'

'What if I get sucked in it?'

He thinks about it for a moment and comes to the conclusion that he shouldn't mess with this thing. But curiosity got the better of him, and he ultimately touched it...

"Here goes nothing."

But as soon as his hands were about to touch the portal, they were repelled from it as if some otherworldly force was preventing him from touching it. The closer he got to the portal, the more repulsion he felt in his palms.

The fact that blue color vapors were emanating from the gateway is another unusual aspect of the situation. The quantity is not very much; Instead, it was almost negligent. It was practically unnoticeable if one didn't pay attention to it.

In the midst of this strange phenomenon, he remembered that he had to eat food too. He saw that he would be going to bed hungry today when he caught a glimpse of the time in his room. as no one will wait for him with a serving of food in their hand given that it is almost midnight.

But this was nothing new to him.

He was about to go to sleep with a sad face, and that's when he realized Hey!!

'Am I even hungry or not? Because I can clearly feel my stomach full. Even when I haven't eaten anything since this morning.'

He didn't eat, or more likely, he couldn't eat breakfast because Dekion would always take his breakfast.

But how can this happen? I haven't eaten anything since morning, and Dekion took away half of what I ate last night.

That's when Dhruv realized something.... and instinctively looked towards that portal.

Then what he saw left his eyes wide open.

Because he could see that the vapor coming from the portal was being absorbed into his body. Like his body is made up of a magnet, and the vapor is clearly attracted to it.

Seeing this, he was so happy that he forgot to even question this strange phenomenon. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

What is this vapor, and why is it being absorbed into my body and satisfying my hunger?

And there was a reason for him to be so happy. Because now he will never have to sleep hungry.

He spent the whole night in peace. knowing that he won't Starve anymore.

But this peace only lasts until the morning. The very next morning, Dekion and his men came, their fists clenched, ready to beat him once again.

And this cycle continued every day, like a storm that refused to calm down. With each blow, the pain etched deeper into his bones, leaving scars on his wounded soul. The bruises on his body became a cruel testament to his suffering.

He held onto a flicker of hope, believing that their beating would end and that they would become bored with their bullying. But this was nothing but mere naivety, shattered by the harsh reality that greeted him every morning. The bullying continued, relentless and unyielding.

Days melted into weeks, weeks transformed into months, And now, exactly a year has passed since he discovered the portal. He becomes trapped in this terrible whirlpool of suffering.

Due to his constant proximity to the portal, his body has undergone significant improvements, but not enough to allow him to combat 20 opponents at once.

Due to not getting enough pleasure from beating Dhruv, Or As fate would have it, their cruelty found another target in Charlie. Dhruv first watched in anguish as his friend became a victim, bearing the brunt of their attacks. But in his desperation, Charlie turned his back on Dhruv, blaming him for the misery that had consumed his own existence.

Then, Dhruv's eyes were opened to Charlie's true nature, stripped of the friendly facade that had deceived him for so long. The revelation pierced his heart, a dagger of betrayal that cut deep. The realization dawned upon him that Charlie had been nothing more than a manipulator, using their friendship as a tool for his own gains.

In the midst of the physical torment and emotional betrayal, Dhruv found himself standing at the crossroads of despair. The weight of the world bore down upon him, threatening to extinguish the last vestiges of his resilience. Yet, in the depths of his pain, a flicker of determination sparked within him, a whisper of defiance that refused to be silenced.


As usual, Dekion and his men were standing around Dhruv, Ready to complete today's quota.

Dhruv is standing in the middle of all these men with his lifeless eyes, not even complaining about the whole thing.

Dhruv stood silently while Dekion slowly walked towards him, clinching his hand, making a fist. Just as he was about to hit Dhruv, a sound was heard in his mind, similar to a phone notification.


Dekion stopped midway and started looking around, trying to find the source from which this sound was coming. After looking around, he couldn't find any abnormalities, so he asked his men.

"Did you guys also hear this weird-ass notification sound?"

The group of men were all startled, including Dhruv, because they had also heard the sound of this notification.

"Yes," one of the men replied.

Everyone was about to question the sound when another one came to mind, this time more clear and complete.

[Attention! Beings of the cosmos. The 'cosmic evolution' has descended upon your solar system, marking a major turning point in your existence. Prepare for the revelations that follow.]

"What Cosmos?"

"What kind of Cosmic evolution?"

This type of question was going on in everyone's mind, as if whoever said this could read everyone's mind. Information about Cosmic evolution pops up in front of everyone.

[In this cosmic realm, when a new solar system is born, it slumbers, awaiting its awakening. but fear not, for the 'cosmic evolution' arrives! It is a magical event where cosmic energies converge and fill the young solar system with incredible potential.

As cosmic evolution unfolds, extraordinary things happen. Springs of magical water burst forth, bringing life to fantastical plants and creatures. Imagine vibrant flowers with shimmering colors and creatures unlike any you've seen.

But the magic doesn't stop there! Mortals touched by this cosmic energy discover newfound abilities. Spells become reality, and they gain the power to heal, protect, and destroy. It is a time of growth and wonder, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.]

Dhruv instantly knew the answer to his question about the origin of the portal as soon as he saw the word "magic." But the reason they arrived still remains a mystery.

However, this mystery won't last for very long....

Dhruv was thinking about the announcement when it began to play once more.

[You are now intimately linked to the vast cosmos itself. Through this connection, a profound interplay of energies and forces occurs, forging an intricate relationship between all beings. This cosmic bond transcends individuality and fosters a sense of collective consciousness.]

The mark of 'cosmic connection' was inscribed in their chests without their knowledge as soon as this dialogue ended.

[The cosmos operates under the fundamental principle of balance. It ensures that harm and well-being are distributed equally based on individual performance and choices. Your actions will directly impact the harmony or disharmony within the cosmic network.]

[The emergence of 'Mana': With the evolution, and unveiling comes the introduction of an extraordinary form of energy known as 'mana.' Mana represents the pinnacle of power, transcending conventional energy sources within your solar system. It is a versatile force capable of transforming into various manifestations, including heat, cold, light, darkness, life, death, sound, and more.]

[Soar high, embrace growth, and reach for your limitless potential! Being of cosmos]

In the annals of time, this message will redefine humanity's destiny. Its impact, whether for good or ill, remains to be witnessed.

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