Chapter 44: Comatose

"Aye can I get some help over here?!"

Mal appeared in the middle of the fanciest hospital he could find and immediately cried out for help.

Doctors and nurses were stunned when, one of the most famous men in the world suddenly showed up shirtless and carrying a bloodied girl.

After getting over their surprise, they immediately sprung into action and gingerly took Melanie from his arms.

"Umm sir.. do you mind telling us what happened?" One of the nurses asked.

She was trying to do her job and remain professional, but it was extremely difficult since Mal had yet to cover up his body.

Malachi begrudgingly told the nurse that she was his friend who was being abused and he just so happened to come by in time to save her.

He tended to keep his omniscience a secret, since he figured it would make people uncomfortable around him.

I mean, who would like it if they knew it was virtually impossible to keep secrets from him?

During the night he could be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

The nurse listened to his testimony and immediately contacted police to arrest Derek.

Although Malachi was certain they would not find him, atleast not so easily.

He could currently see him loading up his car fervently and preparing to drive away.

"I'll deal with you later.." he muttered before taking a seat in the waiting room.

For now, nothing mattered more than making sure Melanie was alright.

The nurse from before delivered him a spare shirt so he was no longer drawing the gazes of all of the nurses.

Although, the nurse who originally gave him the shirt was now getting hateful glares from her coworkers.

They wanted to keep enjoying the show damn it!

They got to see bodies all day long but none like this!

As Mal sat in the waiting room, he fought desperately to keep his eyes open.

He still hadn't recovered from his strenuous training earlier so teleporting twice and using his enhanced sight was really taking its toll.

'I can't rest.. not until I know she's okay.'

- 1 hour later

A nurse finally came to get Malachi and took him into Melanie's hospital room.

There he saw her sleeping blissfully with a tube in her mouth and bandages around her head.

"She's out of danger for now but she does appear to be comatose." The doctor said with a sorrowful expression.

Those words broke Malachi's heart as he stared absentmindedly at the girl he used to love.

"I'll.. give you some time alone." The nurse exited from the room, closing the door behind her and leaving Mal alone with only his anguish.

"Ah.. waking up to your face really is the best."

Malachi said as he stared dreamily at his attractive girlfriend.

Those words seemed to send the woman over the edge and before Mal knew it, she was weeping furiously as she lept on top of him.

"I-I'm so glad you're okay!!"

"Hey, hey what's all this crying for?" Malachi asked as he wiped her tears.

"Y-you've been unconscious for four days!" Sei cried.

"Pardon?" Malachi asked in shock. "Don't you mean four hours?"


Malachi could do nothing but hold his weeping girlfriend in surprise.

He felt like he'd just had a really nice nap, but he'd actually been in a small coma.


Aubrey was now awake and she too was crying all over Malachi.

"W-what happened to you? You had all of us so worried!"


Mal was suddenly drawing a blank.

He didn't remember what happened exactly.

Though the sudden question did remind him of what he was doing here in the first place.

"Is Melanie okay?" He suddenly asked.

Aubrey and Sei suddenly made uncomfortable expressions.

Mal immediately feared the worst and his heart began to accelerate rapidly.

"She's fine but…" Aubrey began.

"But what?!"

"Honey.." Sei shyly began. "Did you… do something to her?"

Malachi felt his face heat up as he heard his girlfriend ask him the worst question imaginable.

"What? No! You know I want you to be my first woman."

"Gross!" Aubrey cried.

"T-That's not what I meant!" Sei blushed furiously and she tried not to show how happy she was with Malachi's sudden declaration.

"Oh.." Malachi immediately calmed down and said a silent apology to his sister for any trauma he may have caused.

"Then what's going on with her?" Mal asked again.

The girls looked at each other with complicated eyes before Aubrey spoke.

"Well she's.."

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